The Scots has 'I will red myself of it, and cause it to be interprysit and takin in hand, quhilk micht be hurtful to that quhair unto we baith do tend.
I answerit, that I wald tak him with me to Craigmillar, quhair the mediciner and I micht help him, and not be far from my sone.
Then I thocht better o't; for a note to you frae me micht direct their attention to you, and I didna want that.
I micht by the application o' my magical salve, with whose virtues you are already acquaint, gi'e him some relief.
The twalfth heid micht ha'e been expanded wi' advantage, but your fourteenth was by-ordinar'.
It would be a monument by which I micht be remembered.
As we stood feasting our eyes the packman exclaimed: "Noo there's a pictur' that Virgil micht ha'e done justice to.
George thought we micht maybe come to a settlement about the house.
There's been a lang time lost, but I've thought often, it might maybe put the real sinner aff his guard, and so he micht be easier found.
Ay, weel, when I heard that, I thocht I micht as weel die on the ice as in my bed, so I up and on wi' my claethes.
Sanders had aince a gold sovereign, and he looked at it so often that it seemed to grow smaller and smaller in his hand till he was feared it micht just be a half after all.
It's a dog-cart, and I was praying it micht be a cart, so that they could cover me wi' straw.
No but what they micht be blue in some lichts," Nanny added, out of respect to the minister.
I humbly speir your forgiveness, sir," she said, "and you micht bide just a wee yet.
Ay," she said, "I have been ready this twa hours, but you micht wait a minute.
As Tammas Haggart says, that's a blessing, for if there had just been twa explanations the kirk micht hae split on them.
It micht be John Dunwoodie," the tinsmith answered cautiously.
Ay, syne I thocht I micht hae dropped my hanky into Snecky Hobart's pew, but no, it was in my tails.
To hear me, ye micht whiles fancy I was a wee thing dour; but na, na!
I micht hae had as mony as a clockin' hen, gin I had gane the gate ye gaed, Meg Dalrymple.
Save us, one micht as soon bed ayont a pair of auld duddy breeks!
Than in the mornyng up scho gatt, And on hir hairt laid hir disjune; Scho put als mekle in hir lap, As micht haif ser[v]d them baith at nune.
The king gart seik baith fer and neir, Beth be se and land, Off any knycht gife he micht heir, Wald fecht with that gyand.
Thair dwelt a lyt besyde the king A fowll gyane of ane; Stollin he hes the lady ying, Away with hir is gane; 20 And kest hir in his dungering, Quhair licht scho micht se nane; Hungir and cauld and grit thristing Scho fand in to hir wame.
And this they hae spoken in Erse, That Lizie micht not understand.
Come, tell to me, John Hielan'man, What micht their numbers be?
And of his lyfe sum reskew micht he mak, Ane better purpois syne sone than can he tak.
Wallace wist weill, thocht he to deith was brocht, Fra thame to chaip on na wyse micht he nocht.
But they're kittle times, thir; I wad keep her close, or it micht happen your stable micht be empty some morning.
It michtbe a delusion o' the Enemy, if it wasna the de'il himsel'.
Mebbes perhaps there micht pe a wee drappie left in ta bottle.
There micht aiblins pe a thing or twa in ta hoose tat his honour wad pe likin' to tak' away, but it iss no possible tat he can do onything wi' her nainsel'.
Ach, it micht joost pe Tonal," said the Highlander.
Milk'll dae fine for yon birkie: he micht be gled tae get onything, sorning on a respectable manse every ither week.
Oo, that's a' richt; gin we a' hed as gude a chance for the next warld as George Pitillo we micht be satisfied.
But wae be to the Queen hersel, She micht hae pardon'd me; But sair she's striven for me to hang Upon the gallows tree.
Out then spaek the jealous king 25 (And an angry man was he): "O if he had been twice as fair, Zou micht have excepted me.
The Lord Saltoun of Rothemay, A man of micht and mekle main; Grit dolour was for his decay, That sae unhappylie was slain.
They micht a' see him gien they wud--or at least hear him say they sud see him or lang.
I think whiles, gien bairns kenned the terrible wyte their fathersmicht hae to dree for no duin better wi' them, they wud be mair particlar to hand straucht.
I dinna ken; I micht be growin better a' the time!
I canna gang straucht awa, I doobt, though; I fear she has whusky left, and there's no sayin what she micht du afore I wan back.
Syne I micht gang to my mither, I daursay--I dinna ken.
She micht hae held the tongue o' her till he was gane!
Whatever micht want in at her door, there's naething inside to baud it oot.
Ye micht marry a Hebron, but ye never get into the family.
Eh, this type is clear and big; and I was thinking that maybe ye micht want to read a verse or twae.
Ye've been idle a lang time, as I've said, an' I thocht mebbe it michtcome in handy.
A manmicht drink three gallons o't, and dance to the tune o' Gilquhisker after he has finished.
Never consider the cow as mine, for a bachelor farmer like me can better afford to want the siller, than ye can to want yer cow; and I micht hae spent it far mair foolishly, and wi' less satisfaction.
I michthae kent; but there--of course ye are cheenged.
I canna say I'm as comfortable in my mind aboot ye as I micht be.
Shortbreid michtbe waur for a half hungert bairn nor a stane.
In that way, wharever He micht be walkin' aboot, we could aye get Him!
Man, Drumsheugh, yemicht wile him aff tae the saut water atween the neeps and the hairst.
If the new doctor be a young laddie and no verra rich, ye micht let him hae the buiks an' instruments; it 'ill aye be a help.
I micht anger her, and she micht withdraw frae me her countenance and protection: I micht as weel lose the licht o' the sun.
And if, at the end of the seventh mile, you complained that it was much too far, he would never do more than admit that "it michtbe shorter.
Ah'm thinkin' the gentlemanmicht find a coomfortaible lodgin' wi' the weedow Macphairson a wee bittie doon the road.
The race o' them never brocht ocht in my generation to puir Scotland worth a bodle, unless it micht be a new fricassee to fyle a stamach wi'.
The man micht be a carven image, and Leevie no better nor a shifty in the pook.
I micht hae bided a' my days in Fife and never kent what war was.
If she kent whit I ken, she micht hae some excuse, but I took guid care o' that.
Place Charles Reade by the side of Douglas, and then what becomes of the "waist ye weel micht span"?
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "micht" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.