Beside the ordinarie birds which keep constantly in the country many are discouerable both in winter and summer which are of a migrant nature and exchange their seats according to the season.
The legges and feet not green but an ordinarie dark cork colour.
Our sojors, and some of our officers too (who suppose that no thing which is more than ordinarie can be the product of nature), attributed this hurrikan to the divilish skill of some Irish witches.
Moreouer in the said cathedrall churches vpon sundaies and [Sidenote: Ordinarie sermons.
And providing alwayis, that this be not prejudiciall to the ordinarie jurisdictioun of Judgeis, but that men may persew thair actiouns by ordour of law civilie or criminallie, befor the Judges Ordinaris[146] gif thai please.
Summa of the Ordinarie Chargis of the hoill, 9640 lib.
Imprimis, For the ordinarie Stipend of the Dialecticiane Reidar, the Mathematiciane, Phisitiane, and Morall Philosophie, we think sufficient ane hundreth pundis for everie ane of thame.
Summa of yeirlie and ordinarie expensses in the Universitie of Sanctandrois, extendis to 3796 lib.
For why may not God use any kinde of extraordinarie punishment, when it pleases him, as well as the ordinarie rods of sicknesse or other adversities?
Sidenote: 3] For this present assembly of Ministers, could all the choice and time in the world have better fitted mee then mine ordinarie Lot?
Also an Introduction to frame all common and ordinarie phrases pertaining to a house: as of victuals, dressing, voyaging through the land.
Some will say, that the kingsordinarie dwelling there, is for that it is the best and most fertilest of all the kingdome.
There can none goe a lande on this ilande, but straightwayes they are discouered by such ordinarie spyes as they doo put to watch.
The which was granted, and two ordinarie ambassadours were chosen for them; one Nicholas Vergotie, and the other Piero of saint Cretice, and the foresayd Passin should returne with them for to make the sayd answere.
But before all other, such things as yeeld those famous colours that carrie such speciall report of excellencie, that our Merchaunts may bring them to this realme by ordinarie trade, as a light meane for the better vent of our clothes.
The lords would not consent altogither to laie downe their badges; but yet they agreed that none should weare any such cognizance except their seruants of houshold, and such as were in ordinarie wages by the yeare.
Your ordinarie rimers vse very much their measures in the odde as nine and eleuen, and the sharpe accent vpon the last sillable, which therefore makes him go ill fauouredly and like a minstrels musicke.
If otherwise, then doth it breede Chimeres & monsters in mans imaginations, & not onely in his imaginations, but also in all his ordinarie actions and life which ensues.
To the Ermin of the mint the ordinarie vse is to giue 30 Saies in curtesie, otherwise he would by authoritie of his office come aboord, and for despight make such search in the barke, that he would turne all things topsie teruie.
After hauing made their praiers with certaine ordinarie and woonted ceremonies, the Serifo rematneth in the citie, and the captaine of the pilgrimage returneth vnto his pauillion.
In the first parte I shewe, that there are visions and spirits, and that they appeare vnto men sometimes, and that many & maruellous things happen besides the ordinarie course of nature.
The common and ordinarie way whereby it pleaseth God to deale with vs, is his word.
They haue an ordinarie time to fish for their prouision.
The church needs not be ashamed of what she houlds in this, haveing Gods word for her warrente; that ordinarie officers are bound cheefly to their flocks, Acts 20.
And this dutie you both may y^e more willingly and ought y^e more conscionably to performe, because you are at least for y^e present to have only them for your ordinarie governours, which your selves shall make choyse of for that worke.
He is a man humble and meek amongst you, and towards all in ordinarie course.
First, he saith they hold this principle, that the Lord hath not apointed any ordinarie ministrie for y^e converssion of those without.
And hereof an opinion is growen that it keepeth an ordinarie course as the sea dooth.
The fish is thicker than [oth crossed out] ordinarie salmons and very much & more largely spotted whether not rather Beccard gallorum or Anchorago Scaligeri I haue bothe draught & head of one dryed either of wch you may command.
Beside the ordinarie birds which keep constantly in the country many are discouerable both in winter & summer wch are of a migrant nature & exchange their seats according to the season.
I will have my naturall andordinarie pace scene as loose and as shuffling as it is.
I desire therein to be delineated in mine owne genuine, simple andordinarie fashion, without contention, art or study; for it is myself e I pourtray.
As it pertaineth but to great Poets to use the libertie of arts; so is it tolerable but in noble minds and great spirits to have a preheminence above ordinarie fashions.
Emongst the rest a wicked maladie Raign'd emongst men, that manie did to die, 10 Depriv'd of sense and ordinarie reason; That it to leaches seemed strange and geason.
Though nature be contrarie inclined, it may be altered, yet vsually those whome she denies her ordinarie giftes in one thing, she doubles them in another.
For Appeales were not here in ordinarie vse, vntil after this time, vnder the reigne of King Stephen; when Henrie Bishop of Wint.
The day following hee was buried, without any funerall pompe, with no more then ordinarie solemnities, in the Cathedrall Church or Monasterie of Saint Swithen; vnder a plaine flat marble stone, before the Lectorne in the Quire.
So the Archbishop crossed the Seas into France, rested a while at Lions, and then trauailed ouer the Alpes to Rome; where he was enterteined by Pope Vrbane, with more then ordinarie ceremonies of honour.
The presence of the Prince is worth many thousands of ordinarie Souldiers: The ordinary Souldier wil vndertake both labour and danger for no other respects so much, as by the presence of the Prince.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "ordinarie" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.