This, however, would require that migrations should go on till all inducement to move from place to place should have ceased to exist.
Commerce tends to diffuse a knowledge of the most economical processes of manufacturing, and this interposes a certain stay on migrations of labor toward the center.
It would appear, however, that the two migrations represented by the widely separated areas of Aryan control, radiated from a centre where the gods Indra, Varuna, and Mitra were grouped in the official religion.
The hammer god's close association with hilly countries suggests that he was first worshipped on the steppes and then distributed by the nomads whose migrations were propelled by changing climatic conditions.
Their eastern prehistoric migrations is by some ethnologists believed to be marked by the Ainus of Japan.
Idem, “Report on Experiments respecting the Development andMigrations of the Entozoa,” ‘British Assoc.
In this connection I may remark that Villot, in his account of the migrations of the trematodes, states that the cercarian forms of Distoma leptosomum and D.
On the Migrations and Metamorphoses of the Tapeworms of the Shrews,” in ‘Ann.
Idem, “On the Development and Migrations of the Entozoa,” ‘Brit.
As regards the development and migrations of the young worms, it is highly probable that the embryos enter the bodies of various fishes before they have acquired sexual maturity.
On their great migrations they march five or six abreast in perfect order, and I once watched a column near my house which took thirty-six hours to march past.
The most extensive migrationsof these ants take place at the beginning and end of the rainy season, and between these two periods there is much less reason to expect an attack.
The legend back of this ceremony is a long account of the migrations of the Horn and Flute people.
Migrations and isolations will thus tend to fix in the machine variations which sexual union or other influences inaugurate.
The production of the various types of machines has been undoubtedly facilitated by the migrations of animals and the isolation of different groups of descendants from each other by various natural barriers.
All the while the tide of immigration was augmented by the migrations of disaffected nobles from Norway.
Baldwin, accompanying an article on “Early Indian Migrations in Ohio,” in the American Antiquarian, i.
It would be interesting to trace the migrations and transfiguration of that little button from its existence as an humble article of dress to the dignity of a charm in the medicine-bag of the old magician on that isolated cliff.
During these migrations they live in tents, and never halt in one spot for longer than three days.
They spend the three winter months in mud huts on the bank of a river or a small stream, and resume their annualmigrations as soon as the snow begins to melt.
It is nowhere many miles wide; but this narrow point of land has hitherto proved a barrier to the migrations of many species of Mollusca.
Divine providence has decreed and presided over the dispersions and migrations of the human race, and in the plan of history fixed the time when and the people by which each continent and island shall be inhabited.
On the origin and migrations of the Greenland Esquimaux.
No further light for the present could be gained on the origin, antiquity, or early migrations of the Yukon Indian.
Early migrations of the Eskimo between Asia and America, XXI Congrès international des Américanistes, pt.
How trivial feel here the contentions about the possibilities of Asiatic migrations into America.
On the Origin and Migrationsof the Greenland Esquimaux.
Most of this hereditary nobility came to grief during the migrations or shortly after.
Roman coins from the close of the second century--, and the German metal ware spread by the migrations represent a peculiar type of a superior finish, even such as were modeled after Roman originals.
To what extent the distribution of pigeons in domestication followed the early migrations of the human race is not known.
The migrations of the Tusayan clans, as described in the legends collected by Mr. Stephen, were slow and tedious.
Study of both the Greenland and Antarctic glaciers has shown that if we disregard the smaller and short-period migrations of the ice front, the general later movement has been a retrograde one—we live in a receding hemicycle of glaciation.
The ice front is itself subject to forward and retrograde migrations of short period, but it is easily seen that in the main its larger movement has been a retrograde one.
With the composite cone, complexity and corresponding lack of symmetry is introduced, especially in the partially ruined caldera, and by the more or less accidental distribution of parasitic cones, as well as by migrations of the central cone.
Abundant during migrations on the Coast; have also taken it at Chilliwhack and Okanagan.
Thelon River, July 22; relation of migrations to insects and storms); 36 (circular migration about e.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "migrations" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.