After the period of materialist effort, which held the soul in check until it was shaken off as evil, the soul is emerging, purged by trials and sufferings.
Hatred, partisanship, cliques, jealousy, intrigues are the natural consequences of this aimless, materialist art.
Today one of the largest of the lower segments has reached the point of using the first battle cry of the materialist creed.
So there is a positivist aspect to this reaction that is itself only a relation, and that is the attempt to assimilate all phenomena under the materialist explanation, or to formulate a final, all-inclusive system, upon the materialist basis.
The materialist stumbles at the existence of human spirit, because he cannot get a conception of it.
To be logical, the materialist must conclude that there is nothing good, nothing noble, no justice; for we have not yet seen nor felt nor smelt these things.
This displeasure is said to have been aggravated by his notorious membership of the freethinking and materialist school which Gassendi, if he had not founded it, had helped to spread.
His chief subjects of discussion were, first, the theory of the revelation of language; and secondly, the theory of causality: in respect of both of which he combated the materialist school of the eighteenth century.
Earlier than this the physician Cabanis, in his Rapports de Physique et de Morale, composed a semi-materialist work of great excellence according to eighteenth-century standards.
La Mettrie's chief work is a paradoxical exercise in materialist physics called L'Homme-Machine, in which he endeavours to prove the purely automatic working of the human frame, and the absence of any mind in the spiritualist sense.
Damiron, the chief authority in French on the materialist schools of the eighteenth century; M.
The Gassendian school soon gave birth to a small but influential school of materialist freethinkers.
Whether the reader can or cannot define Matter otherwise; he will, at all events, perceive that the Materialist assumes as his primary postulate, that which is by no means the primary fact accepted by Mankind.
The foregoing is, as every honest materialist will acknowledge, but a slight specimen of the many difficulties of Materialism.
Under such circumstances it may seem difficult for many a Materialist to describe himself as the adherent of a distinct or closely reasoned system.
Its leading sociological principle is the materialist conception of history.
In regard to the first point, it must be conceded that the disjecta membra of Marx's value theory and of his materialist conception of history are already to be found in the writings of former socialists and sociologists.
For we must remember that the materialist philosophy (whether true or not) is certainly much more limiting than any religion.
But the strongest of all is the dilemma above mentioned, that these supernatural things are never denied except on the basis either of anti-democracy or of materialist dogmatism--I may say materialist mysticism.
A forlorn lover might be unable to dissociate the moon from lost love; so the materialist is unable to dissociate the moon from the tide.
And, similarly, if the cosmos of the materialist is the real cosmos, it is not much of a cosmos.
But the materialist is not allowed to admit into his spotless machine the slightest speck of spiritualism or miracle.
A materialist of the twelfth century could not believe it any more than a materialist of the twentieth century.
Considered as a figure, therefore, the materialist has the fantastic outline of the figure of the madman.
The wild worship of lawlessness and the materialist worship of law end in the same void.
Of course it is not only of the materialist that all this is true.
The materialistis sure that history has been simply and solely a chain of causation, just as the interesting person before mentioned is quite sure that he is simply and solely a chicken.
It is customary to condemn the American as a materialist because of his worship of success.
The Frenchman who retires from business when he has money enough to drink his wine and eat his omelette in peace might much more plausibly be called a materialist by those who do not prefer to call him a man of sense.
It is significant that the outstanding materialist among American poets, Poe, produced poetry of much the same artificial temper as did these men.
Fortunately Shelley was scarcely able to hold to the delusion that he was a materialist throughout the course of an entire poem, even in his extreme youth.
That brings us up to the edge of a gulf over which no materialist philosopher has ever been able to cast a bridge.
Robinet (de la nature), the French materialist who more than all the others kept in touch with metaphysics, expressly founds himself on Leibnitz.
And if Anaxagoras is to be called a materialist because he described the Nous as thin, then we must also plead guilty to materialism if we say that the thought of Plato is "luminous," or that the mind of Aristotle is "clear.
Footnote 5] Now if we cannot say whether Parmenides was a materialist or an idealist, we cannot be said to understand much about his philosophy.
Why I'm blest if I'm a Materialist: The materialist posits an X for his ultimate principle.
Why else does he write his learned books in defense of the materialist philosophy?
The materialist is inclined, as ever, to say that electricity is the last force to be uncorked on the planet, just as he said that the kerosene lamp was the last word in illumination.
And now the mystic is looking down and the materialist is looking up.
Here we have a Materialist proving the affinity of matter: 'All round things are globular, all square things flat-sided.
But the materialist 'had not in his head matter sufficient to prove matter efficient; and being thus deficient, he knew nothing of the matter.
The Materialist MY soul has left its tent of clay And seeks from star to star, 'Mid flaming worlds that are to be, And fruitful worlds that are, The Voice which spake and said "Live on!
The materialist prescribes temperance, continence, sobriety, in order that life may be long, and comfortable, and free from disease.
The ablest representative of Unitarianism was Joseph Priestley, a materialist of the school of Hartley.
With us the sensational philosophy has become refined into a philosophy of experience, and the materialist finds himself in a region where to distinguish between matter and spirit is difficult, to say the least.
The brains of Kaffir and Boer, of ploughboy and merchant, of materialist and idealist, are too subtly wrought to enable us to trace the systems of kineses which were the concomitants of their scheme of beliefs.
Suppose the materialist gives us his analysis of phenomena.
The materialist resolves all phenomena into matter in motion or into energy, and says that these are the only real existences.
Stated at length, what they admit is that miraculous interventions are incongruous, not for them, but for those whose whole system of thought is cast in another mould than theirs--for the materialist and the infidel.