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Example sentences for "materializations"

Lexicographically close words:
materialist; materialistic; materialists; materiality; materialization; materialize; materialized; materializes; materializing; materiall
  1. It was to this cause I chiefly attributed the large number of materializations I witnessed--forty having taken place that evening.

  2. On two occasions I have witnessed materializations in daylight; and neither of Sir William Crookes's sensitives--D.

  3. In dealing with materializations we are apt to overlook the fact that we are investigating forces or modes of energy far more delicate than electricity, for instance.

  4. This is seen in the materialization of objects, which is important as being the only materializations outside the cabinet, and the only ones that we can study.

  5. From the earliest days of materializations there were such exposures, and the Spiritualists condoned everything.

  6. I am scientifically studying the preparatory stages of one of the classic manifestations of the movement: the materializations of Florence Cook, which are vouched for by Sir W.

  7. However, they promise us research under scientific conditions, and they say that they have got materializations under such conditions.

  8. If Spiritualists would persuade us that they are scrupulously honest, they must drive the last of these people out of their fold, and they must expunge every reference to these materializations from their literature.

  9. They believe in the reality of materializations or levitations.

  10. There was a second such phase in the seventies, when materializations began.

  11. Sir William Crookes believed in materializations of a still more wonderful nature, as we shall see.

  12. The minor phenomena I saw did not impress me, and I asked to be allowed to see these wonderful materializations of Mr. Craddock.

  13. Her materializations and tricks were simple.

  14. Most materializations are still the medium in a mask or beard and muslin.

  15. Even at the time there were leading Spiritualists like Sergeant Cox who regarded the affair with bewilderment and suspected that all materializations were fraud.

  16. An English scientist, Professor Crawford, has published a book entitled "The Reality of Psychic Phenomena," in which he tells the results of many years of testing materializations by the strictest scientific methods.

  17. Fowler struck in: "But what will you do with materializations such as Dr.

  18. The law of these materializations seems to be this: the forces of the psychic are proportional to the harmoniousness of the circle and in inverse proportion to the light.

  19. I know this sounds like the veriest dreaming, but you must remember that materializations much more wonderful have been seen and analyzed in the clinical laboratories of Turin and Naples.

  20. It was his materializations that received the particular attention of the Seybert Commission.

  21. The slate tests and so-called materializations have invariably been frauds.

  22. Keeler's materializations are thus described in the report of the commission: "On May 27 the Seybert commission held a meeting at the house of Mr. Furness at 8 p.

  23. The question resolves itself into two factors--either the medium gets loose the neck-tie and impersonates the spirits or the materializations are genuine.

  24. Many of the so-called materializations of the seance-room may be accounted for by hallucinations superinduced by telepathic suggestions from the mind of the medium or sitters.

  25. Growing somewhat weary waiting for him to "manifest," I determined to undertake some materializations on my own account.

  26. And now the blessed materializations began.

  27. Whether it be a question of automatic writing, psychometry, materializations or anything else, we meet with series of sittings that yield none but absurd results.

  28. Also we shall meet with it again when we come to the chapter treating of the materializations of which it forms part.

  29. Even the materializations are thought to be due to this same cause--due to the moulding, in space, of this plastic intermediary projected beyond the limits of her bodily organism.

  30. These semi-materializations are very interesting, since they form the connecting link between true materialization, which is solid and substantial, and so-called thought photography.

  31. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "materializations" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.