The enemie hauing reasonable companie both of horse and footemen, stoode in a readinesse some good distance without the towne to welcome vs, and to encounter the Lorde Generall.
Vnto the which expedition it stoode him nowe in hand to ioyne great puissance, as hauing the English people his professed enemies; whose Island is so situate, that it may either greatly helpe or hinder all such as saile into those parts.
Biforn hem stoode swiche instruments of soun, 1715 That Orpheus, ne of Thebes Amphioun, Ne maden never swich a melodye.
In so much as the Prince of Orange maruelling at it, looked a side on that part where I stoode a beholder of the feast, and sayd, I maruell your Noblemen of England doe not desire to be better languaged in the forraine languages.
There was nothing to cry about, nothing to talk over, and yet we alle stoode agaze at each other in Groups, like the Cattle under the Trees when a Storm is at hand.
I stoode agaze, speechlesse, and to my Terror made out the Features of Bess .
He had clomb a Hill in the Darke, and stoode calling to his Companions below, 'Come on, come on!
I had always understoode," answers Father, "that Silence stoodefor Consent.
A Mug of Water stoode within her Reach; I saw none other Sustenance; but, in her Visage, oh, such Peace!
Twas Twilighte, and I stoode there I know not how long, alone and lonely; with Tears coming, I knew not why, into mine Eyes.
He stoode not there long, but there came in a tall man, an aged and very grave man, to look unto.
Alacke he was too vertuous to make her vicious, he stoodevpon religion and conscience, what a hainous thing it was to subuert Gods ordinance.
Euen in this expedition of Turwin (for the king stoode not long thrumming of buttons there) it happened me fall out (I would it had fallen out otherwise for his sake) with an vgly mechanical Captaine.
Howbeit Regnaldus who had an intention to slay the king, stoode a-side in the midst of the house talking with one of the Princes of the lande.
And thus it stoode with the Ports for their generall charge, in the sixt yeere of his reigne, for then was this Chartre sealed.
Now, upon the well brinkes stoode Justice, over whose head was written, my hand hits right, death is my stroke, my ballance will not lye.
When shee had her shreeuen, & her sines shee had tolde, The mantle stoode about her right as shee wold, 31.
When shee had taken the mantle, shee stoode as she had beene madd; It was ffrom the top to the toe as sheeres had itt shread.
A litle boy stoode looking ouer a dore; He was ware of a wyld bore, wold haue werryed a man.
Thei stoode noght, I trowe, Hadde thei no thyng but of poore men, Hir houses stoode untyled.
Her nose was crookt and turned outwarde, Her chin stoode all awreye; And where as sholde have been her mouthe, Lo!
When she had taken the mantle; She stoode as shee had beene madd; It was from the top to the toe As sheeres had itt shread.
A troope of Normannes from the mass-songe came, Rousd from their praiers by the flotting crie; Thoughe Girthe and Ailwardus perceevd the same, Not once theie stoode abashd, or thoghte to flie.
A Method for Travell, shewed by taking the view of France as it stoode in the yeare of our Lord, 1598.
There is most excellent grasse within a quarter of a league hence, for our horses as well to feede them in pasture, as to mow and make hay, whereof wee stoode in great neede, because our horses came hither so weak and feeble.
They were a great succour for the hunger and want of bread which our people stoode in.
I was halfe afraide, and of my selfe ashamed, both ignorant what to say, or howe to aunswer: my voyce and spirit being interdicted, I stoode stone still like a dead image.
His countenance sauour of the vaine of Gallatits, and crowned with stars like lightening, he stoode vpon an aultar of Saphyre.
The King of the white men, his musicke sounding, commaunded her forward that stoode before the Queene, and the same with lyke reuerent behauiour marched forward her continent, and stoode still.
And vppon the earth, stoode dvuers persons, wondering at the force of such a little slaue, and the effect of suche a vveake and slender Arrowe.
By hir side stoode a little winged boy smiling, with his bowe and arrowes.
This conspitious porche and gate, most woorthye to be behelde, thus stoode of a maruelous composition, excellently disposed.
Vpon the fore ende I behelde the mightie Cupid, drawing hys golden Arrowe, and shooting the same vp into the heauens, causing them to raine bloode: whereat a number stoode wonderfully amazed, of all fortes of people.
He, like a good plaine honest man, stoode still, and told them he had not learned to dissemble soe deepely.
Within a while after the Scholler entred in very softly, and tooke away the ladder whereupon she got vp, and stoode still to heare what she did say and doe.
And when he had made him readye, thinking to descend to bid the Lady good Morrow, seeking meanes to vnlock the Doore, and perceiuing that he could not, he stoode styll in a dumpe.
The Scholler stoode belowe in a Court, benoommed for colde, the Wyddowe preached a lofte in the top of a Tower, and fayne would haue had water to coole hir extreme heate.
And iust at four of the Clocke the Mayden of Madonna Lucia stoode at the dore to wayte for the comminge of Maister Anselmo, who within a while after came, and gladly was let in by the mayde, and by hir conducted vp to hir Bed side.
And hauing made an ende of those hir wordes, hir heart was so grieuously strayned, as shee coulde neyther weepe nor speake, and stoode so immoueable, as if she had bene in a traunce.
The Princes stoode still in great admiration, and highly commended the wisedome of the Lady, esteeming hir for a very sage and polliticke woman.
The Mayden hardned in hir Opinion, stoodestill immoueable mutch like vnto a Rocke in the midst of the Sea, disquieted with a tempest of billowes, and fomy Waues in sutch wise as one word could not be procured from hir mouth.
X When shee had taken the mantle, She stoodeas shee had beene madd; It was from the top to the toe As sheeres had it shread.
XXXII The little Boy stoode Looking over a dore; [There as he look’d He was ware of a wyld bore.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "stoode" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.