Her mind misgives her, conscience pricks her, her soul is disquieted within her.
Brother," said Alured, "my mind misgives me that this means war, of which we have had enow already.
My mind misgives me, Sir Simon, that we have gone much astray.
My mind misgives me he'll disappoint,' muttered the silver spectacles, gliding briskly onward.
My mind misgives me, my defeat is nigh, This unexpected incident has driven My forces into such a narrow pass, I can not even handsomely retreat Without some feint, to hinder our old man From seeing that this wench is Clitipho's.
We must take leave of this William de la Marck, and yet I know not, my mind misgives me when I think of him, and were it a ceremony which could be waived, I have no stomach to go through it.
Giles, my heart misgives me; breathe not to a soul what I say to you.
My mind misgives me that civil war will come out of it; yet we can but try to do our best, and leave the rest to a higher power.
I sent this message by Zelus's craven hounds, but my mind misgives me that in their flight they scarce remembered it; or, perchance, they feared to give it.
Yet, I know not how it is, my heart misgives me sadly; for I like not the motions of this animal, which are strangely and unusually bold.
I wish it may be as your honour says; but my mind misgives me sadly that evil will come of this.
After that the king saw Hoskuld off to his ship, and said: "I have found you an honourable man, and now my mind misgives me that you are sailing for the last time from Norway, whilst I am lord over that land.
Yes, I will go on;--and yet my mindmisgives me plaguily.
This is certainly the dust of gold which you have thrown in the good man's eyes, that on the sudden he cannot see; for my mind misgives me, this sickness of his is but apocryphal.
Brettone," said Arimbaldo at length, in a whispered voice, "my heart misgives me.
But yet my heart misgives me, because of the difficulties before me, in escaping; and being so poor and so friendless!
And as you have made me fearful by your cautions, my heart at times misgives me.
Sometimes me mind misgives me, to think of her tied to an old stump of a tree like me!
Already me mind misgives me about Bertie--she's too young to be tied up to a shoulder-shotten old plug like mesilf.
Much my mind misgives me thereof," said Illugi, "for we are all lost if thou comest to any ill.
My mind misgives me,” cried the young man who had the preceding evening spoken so boldly to the smith—“my mind misgives me; but there is something wrong.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "misgives" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.