Oh, wretched I, to whom thismischance is happened!
I Canst thou think that a mischance to the nature of man, which is not contrary to the end and will of his nature?
One mischance invites another, and the end of one misfortune is often the beginning of a worse.
The Duke and Don Quixote dismounted also, and placed themselves by her side; while Sancho took his station behind them all, with his Dapple, whom he would not quit, lest some mischance should befall him.
Thus saith Stuf the Skald: 'Falster was wasted, and to its folk Mischancebefell (so I heard).
Anon they brake up the floor and ascended into the hall, and there sat many of the townsmen eating and drinking, and great was the mischance of these good men for they were taken unawares.
This mischancedid not dampen the zeal of my friends.
All this was accomplished with as little noise as possible, in order to prevent the mischance of awakening the marquis de l'Hôpital, who was quietly asleep in an adjoining room.
While the sky is changeful, and there are storms at sea when our fellows are absent, and mischance and death are veiled but here, we shall have gods and ghosts.
Thru another mischance it had happened that half a dozen different people had seen the bomb thrown from the roof of Guggenheim's Department Store; which entirely contradicted the suit-case theory upon which the prosecution was based.
The placard was still there, but the wooden hand that once pointed in the direction of the buried huts had, through some mischance of wind or weather, dropped slightly, and was ominously pointing to the snow below.
But the demon of mischance was abroad in the storm.
The first mischance breeds the second, apparently by ill luck, but in reality through the influence of irritant nerves.
Mischief might to that mischance befall, That so hath reft us of our merriment; But rede me what pain doth thee so appal; Or lovest thou, or be thy younglings miswent?
For some time we hesitated about going up here, thinking there might be a hole or break in the rocks through which by mischance we might fall, and be cast down into some vault or fissure underneath.
By a devilish mischance she occupied the seat opposite to mine.
At table this time he occupies the seat next to hers, and once, rising simultaneously, their limbs touch: mischance third.
For every new mischance makes us forget the one preceding; and the last and worst is bound to be the harbinger of good fortune.
Arriving in Damascus they both stay at the same Hotel: mischance second.
A Randeuous, a Home to flye vnto, If that the Deuill and Mischance looke bigge Vpon the Maydenhead of our Affaires Wor.
And let mischance be slaue to patience, Bring forth the parties of suspition Fri.
I praise not yet My natal star, while darkening o'er my fate This mystery hangs: too well the dire mischance Tells of the fiend whose never-slumbering rage Pursues our house.
Scarce could I keep the gliding figure in sight; yet I could not choose but follow, lest some mischance should befall the child by the way.
We are ourselves benighted in this forest, having by some mischance lost our road to Castres, which we hoped to have sighted ere now.
She could scarce be sadder, or surer that some terrible mischance had happened to her husband and daughter, had she seen it with her own eyes.
But for his mischance in the biscachera, the rescuers would have found it empty on their return, and instead of a lost daughter, it would have been the mother missing.
Unlike a true gaucho, he cares not what mischance may befall his steed, so long as it serves his present necessity.
My dear Sir,--Your letter by some mischance got among those intended to go by flag of truce to Richmond, and I only received it the day before yesterday.
Had we by mischance taken the wrong boat and landed in the wrong part of France?