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Example sentences for "nitro"

Lexicographically close words:
nitrification; nitrifying; nitrile; nitrite; nitrites; nitrobenzene; nitrobenzol; nitrocellulose; nitrogen; nitrogenised
  1. According to their origin and constitution they may be distinguished as nitro compounds, sulphonated azo compounds and sulphonated basic colours.

  2. From a chemical point of view the colouring matters themselves are of an acid character, this being due to the presence in the molecule of nitro (NO2) or sulphonic acid (HSO3) groups.

  3. It was therefore necessary to manufacture some more nitro glycerine, and the nitro glycerine did its accustomed work.

  4. This nitro compound is carefully purified until it stands the very high purity requirements of the Home Office, and is then ground with oxygen-bearing salts, &c.

  5. This is one of the oldest of the nitro powders.

  6. Di-nitro Benzene~ is a product of the further action of nitric acid on benzene or nitro-benzene.

  7. Di-nitro Benzene~ is obtained by treating a charge of the hydrocarbon benzene with double the quantity of mixed acids in two operations, or rather in two stages, the second lot of acid being run in directly after the first.

  8. Sunlight, if direct, can cause a slow decomposition, as with all nitro and nitric compounds.

  9. Explosives of the first class are generally known as the high explosives, and consist for the most part of nitro compounds, or mixtures of nitro compounds with other substances.

  10. The most expeditious method of determining the nitrogen in these nitro bodies is by the use of Lungé's nitrometer (Fig.

  11. These nitro bodies are not acids, nor are they ethereal salts of nitrous acid, as nitro-glycerine is of glycerine.

  12. Of all the nitro compounds, the least dangerous to manufacture are gun-cotton and collodion-cotton.

  13. The nitro compounds are mostly pale yellow liquids, which distil unchanged, and volatilise with water vapour, or colourless or pale yellow needles or prisms.

  14. A good cleaning fluid for many of the Nitro Powders, such as "Bullseye," "R.

  15. Hudson's nitro solvent formula, as follows: Astral oil (or Kerosene free from acid) 2 fluid ounces Sperm oil 1 fluid ounce Acetone 1 fluid ounce Turpentine 1 fluid ounce NOTE.

  16. This nitro compound crystallizes in flattened needles of a light yellow color.

  17. When treated with nitric acid in the usual way it takes up like the others three nitro groups and so becomes tri-nitro-toluol.

  18. I ventured to suggest that it might be dangerous to shoot such a heavy charge of nitro powder out of a very light gun proofed only for black powder.

  19. The penetration of the nickel-coated automatic bullet propelled by its big charge of nitro powder is very great.

  20. Nitric acid changes all kinds of cellulose into nitro products, the composition of which depends upon the strength of the acid, the duration of treatment, and one or two other factors.

  21. A hypothetical nitro derivative of quinol or hydroquinone, not known in the free state, but forming a well defined series of derivatives.

  22. Any one of a series of hydrocarbons containing the nitro and the nitroso or isonitroso group united to the same carbon atom.

  23. An explosive substance consisting essentially of sawdust or wood pulp, saturated with nitroglycerin and other similar nitro compounds.

  24. Any one of a series of nitro derivatives of phenol.

  25. Any one of a series of nitro derivatives of aniline.

  26. An explosive nitro derivative of certain sugars, analogous to nitroglycerin, gun cotton, etc.

  27. A nitro derivative of methane, analogous to chloroform, obtained as a colorless oily or crystalline substance, CH.

  28. An orange-red dyestuff prepared from certain nitro compounds of creosol, and used as a substitute for the safflower dye.

  29. Pertaining to, derived from, designating, certain amido compounds obtained by reducing certain nitro derivatives of diphenyl.

  30. In addition to nitrotoluene, p-nitrobenzyl alcohol, p-nitrocinnamic acid and similar compounds may be oxidized, but their cost is prohibitive in comparison with that of the cheaper nitro hydrocarbon.

  31. Other Methods of Preparation The nitration of benzoic acid produces only very small yields of the p-nitro product.

  32. It is usually preferable to run the alkaline solution into the dilute sulfuric acid, rather than to use the reverse procedure, for the precipitation of the nitro acid.

