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Example sentences for "nostril"

Lexicographically close words:
nostrae; nostram; nostras; nostre; nostri; nostrils; nostris; nostro; nostrorum; nostros
  1. Rechaka, or pressing the right nostril with the thumb, and expelling the breath through the left nostril, and vice versa.

  2. The side of the head in Archaeopteryx is distinguished by the nostril being far forward, the vacuity in front of the orbit being as large as in the Pterodactyle Scaphognathus from Solenhofen and other long-tailed Pterodactyles.

  3. In Ptenodracon the antorbital vacuity appears to have no existence separate from the nostril which adjoins the eye hole.

  4. The nostril is rather small and elongated, and ascends over the larger antorbital vacuity.

  5. If this region of the beak in Dimorphodon be compared with the corresponding part of a Dinosaur from the Permian rocks, or Trias, the relation of the nostril to the bones forming the beak may be better understood.

  6. The outer and hinder border of the nostril is made by another bone named the maxillary bone, which is usually much shorter than the premaxillary.

  7. Rhamphorhynchus is distinguished by the small size of the antorbital vacuity, which is placed lower than the nostril on the side of the face.

  8. The two holes are the eye and the nostril (From the Cambridge Greensand)] The Cambridge specimens manifestly belong to at least three genera.

  9. This result is brought about by growth taking place, in the one case at the front margin of the maxillary bone so as to carry the nostril forward, and in the other case at the back margin of the premaxillary bone.

  10. The head has the same four lateral vacuities, but the nostril is relatively small and elongated, extending partly above the oval antorbital opening, which was larger.

  11. First, the nostril is nearest to the extremity of the beak.

  12. In most birds there is a large vacuity in the side of the head between the nostril and the orbit of the eye, partly separated from it by the bone which carries the duct for tears named the lachrymal bone.

  13. The girl's dark eyes flashed, and her beautiful chiselled nostril dilated as she threw her head back, and stamped her little foot on the floor.

  14. Nostril situated at a greater distance from the eye than it is from the end of the bill; a small yellow spot on the bare space in front of the eye; plumage entirely white; bill and legs black.

  15. They can be distinguished in any plumage, from the fact that the nostril is nearer the eye than it is the tip of the bill, while that of the last species is located midway between the eye and the tip of the bill.

  16. Then will the garden of your hearts bring forth its flowers of delightful fragrance to refresh the nostril of the heavenly Gardener.

  17. We must cleanse the nostril in order to scent the fragrances of the divine rose garden.

  18. The nostril that is clogged with dust cannot inhale the fragrant odors of the blossoms.

  19. Snout long; distance from anterior corner of eye to nostril equal to diameter of eye; nostrils slightly protuberant, directed laterally; internarial distance, 2.

  20. Snout moderately long, distance from anterior corner of eye to nostril slightly less than diameter of eye; nostrils slightly protuberant, directed anterolaterally; internarial area barely depressed; distance between nostrils 2.

  21. Snout short, distance from anterior corner of eye to nostril equal to about three-fourths diameter of eye; nostrils slightly protuberant, directed dorsolaterally; internarial distance 2.

  22. Now set the teeth and stretch the nostril wide; Hold hard the breath, and bend up every spirit To his full height.

  23. Each nostril covered by a single stiff feather.

  24. Each nostril is covered by one buff feather.

  25. It is thy august nostril that Mentu, lord of Uast, desireth should live for ever.

  26. Nostril in a vertical groove at base of bill.

  27. Feathers of back greatly lengthened, decomposed, and overhanging the tail-coverts; nostril opening without an overhanging membrane.

  28. Bill blunt and very stout, its width at nostril equal to bill from nostril.

  29. Feathers of back not greatly lengthened; nostril with an overhanging membrane .

  30. Bill from nostril more than tarsus; bill slender and strongly curved.

  31. And do you ever seek salvation with half the zeal displayed when you lay your keen nostril to the trail of a fresh benefice or a fat mitre.

  32. And, in the same way, in profile the distance from the extreme side of the nostril where it joins the cheek to the tip of the nose is equal to the width of the nose in front from one nostril to the other.

  33. Reverse the process by breathing in through the right nostril then retaining the breath in both the nostrils and then letting out the breath through the left nostril).

  34. His nostril came a Boar, no bigger than a thumb.

  35. The low sun was full in her face, rendering every feature, shade, and contour distinct, from the curve of her little nostril to the colour of her eyes.

  36. Nostril nearer to tip of bill than to eye.

  37. Everywhere a great murk with tongues of flame--smoke in nostril and eyes and the wind blowing fast.

  38. From the left came a bay stallion, devouring the earth, legs and head one tawny line, distended nostril and red-lit eye.

  39. The nostril fly (Cephenemyia) is another serious dipterous parasite of the Caribou.

  40. I suspect that the Caribou uses the same means, in an effort to fend off a nostril fly (Cephenemyia) bent on depositing its larvae.

  41. Into each nostril put a conical piece of paper, open at each end to allow of breathing.

  42. This crowds the nostril opening together, and changes its shape very materially.

  43. The nostrils must be cut through so far back from the end of the nose that the cut will not be visible in the open nostril when viewed from in front.

  44. And the smell of thy nostril like apples.

  45. From the one nostril (goeth forth) the smoke, and from the other nostril the fire, and they both are found on the altar, as well the fire as the smoke.

  46. Where the bleeding is persistent, the nostril should be plugged with a small roll of clean cotton or paper.

  47. A simple method of checking "nosebleed" is that of drawing air through the bleeding nostril, while the other nostril is compressed with the finger.

  48. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "nostril" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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    airway; nostril; shaft; spiracle; transom; vent; ventilator