We say that the issue is plain; it lies between Monism and Christianity; if the one is true, the other must be rejected.
From the Christian point of view the individual matters supremely; from that of Monism the beginning of wisdom is that the individual should recognise and acquiesce in his utter insignificance.
For Monism the individual is a mere surface ripple on an infinite ocean, alike impermanent and impersonal; for Christianity the soul is a child of the Father of all souls, loved with an everlasting love.
Certainly, the ethics of Monismsupply a case in point.
The issue, as we shall try to show, lies between Christianity on the one hand and Monism on the other.
When the monism is idealistic, this all-enveloping fact is represented as an absolute mind that makes the partial facts by thinking them, just as we make objects in a dream by dreaming them, or personages in a story by imagining them.
Monism allows for no such things as 'other occasions' in reality--in real or absolute reality, that is.
For monism the world is no collection, but one great all-inclusive fact outside of which is nothing--nothing is its only alternative.
I felt as if these philosophers were granting their will to believe in monism too easy a license.
Monism thinks that the all-form or collective-unit form is the only form that is rational.
If we take the latter reductio ad absurdum first, we find a good example of it in Lotze's well-known proof of monism from the fact of interaction between finite things.
Criticism of Lotze's proof of Monism by the analysis of what interaction involves, 55.
In other words, monism is as unsatisfactory to reason as dualism.
This was nothing derogatory to him; for it is well known that there was a difference between the eclectic monism of the young Plato of the Republic, and the more logical dualism of the older Plato of the Laws.
As in the immediately preceding books Plotinos was harking back to Numenius's doctrines, he may have wished to reconcile the two divergent periods, the Porphyrian monism of vi.
To me any pretence of Theism seems impossible if Monism be conceded, and, therefore, at present, I rest content in affirming one existence.
If Monism be true, and Atheism be Monism, then Atheism is necessarily the true theory of the universe.
So the rival metaphysical hypotheses of pluralism and monism here come back upon us.
With her criterion of the practical differences that theories make, we see that she must equally abjure absolute monism and absolute pluralism.
And to men of this complexion, religious monism comes with its consoling words: "All is needed and essential--even you with your sick soul and heart.
To interpret absolute monism worthily, be a mystic.
Observe how radical the character of the monism here is.
He stands confessed of monism out of his own mouth.
Since absolute monism forbids its being even considered seriously, branding it as irrational from the start, it is clear that pragmatism must turn its back on absolute monism, and follow pluralism's more empirical path.
Yet in the same poem we pass from this antithesis to the monism which declares that the deity is all things and "the self seated in the heart of man.
His philosophy was more decidedly monistic than is usual among Vishnuites, and Indian monism has generally taught that, as the soul and God are one in essence, the soul should realize this identity and renounce the pleasures of the senses.
But the gist of the matter is that he disliked not so muchmonism as philosophy.
His popular propaganda of the gospel of Monism is now carried on by the weekly organ of the society, which he edits, Das Monistische Jahrhundert (Verlag Unesma, Leipzig).
In showing the unity of the whole of nature, Monism points out that only one God exists, and that this God reveals himself in all the phenomena of nature.
In grounding all the phenomena of organic or inorganic nature on the universal law of causality, and exhibiting them as the outcome of "efficient causes", Monism proves that God is the necessary cause of all things and the law itself.
The monism of Doctor Paul Cams, of Chicago, is a different variety from Haeckel's as he has pointed out in the Monist, Vol.
And as the intelligence of atoms implies their vitality, we really return in scientific monism to the vitalistic attitude of the primitive observer of Nature.
It is true that the psychomorphism of scientific monism is reached by a process different from that which has culminated in the mind-likening of theological pantheism.
There must be an idealistic monismin opposition to the naturalistic monism of Haeckel, which is prevalent even to-day.
This monism must not exclude but include God's existence; and its present unfruitful negation of all religion must deepen into a positive and religiously valuable view of the world.
