Thus the acid moleculesbecame complete once more, while the scene of the conflict near the in-electrode was strewn with the remains of the water molecules from which the hydrogen atoms had been stolen.
Now a machine can produce any degree of coldness, almost down to the "absolute zero," the point at which a body is absolutely devoid of any heat whatever, the condition in which its molecules are absolutely still.
The moleculesof these substances are much more complicated than those with which the inorganic chemist deals.
Current flows into the electrode and instantly hydrogen atoms from the acid molecules crowd round it, like boatmen at the seaside anxious to secure a passenger.
The gas, which is another of the combinations of carbon and hydrogen (its molecules containing two atoms of each), is easily made by allowing water to come into contact with calcium carbide.
But if by some means the whole of the millions of millions of molecules can be set the same way--with all their north poles in one direction, and their south poles in the opposite direction--then they will all act together.
The molecules may, for all we know, contain thousands of atoms.
The heat sets the molecules in violent agitation, which, acting upon the corpuscles in the atoms, sets them in violent motion too, so that light is often the companion of heat.
The question remains, even supposing their production accounted for,--What intermediate states of water may exist between these spherical hollow molecules and pure vapor?
It must not be forgotten that the decomposition of the brain molecules can never be restituted by anything but rest, and ultimately by sleep.
From the one standpoint, the ocean is really excited; from the other standpoint, the molecules are moving according to the laws of hydrodynamics.
The molecules are somehow differently placed, the disposition has thus as much objective existence as the resulting movement.
Thus, the material molecules of the planetary surface are not all at an equal distance from the centre; and, consequently, the earth is not a perfect sphere.
The dust of our extinguished world will not be scattered hap-hazard; the molecules of matter, indissolubly linked together by universal gravitation, will so arrange themselves as to constitute a new, and perhaps a more perfect world.
If two or more molecules were concerned simultaneously, the rate of reaction would depend on the nearness of the molecules to each other, that is, to the concentration of the material.
I elaborated this far-reaching idea, and applied the physical principle of transmitted motion to the plastidules, or active molecules of plasm.
Sellmeier adopted the elastic-solid theory of the ether, and imagined the molecules to be attached to the ether surrounding them, but free to vibrate about their mean positions within a limited range.
In chemistry the term is given to chemical reactions in which a substance decomposes into two or more substances, and particularly to cases in which associated molecules break down into simpler molecules.
This was based on the assumption that the medium in which the light is propagated is discontinuous and molecular in character, the molecules being subject to a mutual attraction.
Thus the ether within the dispersive medium is loaded with molecules which are forced to perform oscillations of the same period as that of the transmitted wave.
When a current of electricity reaches a place in the conductor where it cannot pass easily, and the orderly vibrations of its molecules are disturbed, they are thrown into the disorderly motion known as heat.
Non-conductors are those whosemolecules only acquire this power under great pressure.
A change has taken place in the moleculesof the wire that is not visible, is noiseless, and that has traveled along the wire.
There must, of course, be an end to this process in theory, because all themolecules once moved must return to rest, or to a former condition, before being moved again.
At the end of the reaction the product of the carbonic oxide and steammolecules is equal to the product of the carbonic acid and hydrogen molecules multiplied by a coefficient of affinity.
The phenomenon of disintegration also may be brought about by the action of extremely rapid vibrations, which overcome the cohesion of the molecules of the object operated upon.
A still higher rate of vibrations of a somewhat different type will separate these molecules into their constituent atoms.
And there's a thin sprinkling of hydrocarbonmolecules out there too.
And there are also scandium oxide molecules making unfamiliar faces at us.
When the beam of light from a powerful searchlight is directed into space, its path is visible owing to the scattering of some of the light by dust and moisture particles and the molecules of the air itself.
The sky is bright, due to scattering of light by actual particles of solid matter and moisture and possibly by molecules of gas.
If matter were infinitely divisible in this sense, its particles must be imponderable, and a million of such molecules could not weigh more than an infinitely small one.
The basic character of ptomaines may be understood if they be regarded as made up of one or more molecules of ammonia in which the hydrogen has been replaced by alkyl or other radicals.
The substance may be combined with a variety of other chemical substances so that the action appears to be on several, but in reality it is on a definite group of molecules in each instance.
The nervous molecules in these are conjectured to constitute so many ganglions, or centres of sensation and vitality[5].
In the lowest members of the animal creation, the blood seems the portion they imbibe of the fluid medium in which they reside, which when chylified, distributes new molecules to all parts of their frame[350].
Before 1880 it had always been assumed that when this condensation took place, the vapour molecules simply combined with each other to form the little globules of water, but J.
The molecules of the brain are arranged and ordered by a supernatural agency.
Does he not tell us that one of the beliefs he does not reject is the belief in 'states of consciousness interposed between the molecules of the brain, and influencing the transference of motion among the molecules'?
I have no power,' he says, 'of imagining such states interposed between the molecules of the brain, and influencing the transference of motion among the molecules.
The mechanical philosopher, as such,' he says, 'will never place a state of consciousness and a group of molecules in the position of mover and moved.
Studying microscopically, we should then see the molecules of copper, as we see the cells of the wood, dividing and increasing, each one of them into two.
It is difficult to attribute, as is usually done, the incandescence of aërolites to friction against the molecules of the atmosphere, at an elevation above the earth where the density of the air is almost null.
The incandescence of aërolites must, therefore, be owing to friction against the molecules of the electric fluid which forms an atmosphere around the globe.
There is a law of Nature by which the molecules affect matter; crystalline substances in solution are readily drawn into colloids.
Fire is the action of atoms or molecules in separating farther apart.
Molecules which are round when whirled or heated take to orbits, but the metallic substances having molecules of a disc shape whirl on their axes.
And some substances do not burn because the heat and motion applied whirls the molecules or groups of atoms apart and wastes its motion in that way.
When a liquid is cooled the molecules become radio active and radiate lines of force.
LIFE is not a principle per se of organic matter, but organic matter is arranged into round molecules with cell center of silicon phosphorus, sulphur or iron.
Our philosophy was the first to enunciate the true nature of matter, atoms, molecules and electrons.
And this consciousness is a vastly more subtle element, differing as much apparently from the vibration of brain, or nervous, molecules as the Geni from the rubbing of Aladdin's lamp, to borrow an illustration.
This grouping of molecules in units of increasing complexity is like the grouping of the men of an army in companies, regiments, brigades, divisions, etc.
The molecules of germ-plasm are grouped in units, and these in an ascending series of units of continually increasing complexity, until at last we find the highest unit represented in the nucleus of the germ-cell.
If the universe is spherical because its molecules are, can the molecules compose any other than the spherical form?
The universe is spherical, then, because its molecules are: and it moves, because they are incapable of rest.
Mr. Spencer does not allude here to the question of a First Cause back of the molecules and their movements, though he is generally understood to admit that such a Cause may exist.
In the formation of, say, the leaf of a tree, no two molecules move in identically the same direction or take identically the same path.
The germ contained in the fowl's egg requires nothing but a supply of warmth, within certain narrow limits of temperature, to build the molecules of the egg into the body of the chick.
Moreover, the new matter, by the addition of which the plant grows, is not applied to its outer surface, but is manufactured in its interior; and the new molecules are diffused among the old ones.
Apart from the atoms of Democritus, and apart also from the speculations of mediæval writers, the molecules of Bonnet and of Buffon almost anticipated the hypothesis of Pangenesis.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "molecules" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.