While the country around Valley Forge was so impoverished by the military operations of the previous summer as to make it impossible for it to support the army, the sufferings of the latter were chiefly owing to the inefficiency of Congress.
Sullivan, with the charge of inefficiency for Brandywine still hanging over him, was the first to encounter the outposts of the British at Chestnut Hill, when he opened the day of Germantown.
The state of political affairs in Pennsylvania was the chief cause of the inefficiency which exposed Philadelphia to the danger of capture and of the panic with which her citizens were seized.
The inefficiency in our armies, according to Gideon Welles, resided in the President's chief military adviser, General Halleck.
The opposition was based wholly upon charges of inefficiencyand lack of earnestness and vigor in the prosecution of the war.
The defects and weaknesses disclosed by this defeat produced much contemptuous criticism upon the military inefficiency of the United States.
This marvel of inefficiencywe are told is the best work on the subject; and this while Malone and Drake are accessible to any student.
Some probably were cruel, some vicious and greedy, many dull and doctrinaire, stupid with tradition, but it has to be kept in mind that there were distinct limits to the degeneracy or inefficiency of a priesthood.
The negro's inefficiency is a great financial drain on the South, and I believe this farmers' institute work for the negro is the beginning of a permanent policy that will be very far-reaching in its results.
The same responsibility rests on the Whites for the inefficiency of criminal justice and for the mediaeval prison system.
Whatever may have been said of General Longstreet, it is remarkable that at no time for inefficiency or the absence of results or disobedience of order was he relieved of his command.
In particular he attacked with merciless persistence the Prince Regent in regard to his private life and his public conduct, and his brother Frederick the Duke of York, for his inefficiency as Commander-in-Chief of the army.
His ideas on national finance and practical administration are wonderful when contrasted with his inefficiency in his own affairs.
Any change from the present would in all probability be worth the experiment, but the existing inefficiency of the government precludes the chance of any beneficial alteration being effected.
I have observed with great regret the state of disorder and inefficiency in which the Institution appears to be.
It is, however, amazing to observe the slowness and general inefficiencyof the Prussian artillery in every action.
That the Government has often kept on men of proved inefficiency and of inferior qualities.
To point out, through a series of simple illustrations, the great loss which the whole country is suffering through inefficiency in almost all of our daily acts.
To try to convince the reader that the remedy for this inefficiency lies in systematic management, rather than in searching for some unusual or extraordinary man.
A second reason for the inefficiency of profit-sharing schemes had been that no form of cooperation has yet been devised in which each individual is allowed free scope for his personal ambition.
The existence of such inefficiency casts a grave reflection upon the local authorities and others who are responsible for the evils which undoubtedly exist in various places at the present time.
The absence of competition, and the freedom from continuous publicity and criticism such as the voluntary hospitals enjoy, make for inefficiency and indifferent work.
Amongst the smaller of these establishments there has been so marked an inefficiency at times as to cause much avoidable suffering.
Simply because of ignorance and inefficiencyin the home, not only of the employee, but of the employer also.
These figures are for the actual muscular work done; to obtain the energy expenditure we have to multiply each of them by five on account of the inefficiency of the muscles.
When Lord Randolph Churchill pressed his charges of extravagance and inefficiency against the public departments, the party which happened to be responsible at the time were themselves offended.
I think that your Committee has taken some very valuable evidence which shows the inefficiency and defects of the present system.
This Turkish inefficiency has had a two-fold effect, which should not appear in the German case.
Again, there runs through the length and breadth of this business community a certain measure of incompetence or inefficiency of management, as seen from the point of view of the conceivable perfect working of the system as a whole.
It will reduce program complexity, which leads to inefficiencyand waste, by simplifying and coordinating administration among different programs.