Even the wines for which it was so celebrated were not more so.
The cup-bearers performed their duties on horseback, galloping round the hall and handing the choicest wines in costly vases of gold, silver, or crystal.
Our first wines from Bordeaux--the true country of Bacchus--appear to have been imported about 1154, by the marriage of Henry II.
While her artificial wines are fermenting, her whole life is restlessness and anxiety.
Her conserves mould, her wines sour, and pickles mother; and, like all the rest of mankind, she is every day mortified with the defeat of her schemes and the disappointment of her hopes.
Wines and spices were likewise put under ban; whey he permitted, but not milk, and water freely, but always warm.
Good wine in moderation is not hurtful; the red wines diluted with water are the best, but good port, tokay, and whiskey well diluted find application in particular cases.
However, Chicot had a head of iron, and as for Henri, he said he could drink these wines of the country like milk.
A table was laid, sumptuously served with the richest viands, and with rare wines in bottles of costly Venetian glass.
And in this mountain shall the Lord of hosts make unto all people a feast of fat things, a feast of wines on the lees, of fat things full of marrow, of wines on the lees well refined.
It is here that the famous wines of Cotè Rotie and Hermitage are made.
Sparkling wines and aërated waters are saturated under pressure with the same gas.
With respect to the wines called Sacks, much diversity of opinion has prevailed, and although the question has been frequently discussed, it still remains, in a great measure, undetermined.
The term then was applied neither to sweet nor dry wines exclusively, but to Canary, Xeres (i.
Sinzig Between Andernach and Bonn is the tiny city of Sinzig, famous for two things,--its charmingly disposed parish church and the wines of Assmanhaus.
In proof of the quality of the wines of Bacharach, it is said that Pope Pius II.
Asmanhausen, a few miles up the river, is the central mart for the red wines of the Rhine.
These wines of the Moselle are, to be sure, secondary to those of the vineyards of the Rhine and the Main, but the varieties are very numerous.
Rudesheim Rudesheim, but a small town of less than three thousand inhabitants, is noted for its wines and its ruins.
Trifoline wines were so called from being fit to drink at the third appearance of the leaf, "quæ tertio anno ad bibendum tempestiva forent.
The hard labour of the day approved the cooling exercise and the crowning refreshments of French cookery and wines of known vintages.
And men are grossly purchasable; good wines have them, good cigars, a goodfellow air: they are never quite worth their salt even then; you can make head against their ill looks.
The wines are drunk, the people butchered, the houses fired.
Fond of dogs and horses, fond of wines and dinners, the young gentleman found his official income far below his wants.
The dinners are well-served; the sterlet is good to eat; but the wines are not first-rate and the native knives and forks are bad.
Soupe Pierrugues delivered wines only on a note signed by the controller of the kitchen; all the bottles not opened were returned, and each evening an account was given of what had been used for that day.
Establish a moderate price at all these residences, and you alone will furnish wines to my household.
Champagne and other winesespecially were used in great quantities, and it was very necessary that the Emperor should establish regulations as to his cellar.
The bottom contained wines for the Emperor's table and that of the high officers, the ordinary wine being bought at the places where we stopped.
He tells us how they dine, even the wines and dishes which they favour, and follows them into the very mysteries of their smoking-room.
But the dinners were always the same; dishes worthy of the great days of the Bourbons, and wines of rarity and price, which could not ruin Neuchatel, for in many instances the vineyards belonged to himself.
French wines against the stronger wines of Spain and Portugal, for that will be the operation of the Treaty.
He spent money like water, and in hardly any time at all, the girl whose salary was thirty-five shillings a week found a delirious joy in expensive wines and foods, in rare flowers, in what was to her an astounding vie de luxe.
I dare not let you attempt any of the wines from the public house at the corner.
The best red wines are grown about Ajaccio, Tallano, Cervione and Sartene, and the best white wines in Sari and in the valleys of Cape Corso.
The wines grown in this neighbourhood command good prices in the Corsican market.
Process for making and preparing Claret Wine for shipping; without which preparation such wines are considered unfit for exportation, being in its natural state about the strength of our common Cider.
I have also added the Bordeaux method of making and preparing claret wine for shipping, as practised in that city and its vicinity; which practice may possibly hereafter be successfully applied to the red wines of this country.
Bordeaux presented a memorial to that monarch, praying him to put a stop to the importation of the wines of Kaskaskias into France, as likely, if permitted, to be injurious to the trade of Bordeaux.
Henry III had his wines stored at Guildford, probably in the caverns near the Castle, and once, with a capital eye for business, ordered that no other wines should be sold in the bailiwick of Surrey until his had found a buyer.
He had a nice taste inwines and tea, and was properly generous to musicians and servants:-- £ s.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "wines" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.