So that for lack of Curious lyned globes to the right vse of Nauigation; with many other instruments either vnknowne or out of vse, and yet of necessitie for that voyage, it should with great difficultie be attayned.
Then comming neither from Afric nor America, they must of necessitie come from Asia by the Noreast or Norwest passages.
And therefore ofnecessitie it must be concluded that Asia, Africa and Europa the first reueiled world being knowne to bee an Iland, America must likewise be in the same nature because in no parte it conioyneth with the first.
This, by canonicalle decree, in time paste was not wonte to be giuen (excepte greate necessitie soner required it) but to those that had bene scholers a space afore, to learne the thinges appertinent to Christendome.
Would Heaven and Starres necessitiecompell Us to doe that which after it would punish?
No necessitie of death Hangs ore our heads, no dangers threaten us Nor Senates sharpe decree nor Galbaes arms.
But a trusty company was plased within, as well as those that with wet-cloaths & other means kept of y^e fire without, that if necessitie required they might have them out with all speed.
The reason on their parts why she stayed so long, was y^e necessitie and danger that lay upon them, for it was well towards y^e ende of Desember before she could land any thing hear, or they able to receive any thing ashore.
Though in y^e mean time they (poore soules) indured miserie enough; and thus in the end necessitie forste a way for them.
The comissioners are y^e judges of y^e necessitie of the expedition.
That abbats should not be made knights or men of war, but should sléepe & eat within the precinct of their owne houses, except some necessitie mooued them to the contrarie.
But as the lords of the priuie councell in our time doo sit onlie whennecessitie requireth, so did they whensoeuer it pleased the king to haue any conference with them.
For that weare to be overthwarte in everything: which thou must (in any case) beware of, except necessitie require it, as thou shalt heare hereafter.
So by these meanes of necessitie the Indians must submit themselues vnto vs, considering they are quite spoyled and ouerthrowen for a long time.
For vntill that place hee alwaies trauelled by the Sea coast: and they trauelled farre within the land; and that going toward the West, of necessitie they should come where hee had been.
And for the last point, that since it pleased God to take him to himselfe, although his death did justly grieue them much, yet as wel he, as al the rest, ought of necessitie to conforme themselues to the will of God.
But it pleased God that the Indians yeelded themselues vnto vs, and that this citie was taken: and such store of Maiz was found there in, as ournecessitie required.
Goe not neere the land there, except necessitiecompell thee.
And I thinke they doe not tell me the trueth, imagining that of necessitie I must speedily depart from them, and returne home.
The which malice and falsehood of his I perceiuing, determined with my selfe to giue him the slip, [Footnote: Necessitie oft times sharpeneth mens wits, and causeth boldnes.
Footnote: Necessitie oft times presseth vs in the end to that, which our will continually spurneth against.
I for my part being clothed in sackecloth, whereas soone after by the great curtesie of the right honourable Signior Latino Orsino, I was new apparelled accordingly, friendly welcommed, and my necessitie relieued.
This parlement was cheefelie called, to let them vnderstand the kings necessitie of monie for discharging of his debts, and to require them of their aid towards the same.
There entred also into the tower a great number of Iewes with their wiues and children, vnto whome one ward of the tower was committed to defend, which they did in that necessitie verie stoutlie.
Secondlie, that no archbishops see, nor bishops sée, nor any abbaie should be kept in the kings hands more than one yeare, except vpon some euident cause or necessitie constreining.
Prouided, that if vpon any vrgent necessitie he chanced to go into Spaine to warre against the Saracens there, then so long space of time as he spent in that iournie, he might deferre his going into the east parts.
He does not realize them in actual facts and definite computations.
The principle that want of correspondence is Death applies all round.
Though I uncircumscrib'd my self retire, And put not forth my goodness, which is free To act or not, Necessitie and Chance Approach not mee, and what I will is Fate.
For surely we woll not be bounde of a necessitie to be serued there with lordes, But we wolbe serued with such men what degre soeuer they be of as we shall appointe to the same[498].
But when the Tynneworkes began to fayle, and the people to increase, this double necessitie draue them to play the good husbands, and to prouide corne of their owne.
As for the squared stone that is found hereabout, and the Romane coine, there is no such necessitie of the rehersall therof, but that I may passe it ouer well inough without anie further mention.
Would neyther live nor dye in his free choise, But as hee sees necessitie will have it (Which if hee would resist, he strives in vaine) 10 What can come neere him that hee doth not well?
Come, stand not amaz'd at it, but go along with me: I will shew you such a necessitie in his death, that you shall thinke your selfe bound to put it on him.
Then looke me now how few sanctuarie men there be, whome anie fauourable necessitie compelled to go thither.
And seeinge it hath pleased God to take away Mr. Peacock, of necessitie yow or my cuntreman Mr. Eaton must be emploied about that voyage.
Speck should take and quit hym of that losse and all other dangers that might ensue; and that upon necessitie it was as fitt our frendes should make use of it as a China or any other stranger.
If Tullus not yet thou know'st me, and seeing me, dost not thinke me for the man I am, necessitie commands me name my selfe Auf.
He that so generally is at all times good, must of necessitie hold his vertue to you, whose worthinesse would stirre it vp where it wanted rather then lack it where there is such abundance Mo.
This comes with seeking you: But there's no remedie, I shall answer it: What will you do: now my necessitie Makes me to aske you for my purse.
We must of force dispence with this Decree, She must lye here on meere necessitie Ber.
You shall not seale to such a bond for me, Ile rather dwell in my necessitie Ant.
At euerie hundreth paces they haue lodginges, the which are very huge and great: there whereas in the time of necessitie doo remaine and dwell their captaynes, so long as their troubles doo indure.
And therefore, when as they beginne to bee eclypsed, they make great sacrifices and inuocations unto the prince afore said, desiring him not to kill nor destroy them, for the great necessitie they haue of them.
If that vppon any necessitie they must goe into any part of the prouince to make any information of importance, then is appointed one of the counsell, and hee goeth alone, but he hath with him the authoritie of them all.
And as the king was sitting downe to dinner, fayning to be sorye for his departure, but that necessitie compelled him to lose his presence, hee toke his leaue.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "necessitie" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.