But Robert de Touton, and the frier that had raised the spirit for to know whether the kings father were liuing or not, were committed to prison, wherein the frier remained till he died.
Edward the third preferred to the bishoprike of Landaffe; Adam Woodham a frier Minor, Simon Henton a blacke frier, William de Pagula; of Iohn Wicliffe ye haue heard before.
And than the seyd frier seyd scornfully that he myth thanke his mayster.
The Frier seyd he cam for to speke with the gode lady, and Edmund seyd that he shuld speke with her.
Skeyton and mette with the frier in the feld and spoke with hym a gode while, and than redyn the same wey that they come.
Also, syr, I have spoke to a fryer that is conversaunt at Wykelwode wyth Randolffis dowter and he hath behestid me for to gete me Randolffis armes of hese dowter Wyltones wyf; but I have not yet spoke wyth the frier a yen.
The friermade sutch hast as (too late) hee arriued at Mantua, within a while after.
Then the Fatherly Frier began to repeate the beginning of the loue betwene Iulietta, and Rhomeo, which by certayne space of time confirmed, was prosecuted by wordes at the first, then by mutual promise of mariage, vnknown to the world.
Iulietta beinge within hir Chambre hauing an eawer ful of Water standing vppon the Table filled the viole which the Frier gaue her: and after she had made the mixture, she set it by hir bed side, and went to Bed.
Iulietta departed from frier Laurence, and returned home to hir father's Pallace about II.
Iulietta beinge entred a little Cell wyth Frier Laurence, he shut fast the dore as he was wont to do, where Rhomeo and he had bin together shut fast in, the space of one whole hour before.
Call her forth brother, heres the Frierready Prin.
Signior Leonato, let the Frier aduise you, And though you know my inwardnesse and loue Is very much vnto the Prince and Claudio.
Come Frier Francis, be briefe, onely to the plaine forme of marriage, and you shal recount their particular duties afterwards Fran.
Some witch or some divell is sent to delude us: Haud credo Laurentius that thou shouldst be pen'd thus In the presse of a nun; we are all undone, And brought to discredence, if thou be Frier Laurence.
The same in English Frier Hugo of Loubeux Verdala, by the grace of God, master of the holy house, the hospital of S.
Here beginneth the iournall of Frier Odoricus, one of the order of the Minorites, concerning strange things which hee sawe among the Tarters of the East.
Ianuarie, Beatus Odoricus a Frier minorite deceased in Christ, at whose prayers God shewed many and sundry miracles, which I Guetelus publique notarie of Vtina, sonne of M.
I frier Odoricus of Friuli, of a certaine territory called Portus Vahonis, and of the order of the minorites, do testifie and beare wimesse vnto the reuerend father Guidotus minister of the prouince of S.
Thus much concerning those things which I beheld most certainely with mine eyes, I frier Odoricus haue heere written: many strange things also I haue of purpose omitted, because men will not beleeue them vnlesse they should see them.
All the premisses abouewritten friar William de Solanga hath put downe in writing euen as the foresayd frier Odoricus vttered them by word of mouth, in the yeere of our Lord 1330.
For the reading whereof I referre you to Frier Rush his storie, or else to John Wierus 'De præstigiis demonum.
Baillie speaks of two books: "the one by a Dutch Frier [evidently the Theologia] and the other by an English Capuchine.
The Frier and the Priest, and those that were with them in the house were saued, which cost the liues of two men of account, and valiant, which came thither to succour them.
Some notices of this Frier Black will be given in the Appendix.
This Frier Black was Black in a threefold consideration, first in respect of his Order, for he was a Black Frier by profession; secondlie in respect of his Surname; thirdlie in respect of his Black workes.
Sidenote: A libell by frier Pateshull against his brethren.
Now bicause such as obteined this fauour, inioied great liberties, manie were glad to bestow largelie, to be so preferred, thefrier being redie to admit those that offered most.
The earle was caried to Beauuois, where of his hurt he shortlie died, & was buried in the frier Minors.
I Frier Marcus de Xlicia, of the Franciscan Order, and Praefect of the whole Fraternity residing in the Perusian Provinces, one of the first among the Religious, who arriv'd with the Spaniards in these parts.
Thus far I have acquainted you with the very words of this Religious Franciscan, ratified by the Bishop of Mexico, who testifieth that the said Frier Marc did affirm and maintain what is above-mentioned.
At Frier Patrickes Cell, Where I intend holy Confession Eg.
A little more lenitie to Lecherie would doe no harme in him: Something too crabbed that way, Frier Duk.
My Lord, wee'll doe it throughly: Signior Lucio, did not you say you knew that Frier Lodowick to be a dishonest person?
Come your way sir: 'blesse you good Father Frier Duk.
We shall intreat you to abide heere till he come, and inforce them against him: we shall finde this Frier a notable fellow Luc.
Frier Marco de Nica entred a good way into the countrey, accompanied with Stephan Dorantez, the 7.
Taken out of the history of China written by Frier Iuan Gonzales de Mendoca, and printed in Madrid 1586.
The number, of the people which Vazquez caried with him in his iourney thither; and how greatlyFrier Marcus of Nica is honoured by the Indians of Petatlan.
Of the state and qualities of the kingdomes of Totonteac, Marata, and Acus, quite contrary to the relation of Frier Marcus.
Frier Marco de Nica departeth from Saint Michael in the Prouince of Culiacan, standing in 24.
Frier Walter Laitig, bewrayer of the confession of this Henry Forest.
Soone after that was sent in two blacke Friers, an Englishe Frier & an other subtile sophister called Arbircromy, with the which Englishe Frier he would haue reasoned and declared hys fayth by the scriptures.
Who shortly after, caused a certaine Frier named Walter Laing, to heare his confession.
Patrike to bee a good man and wrongfully to be put to death, and that his articles were true and not hereticall: the Frier came and vttered to the Bishop the confession that he had hearde, which before was not thoroughly known.
John Lauder, and Andro Oliphant, and Frier Maltman, were sent from Edinburgh to assist him.
Moreouer by the same witnes it is testified, that the sayd Frier dyed immediatly before the sayd day came, without remorse of conscience, that he had persecuted the Innocent.
Calderwood says, "Frier Laing had been confessor to the King," (Hist.
Which frier for sundry purposes after that did fiue times passe from England thither, and home againe.
This Frier (as Saluaterra reported) was the greatest Discouerer by sea, that hath bene in our age.
Either Salvaterra or the Frier must have possessed a vivid imagination.
And it hath bene performed by three brethren, the Indians aforesaid, and by Vrdaneta the Frier of Mexico.
None of the frier minors went, bicause they would not be the bringers of so heauie tidings, sith he had euer borne them great good will.
The devil himself, or more properly, one of the many devils who abounded in the sixteenth century, is the hero of the "Historie of Frier Rush.
Iul: Tell me not Frier that thou hearst of it, Vnlesse thou tell me how we may preuent it.
Moth: Shees gone (my Lord) to Frier Laurence Cell To be confest.
What if the Frier should giue me this drinke To poyson mee, for feare I should disclose Our former marriage?
Laur: This same should be the voyce of Frier Iohn.
Capo: Now before God this holy reuerent Frier All our whole Citie is much bound vnto.
Sidenote: Hugh of Manchester a frier sent to the French king.
Frier Iohn Peckham, whome the pope had alreadie consecrated archbishop of Canturburie, being the 47 in number that had gouerned the said see, came this yeare ouer into England to supplie the roome.
In the same yeare died frier Iohn Peckham archbishop of Canturburie, and then was Robert of Winchelsie elected archbishop the 48 in number that had ruled that see.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "frier" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.