In 1827 thenaturalisation of the cochineal was attempted in Corsica, but without success.
Hardy, director of the central garden of Algiers, gave himself up, with great intelligence, to the naturalisation and rearing of the cochineal in Algeria.
Owing to Philip's interference in the elections, the results were declared void, and when a new election was appointed, the Burgundians accused the city of hastily augmenting its number of legal voters by over-facile naturalisation laws.
The privileges of the naturalisation laws were considerably abridged.
The proposition means, in effect, an abrogation of the naturalisation laws of each country in favor of the Anglo-Saxon people.
Under this authority, the first Naturalisation Act was passed early in the nineteenth century.
If the immigrants did not bring themselves within these conditions, there would seem to be no reason why the old laws of naturalisation should not be kept in full force.
What are the objections to a curtailment, or an abolition, of the naturalisation laws, so far as the English-speaking people are concerned?
I shall say a word, in this connection, on the general subject of naturalisation laws, the abrogation of which I recommend in favour of our own kinsmen.
What was the object sought to be accomplished by the naturalisation laws?
To this extent our naturalisationlaws might be modified in favour of foreigners.
After all, as I have said, the whole question resolves itself into a conditional or limited curtailment of the naturalisation laws.
The laxity which has existed in the enforcement of these naturalisation laws is notorious, and has enabled all individuals so disposed to become members of our Republic by open evasion.
Constitution, and likewise England, with the naturalisation of a few Jews.
The question of the naturalisation of foreigners renewed the contention.
Footnote 505: Of theNaturalisation Bill no copy, I believe exists.
On the sixth of December, a Whig member of the House of Commons obtained leave to bring in a bill for the Naturalisation of Foreign Protestants.
These formalities accomplished, and naturalisation obtained, there followed five years of registration, and the obligation of permanent residence.
This article, therefore, only accorded naturalisation to former residents; their seven years in the country counted no more than two.
A man must apply for hisnaturalisation six months beforehand, and he is bound to be naturalised within six months of the promulgation of the law.
Kuyper favors us with a long dissertation upon the various laws of naturalisation existing throughout the world.
The fact of naturalisation is proved to have no significance--nor, since a German retains his nationality if he wishes it, in spite of having been naturalised in any other country, should naturalisation be held as a bar to suspicion.
The city of London presented a petition against the bill for naturalisation of the Jews, in 1753, as being derogatory to the Christian religion as well as detrimental to trade.
Some petitions appear to have been presented against the bill for naturalisation of foreign protestants; but probably on the ground of its injurious effect on the parties themselves.
A certain Maufurney, of French origin, acted as Humphrey's private secretary for a considerable time, and in that capacity received the honour of naturalisation in 1426.
Having thus answered the objections to naturalisation, he next maintained that if naturalisationdid not follow the Union of the Kingdoms under the same Crown, danger would be the result.
But the Commons were intractable, although the Lords were ready to agree to the Union, and to the naturalisation of the Scots.
Not to be confounded with naturalisation proper is naturalisation through denization by means of Letters Patent under the Great Seal.
But naturalisation may be refused without giving a reason therefor (section 7).
And according to the Municipal Law of many States, naturalisation of a married individual includes that of his wife and children under age.
My Certificate ofNaturalisation was received by my Solicitor this a.
What I am doing this afternoon is, I think, simply to get exact information--though I am already sufficiently aware of the question to know that after my long existence here the process of naturalisation is very simple and short.
It may therefore be proper to limit any new Acts of naturalisation with such restrictions as may make the accession of strangers not dangerous to the public.
An Act of general naturalisation would likewise probably increase our numbers very fast, and repair what loss we may have suffered in our people by the late war.
I'll work Ascher's naturalisation papers for him, and you get Tim taken on by the Army Flying Corps people.
Well, I'll do my best about the naturalisation papers.
The proposed naturalisation of Senora Montez was openly characterised by Councillor von Maurer as the greatest calamity with which Bavaria could be afflicted.
Maurer was obliged to consent to the naturalisation that he had described as a national calamity.
She had not yet forgiven Maurer for his reference to her proposed naturalisation as a calamity.
The same principle is seen in the naturalisation of plants through man's agency in foreign lands.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "naturalisation" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.