It is one of the numerous stages erected on many parts of the Bosphorus, from the Euxine to the Propontis, to arrest the numerous shoals of fish that are migrating from sea to sea through this channel.
Heligoland lies in the track of migrating birds, and Dr.
The earliest outpourings of migrating Arabians may have been in progress about the same time.
Waste land was reclaimed then as now by colonists from centres of civilization; the migratingpastoral folks lacked the initiative and experience necessary to establish new communities in undeveloped districts.
This authority is of opinion that the Arabians first migrated into Palestine and northern Syria, where they mingled with the southward-migrating Armenoid peoples from Asia Minor.
Certain villages are inhabited by certain tribes during the summer, the people migrating for the winter months, and other tribes come in for the winter and vacate their quarters in the summer.
The Brahminee goose was common here, and we usually saw in the morning immense flocks of wild geese overhead, migrating northward.
Some of these, as the great bear and the musk-ox of the sub-polar regions, we know to be in the habit of migrating northward in spring, and southward in autumn.
I would have created an "open door" for any migratingmicrobes that were floating about in my atmosphere looking for strained tissue or fermenting food in which to build their disease nests.
William Penn, a Quaker too, answers the objection by pointing out that the whites are migrating to that section and that were the Negroes to settle there trouble would arise between the two races.
Not only might they remain aloof from the busy thoroughfare of migrating myriads but within each eddy there was the possibility of a growth in culture in its simpler aspects.
In the absence of statistics giving the exact number of slaves migrating thus with their owners, the estimates of contemporaries and of later writers may be serviceable.
The Eutaws 'reside on both sides of the Eutaw or Anahuac mountains, they are continually migrating from one side to the other.
Because it is possible to rise, because others rise, the desire to be migrating upwards soon takes possession of members of all but the lowest or poorest class, or those heavily ballasted with a large or increasing family.
People move about from place to place, and it is surprising how small and even large families keep migrating from one part of the colony to another.
Yet it did not occur to me that we might possibly be on the outskirts of the march of the migrating caribou.
They began to sell, lease, or desert their property, migrating to less afflicted regions, or flying to the hills on the frontier to adopt a savage life.
As autumn came once more she returned to the river, and fed chiefly on the migrating eels that swarmed in the hollows near the bank.
The pocket gopher does his migrating and prospecting at night, when his enemies are asleep.
By what do migrating birds guide their courses high in air on a pitch-dark night,--their busy time for flying?
Burman tradition, backed by ancient ruins on the upper Irrawadi, assert that Sakya tribes from central northern India, migrating by way of Manipur, settled in Upper Burma a few centuries before the Christian era.
The next point where stoppage of the migrating calculus may, and frequently does, occur is the orifice of the common duct in the duodenum.
An interrupted galvanic current is indicated, the electrodes in the position just mentioned, when a migrating calculus is stopped on its way.
At the entrance to the cystic duct and at the terminus of the common duct in the duodenum are the points where migrating calculi are most apt to be arrested.
The exact route or routes of which the parasite avails itself in migrating have not been definitely settled, although Friedreich has shown that the portal vein is the medium of transmission of the Echinococcus multilocularis.
Defn: A sandpiper (Terekia cinerea) of the Old World, breeding in the far north of eastern Europe and Asia and migrating to South Africa and Australia.
Defn: A wandering troop or gang; especially, a clan or tribe of a nomadic people migrating from place to place for the sake of pasturage, plunder, etc.
Defn: Migrating or passing from one place or state to another; passing from one residence to another.
Severe winters are usually followed by a sensible diminution in the numbers of the non-migrating birds, and a cold storm in summer often proves fatal to the more delicate species.
The migrating tribes follow almost undeviatingly the same precise line of flight in their annual journeys, and establish themselves in the same breeding places from year to year.
They were migratingsouthward towards the edge of the woods, where they would spend the winter.
Barrier would further act in preventing species formed in one part migrating to another part.
Let us take first the common case of country-bred people migrating to the towns.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "migrating" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.