Here our concern is to show that monism supplies the metaphysical principle on which the heresy is based; that, as dualism provides the a priori of Nestorian thought, monism provides the a priori of monophysite thought.
Monism was strangling their Christianity at every turn.
Monism abandons the universal relation by abandoning one or other of the terms to be related.
The monophysite tenets traceable to monism will be considered in detail in later chapters.
It will then be seen that the spirit ofmonism pervades the whole system.
Monism is forced to attempt to give some account of the world's apparent reality.
Like dualism, monism is only a sham solution of the cosmic problem.
From spiritual monism it is a short step to materialistic monism.
This second form of sacramental monism has much in common with the doctrine of one nature.
In the hands of Plotinus all the main elements of spiritual monism were worked up into a speculative philosophy with a profound bearing on practical life.
Sabellianism is intimately associated with monism in all its phases.
Monism Means a Unitary World-Conception There may be different aspects and even contrasts, diverse views and opposite standpoints, but there can never be contradiction in truth.
Monism permits them, for however furious they may be, we can always justify ourselves in advance for indulging them by the thought that they WILL HAVE BEEN expressions of the absolute's perfect life.
If the so-called monism does not do this, it changes into a real dualism, as would clearly happen in the above-suggested rationalistic explanation of a miracle.
And metaphysical monism in these two forms, which try to combine soul-and body-substance into one unity, would shut out the possibility of any knowledge of our psychical life.
In this way there might be constructed a fundamental monism of emotion in the same sense that energetics is a science which unifies electricity, heat, magnetism, etc.
The Freudian theory is in general a theory of emotional monism and therefore fundamentally must satisfy a great many of the Hegelian tenets.
And every argument made for pantheism and monism is an argument made for a stronger and better theory--the electric theory of creation.
The only kind ofmonism which will stand the test of an ultimate analysis, says John Fiske is monotheism.
Because of the perfect unity and harmony of the universe, the wisdom and regularity of all its movements and functions, and the apparent intelligence of its lower living organisms, the agnostics embrace monism and pantheism.
Modern Monism has come to this conclusion, but it is not alone in so doing.
Monism combines the two (and is, of course, scouted by both).
I must not here further develop the manner in which the hypothesis of monism presents itself to my mind.
Monism affords a consistent and comprehensible theory of the ego, or conscious self--that which endures amid the flux and reflux of our conscious states.
The theory of Monism alone is able to explain, without inherent contradiction, the phenomena both of the subjective and objective spheres.
Now, the answer whichMonism supplies to this objection is that the will itself is here the ultimate agent, and therefore an agent which must be identified with the principle of causality.
The theory of Monism teaches that what we perceive as matter in motion, x, is the obverse of what we know as mind, z.
And here it is that I think the theory of Monism comes to the rescue.
Lastly, although the theory of Monism (III) may be traced back at least as far as the pantheistic thought of Buddhism, it there had reference to theology as distinguished from psychology.
We have now seen that, according to Materialism, the Will is not an agent, while according both to Spiritualism and to Monism the Will is an agent.
My object in this paper has been to show that the views of the late Professor Clifford concerning the influence of Monism on Theism are unsound.
To begin with, Monism excludes the possibility of volition being determined by cerebration.
Or, even apart from any question of Theism, what position does Monism suppose the psychical activity of man to hold in relation to that of the universe?
A rejection of hedonistic psychology, therefore, by no means involves any opposition to eudæmonism in ethics.
Therefore it does not consent with a monism which recognizes only God or the world (with the ego).
From the introduction of Christianity, monism has been the character and the fundamental tendency of the whole modern philosophy.
Being and existence, the one and the many, could not be united by the principle of the Eleatics; the Monism which they had striven for had resulted in an ill-concealed Dualism.
The True, the Beautiful, the Good (their relation to the question between Monism and Pluralism).
One and Many (Number System; Monism and Pluralism); VI.
Neither, sordid as the age was in England, was it so sordid as in Germany, where a coarse eudæmonism and a miscalled illuminism were sapping the foundations of Christianity.