  33. Somewhat later, they found that it could be prepared from diazobenzene imide, provided a nitro group were present in the ortho or para position to the diazo group.

  34. Those not containing a nitro group may be prepared by the oxidation of the corresponding mixed hydrazo compounds with mercuric oxide.

  35. The para-nitro compound is dropped slowly into a cold solution of one part of caustic potash in ten parts of absolute alcohol; the solution becomes dark red in colour and is then warmed for two days on the water bath.

  36. Defn: Any one of a series of nitro derivatives of phenol.

  37. Defn: Any one of a series of hydrocarbons containing the nitro and the nitroso or isonitroso group united to the same carbon atom.

  38. Defn: Of, pertaining to, or designating, a nitro derivative of salicylic acid, called also anilic acid.

  39. The term is sometimes loosely used to designate certain nitro compounds; as, nitrosyl sulphuric acid.

  40. Defn: A nitro derivative of methane obtained as a mobile liquid; -- called also nitrocarbol.

  41. Defn: An explosive nitro derivative of certain sugars, analogous to nitroglycerin, gun cotton, etc.

  42. Defn: Pertaining to, derived from, designating, certain amido compounds obtained by reducing certain nitro derivatives of diphenyl.

  43. It is not a nitro compound, but an ethereal salt of nitric acid.

  44. Defn: A name sometimes given to the nitro group or radical.

  45. Defn: Any one of a series of nitro derivatives of aniline.

  46. Defn: A nitro derivative of methane, analogous to chloroform, obtained as a colorless oily or crystalline substance, CH.

  47. Defn: A hypothetical nitro derivative of quinol or hydroquinone, not known in the free state, but forming a well defined series of derivatives.

  48. Before putting on suits, Banner sent Arnold to the locker to get the three nitro paks.

  49. We have a pistol and three small nitro paks in a locker some place.

  50. The nitro group has a very important action mainly on account of the readiness with which it can be introduced into the molecule, but its effect is much less than that of the azo group.

  51. Hence the positions occupied by the nitro groups in the two different nitrobrombenzoic acids must be symmetrical with respect to the carboxyl group.

  52. Meyer, which are formed when nitrous acid acts on primary aliphatic nitro compounds.

  53. The nitro group behaves very similarly to the hydroxyl group.

  54. Known as a vasodilator, the nitro lowered the workload on her heart by expanding her veins.

  55. She casually said her farewells and got down to the car and was sitting behind the wheel before she popped a nitro tab.

  56. She had a nitro tab at the ready, but she didn't have to pop it.

  57. I guess it's not much of a secret anymore, with me popping nitro every other day.

  58. Entrance of a nitro group strengthens the poisonous character.

  59. However, the same result will be obtained with less labor by using Hoppe's Nitro Powder Solvent No.

  60. A nitro derivative of methane, analogous to chloroform, obtained as a colorless oily or crystalline substance, CH.

  61. A name sometimes given to the nitro group or radical.

  62. The reduction of the nitro group is best effected by means of tin and HCl, in the proportion, salt 5 parts, tin 6 parts and concentrated HCl 30 parts.

  63. If now a method could be obtained for removing the nitro group the desired result would be attained.

  64. By the action of reducing agents on nitro and nitroso-compounds, the nitro and nitroso-group become converted into the amido-group.

  65. The entrance of the negative nitro group into the molecule weakens the central pyrone ring in the fluorescein nucleus and the di-and tetra-nitro compounds readily yield hydrates (see J.

  66. By the action of ammonia or amines the di-nitro fluoresceins are converted into yellow dyestuffs (F.

  67. Fluorescein is readily nitrated, yielding a di- or tetra-nitro compound according to conditions.

  68. It is a triple cellulose, in which four atoms of hydrogen are replaced by one atom of oxygen, and like cellulose forms nitro compounds analogous to nitro glycerine.

  69. The salts of the carbonyl acids and other acid phenol dyes are but little suitable: and least of all, the nitro dyes.

  70. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "nitro" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    nitrogenous food; nitrogenous matter; nitrogenous substance; nitrous acid; nitrous ether; nitrous oxide