Illustration] Here ar two likeiammes ioyned togither, the one is a longe square A.
The third couple ar ioyned in one, and be nother equall, nother like, but expressyng an absurde deformitee, whiche would folowe if this Theoreme wer not true.
In entring the same, wee will first pitch at the Looes, two seuerall Corporations, distinguished by the addition of East and West, abutting vpon a nauigable creek, and ioyned by a faire bridge of many arches.
The same day was the cloister on the South side of the towne entred by vs, which ioyned very neere to the wall of the towne, out of the chambers and other places whereof we beat into the same with our musquetiers.
Antonio, which ioyned to the wall of the towne, and would haue bene a very euill neighbor to the towne: but the enemy hauing more easie entry into it then we gained it before vs.
The next morning the nine gallies which were sent not fiue dayes before out of Andaluzia for the strengthening of the riuer of Lisbon (which being ioyned with the other twelue that were there before, though we lay hard by them at S.
Ioyned in battel, they haue no small respect vnto them that be wounded: for they bring them that are hurt or weary into the middle of the army to be defended: they are made tame by drinking the iuise of barley.
If at any time this countrey might be ioyned in league with the kingdome of Portugale, in such wise that free accesse were had to deale with the people there, they might all be soone conuerted.
This sinne were it left of them, in all other things so well disposed they be, that a good interpreter in a short space might do there great good: If, as I said, the countrey were ioyned in league with vs.
Here the two riuers ioyned together begin to be eight or nine miles broad: here also it beginneth to ebbe and flow, and the water ouerflowing maketh the countrey all about very fertile of corne, rice, pulse, and dates.
Which way soeuer the book bee opened, two written sides offer themselues to the view, two pages appeare and as many lye vnder, vnlesse you stretch them in length: for there are many leauesioyned together vnder one leafe.
They reduce them into square peeces, not loose, but with binding, and flexible Bitumen so conioyned, that being compact of wooden table bookes, they may seeme to haue passed the hands of some curious workman that ioyned them together.
All ioyned together, and came within a stones cast of the shore.
The Rampires are framed and fashioned with peeces of timber, layd along on the ground, very well and cunningly ioyned togither after their fashion.
Being arriued there, we found the sayd landes, as it were ioyned together, and low toward the Sea.
For if he is permitted to enter in their liuing bodies, euen when they are ioyned with the soule: how much more will God permit him to enter in their dead carions, which is no more man, but the filthie and corruptible caise of man.
They are ioyned in matrimony to all in generall, yea, euen to their neare kinsfolkes except their mother, daughter and sister by the mothers side.
There was also a tent erected vpon pillars, which were couered with plates of golde, and were ioyned vnto other timber with golden nailes.
He requirith therfor a confession of the truithe not only in the companye of the godly / but also in the companye of the vngodly and persequutours / howsoeuer it be ioyned with the ieoperdie of lyfe and of all the substaunce.
Paule dothe byd / that the faythful whiche is ioyned in mariage withe the vnbeleuer sholde not be separated / yf the vnbeleuer will dwell withe the faythfull.
By this time Haro was gotten vp on foot, and hauing clapt a woollen cloth vpon his head, which had bled extremely, he ioynedhimselfe vnto vs, of whom we receiued no small aide.
The Frenchman likewise told me that all the Canibals of Petiguar have ioyned themselues in companie with certaine Frenchmen, which were cast away in two ships vpon this coast.
The people that were at the windowes and in the streete, betwixt the houses and the soldiers, were so great a number that it seemed to bee doomes day, and that all the people in the worlde were there ioyned together in that streete.
The Caciques did giue such credite vnto his words, that in a few houres they had ioyned together so much people, that they made a fort according as the Spaniardes did request, and that with an incredible breuitie.
All those people did beare him companie, as also a great number that were there ioyned togither to heare the examination of those strangers, and also the Spaniards he commanded to go next vnto him.
In the ende after the battayles were ioyned betweene them both, a cruell and blouddy slaughter was commytted, the victorye falling to neyther parte.
Being ioyned in order of battel, they marched towardes the Volsciens, and wanne the Citye of Suessa Pometia, the spoile wherof Tarquinius solde for XL.
The Latines he specially regarded, to the intent that through forreine aide hee might raign in more surety at home, with the chief of which country he ioyned affinity.
And the head hath he ioyned with the bodie, that frome it, doth life and motion flowe to the rest of the membres.
So that they shoute wyth great noyse, flying and dashing togither, and that in heapes and rounde companies mixed or ioyned togither, and greate is the noyse made among them.
Chapiter, whiche properly helpeth the roughnesse of the breaste, when it is ioyned or mixed with the oyle of Violets, for that bothe mollifyeth or softneth the sinewes, ripeneth and resolueth vlcers.
They say that at the beginning, the heaven, the earth, and the water were a masse or lumpe ioyned in one.
There is so much people in it, what of citizens and courtiers, that it is affirmed that, vpon any vrgent occasion, there may be ioyned together two hundreth thousand men, and the half of them to bee horsemen.
And ther is no cause why profite maye not folowe pleasure, and honestie ioynedto delectacion.
Male collocatum, when wordes be naughtelye ioyned together, or set in a place wher thei shuld not be.
For the myghte and power of eloquucion consisteth in wordes considered by them selues, and when they be ioyned together.
Of thynges ioyned to: as whẽ Maro sayeth to Poliphemus: He had the bodye of a pineapple tree for a staffe in hys hande.
Wyll is gathered of hope to performe it, and is made more probable whẽ the nature of the mynde is ioyned to it: as it is not like he wyl abide in his glorye, because he is enuious and ambicious.
Turpis loquutio, when the words be spoken, or ioyned together, that they may be wronge into a fylthye sence.
For there is a garnyshynge, euen when they be pure and fyne by them selues, and an other, whẽ they be ioyned together.
Of the whych, that on is committed, when anye worde is fautely spoken or writen: that other, when in many wordes ioyned together, the worde that foloweth is not wel applyed to that that goeth before.
To this mai beioyned the euel disposition by constellation, whiche hath a great power & dominion in al erthly thinges.
To these mai be ioyned the particular causes of infection, which I cal the accidentes of the place, augmenting thesame.
For whereas euery other pleasure commonly filles some one of our senses, and that onely, with delight, this makes all our sences swimme in pleasure, and that with infinite variety, ioyned with no lesse commodity.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "ioyned" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.