And before oure menne came néere the Towne, they mette with manye little Boates, whiche the Indians call Tahucup, full of armed menne, shewyng themselues desirous of battayle.
The nexte day followyng, all the magistrates of the Cittie mette the Licentiat in the cathedrall Church, and by acte, before the notary, he presented his auctoritie from the Emperour.
For if he had procéeded forthe on his way to Saint Iohn de Vlhua, hee had then mette with whom he sought for, and likewise caused him to haue inhabited there.
Riuer, although they mette with many brookes of shallowe water, not fytte for a roade for Shyppes.
And ofte tyme, I finde that they mette With blody strokes and with wordes grete, Assayinge how hir speres weren whette; 1760 And god it woot, with many a cruel hete Gan Troilus upon his helm to bete.
But Troilus lay tho no lenger doun, But up anoon up-on his stede bay, And in the feld he pleyde tho leoun; Wo was that Greek that with him mette that day.
Quod on, "Ared mi swevene ariht, Which I mette in mi slep to nyht.
For on a day, whan that he mette Jeroboam the knyht, he grette 4520 And bad him that he scholde abyde, To hiere what him schal betyde.
Thomas rathely vpe he rase, And he rane ouer [th]at mountayne hye; Gyff it be als the storye sayes, He hir mette at Eldone tree.
Before the fleet seuered themselues they mette with a great Biscain on the Spanish coast called Santa Clara a ship of 600 tunnes.
Lo Cresus, which that was of Lyde king, Mette he nat that he sat upon a tree, Which signified he sholde anhanged be?
His wyf ful redy mette him atte gate, As she was wont of old usage algate, And al that night in mirthe they bisette; 1565 For he was riche and cleerly out of dette.
And moreouer, the same figure (as it is saide) mette with him againe on the shore side, as he entred out of the ship, and came towardes Carthage to take his charge and regiment in hande.
It was a common custom amongst them, to blesse themselues with the signe of the Crosse, when they mette with these things, which many also vse at this day.
Such crosses theymette with in their beginings; which some imputed as a correction from God for their intrution (to y^e wrong of others) into y^t place.
When the men came hear, and mette with ill counsell from M^r.
We have a singular expression in Louisiana: "Li mette mantec dans so faillots.
He bi-loc hem & ſmette a-mong, 2684 Many fled to Sheba.
As we perceive from both these examples, there is a great distinction between kisses in their gustative aspect, but, for obvious reasons, I shall entirely exclude the variety represented by Mette Splyd.
Yea and oftentimes they mette Within a fayre arboure, Where they in love and sweet daliaunce Past manye a pleasaunt houre.
The Child of Elle he hyed him thence, Y-wis he stoode not stille, 10 And soone he mette faire Emmelines page Come climbing up the hille.
There was a certaine Persian called Sinetas, that farre from his owne housemette king Artaxerxes, and had not wherwith to present him.
When the wife and husbande sawe eche other, they imbraced like twoo that mette after suche troublesome aduentures.
Uppon whiche occasion, he thought him selfe moste happy that he had mette with such companie, because he and his seruaunt rode together alone.
My mayster rode to Walsyngham on the Fryday folwyng, and ther he mette with the shereve, and the shereve lyveryd my mayster a letter from my Lord of Norffolk, qwych I send yow a copy of.
Skeyton and mette with the frier in the feld and spoke with hym a gode while, and than redyn the same wey that they come.
Heere I mette with many people both men and women clothed in Cotton, and some couered with Oxe-hydes, which generally they take for better apparell then that of cotton.
Before I came to the desert, I mette with a very pleasant Towne, by reason of great store of waters conueighed thither to water the same.
As he mette on a daye one or two of his acqueyntaunce, he desyred them home with him to dyner: but meate had he none, nor money.
Anone after, an other of them mette hym, and asked hym if he had nat an ague: for your face and colour (quod he) sheweth that ye be very sycke.
Wherefore to the nexte company that mette him and demaunded whose man he was, he answered: kyng Henries.
Perchaunce, the fyrste that hemette was a man dryuynge an asse before hym.
And incontynent the olde nonne mette with her, askynge her howe she lyked her confessour; whiche sayd he was the best gostly father that euer she hadde and the most easyest in penaunce-geuyng.
Alexander, to excuse his dede, sayde, he was warned by diuine monition to commaunde to slee the fyrste that he mette comynge out at that gate.
To whome this yeman of the garde sware by Goddes body, if he mette with hym it should go harde but he wolde bete him well.
Whan he had gone a lytel farther, the thyrde man mette hym, and sayde: Jesu!
And y{e} Kyng our mayster mette with the frensshe Kyng at Sandyngfelde within the englysshe pale thre myles.
And the dolphyn with the cardynalles and all theyr gentylmen brought the kynges vnto y{e} place where they fyrst mette and than departed.
October my lorde of Norffolke accompanyed with my lord of Darby and a great nombre of gentilmen besydes mette with the great mayster of Fraunce vj.
The mayre mette the quenes grace at her comyng forthe of y{e} towre and all his bretherne and aldermen standyng in chepe.
Yea, and oftentimes they mette Within a fayre arboure, Where they, in love and sweet daliaunce, Past manye a pleasaunt houre.
The Child of Elle he hyed him thence, Ywis he stoode not stille, 10 And soone he mette faire Emmelines page Come climbing up the hille.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "mette" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.