It will be seen hereafter that the three most dangerousmutinies in India grew out of these musketry schools.
The sepoy mutinies awakened the British nation from the lethargy of forty years.
Finally he had become friends with the British government, and made no attempt to take advantage of the sepoy mutinies to recover Peshawar.
The feudatory states of India which owe allegiance to the British government displayed no sympathies with the Bengal sepoy, or with their mutinies against greased cartridges.
For an interesting account of the state of affairs in Central India during the mutinies of 1857, see Life of Major-General Sir Henry M.
The sepoy mutinies had paralysed the executive government of India.
In spite of the outbreak at Meerut, the revolt at Delhi, and the reports of mutinies at other stations, all fear of danger seemed to have passed away.
Happily, masters took a lenient view of mutiniesbegotten of such conditions.
In the wholesale mutiniesat Spithead and the Nore the blow fell with appalling suddenness, notwithstanding the fact that in one form or another it had been long foreseen.
They left Bristol on the 14th of July, with fifty-six guns and three hundred and thirty-three men, and with double the usual number of officers, in order to prevent the mutinies so common in privateers.
During the sitting of parliament mutinies broke out in the fleet, which gave far greater alarm than the suspension of cash payments by the Bank.
Reports were also spread of mutinies among the sailors at Portsmouth, insurrections among the Norwich weavers, and riots in Essex and Lancashire.
Mutinies of single regiments were not unfrequent episodes in the history of the Indian army, but hitherto no general revolt had occurred.
These mutinies were early examples of the phenomena which we know so well in our own days under the name of "strikes.
The murmurs of the army swelled with impunity into seditious clamors; and the partial mutinies betrayed a spirit of discontent and disaffection that waited only for the slightest occasion to break out on every side into a general rebellion.
For instance, what would have happened if Providence had ordained to send me into either of those sad mutinies which disgraced our fleets so terribly?
For I am not sure that I could have stopped any one of the four mutinies entirely; although I can answer for it, that never would bad manners take the lead in any ship, while I was Master.
Charles is determined to show the people of Flanders that no hope, nay, no promise, of assistance from France will save them in their mutinies from the wrath and vengeance of Burgundy.
But order does not naturally lead to disorder but away from it, and mutinies are mostly impromptu affairs, contemplating revenge rather than escape.
Otherwise prison mutinies and killings would be more frequent.
To take this course required great boldness, for these mutinies were of no ordinary character.
Indeed, as it was, the results of their renewed efforts were too slow to be felt at once by the army, and mutinies broke out even after the new spirit had shown itself.
In fact two mutinies did break out in 1674, when the excessively heavy taxes of that year were announced, but the rebels lacked leaders and were suppressed without great difficulty.
I appeased two mutinies this last year raysed by some secret villaines that whispered amongst the people that there was nothing intended by the fifty pounds levy but the enriching of some few people.
The cause of these mutinies was uniformly, want of pay, the pretext, the oath to the Earl of Leicester, which was declared incompatible with the allegiance claimed by Maurice in the name of the States-General.
Believe me, Sylla, civilmutinies Must not obscure thy glories and our names.
These mutinies are gentle means and ways, Whereby the heavens our heavy errors charm.
I knew that the storm was about to burst, and had gone to place my wife and children in safety, and I was in my village when I heard the news of the mutinies at Meerut and Bareilly.
I think this fact is mentioned by Mr. Gubbins in his Mutinies in Oude.
The officers and all others shall take oath to obey him as captain-general, "and that there will be no mutinies or rebellions.
They must try to accomplish the voyage in the shortest time possible, and must take part in no mutinies or uprisings.
But as he had broken up previous mutinies by proclamations, he tried the same expedient now.
In 1674 two mutinies had failed, it was said because the people, after assembling in arms, could not find a leader.
That there be appointed one or twoo preachers for the voyadge, that God may be honoured, the people instructed, mutinies the better avoided, and obedience the better used, that the voyadge may have the better successe.
This was at first refused, but the troops knew the strength of their position, for these mutinies were never repressed, and rarely punished.
These mutinies were of almost regular occurrence, and attended by as regular a series of phenomena.
After the stories he had been telling that very evening about mutinies and wrecks and fights against odds, it seemed unbelievable that he should submit so tamely to Thirkle and his men.
There were also other mutinies and rebellions [on the ship] as appears from the reports made here about it, which your Majesty may see if so minded and determine its fortune.
The troubles and mutinies of the “San Geronimo” are graphically related.
Isolated mutinies in Bengal were succeeded by much more serious events at Cawnpore in Oudh, and at Meerut in the North-West Provinces.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "mutinies" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.