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Example sentences for "mashes"

Lexicographically close words:
masel; mash; mashed; masheen; masher; mashie; mashing; masi; masin; mask
  1. The bowels should be kept loose with bran mashes and the animal kept quiet in the stable.

  2. The horse is to be fed sparingly on soft feed, bran mashes chiefly.

  3. Another important point is to give bran mashes and other laxative diet only, and in moderate quantity, for a fortnight, and to unload the rectum by copious injections of warm water in case impaction is imminent.

  4. The callus will usually be sufficiently hardened in two or three weeks to allow of a change of diet to mashes of cut hay and scalded grain, until the removal of the dressing restores the animal to its old habit of mastication.

  5. Barley flour is more cooling for mashes than bran or oatmeal.

  6. Another remedy is to feed warm mashes of wheat bran from a nosebag, so that the relaxing effects of the water vapor may be secured.

  7. Above the hallowed graves of our ancestors the buck-wheater hoes the cross-eyed potato, and mashes the immortal soul out of the speckled sqursh-bug.

  8. And she impatiently mashes a huge mosquito that is fastened on her swarthy arm.

  9. Val fed the fowls at early dawn, made hot mashes for them on cold mornings, cleaned out nests perpetually, ground up old china to make grit, and set broody hens on several dozen eggs, so as to have chickens ready for the spring markets.

  10. Diet should consist of soft food, such as bran mashes with a little linseed meal mixed in them.

  11. When the cow is in low condition, or when retention is connected with drinking iced water or eating frozen feed, hot drinks and hot mashes of wheat bran or other aliment may be sufficient.

  12. Feed a good quality of food, such as wheat bran mashes or steamed rolled oats and see that the water supply is fresh and non-contaminated.

  13. See that the water supply is clean, feed nitrogenous food, as wheat bran mashes or steamed rolled oats.

  14. Feed nourishing food as wheat bran mashes and one cup of Flaxseed meal once a day.

  15. When they will eat, feed food that is easily digested, as hot wheat bran mashes and steamed rolled oats containing two or three ounces of pure ground flaxseed.

  16. Where the pigs will not eat mashes or drink milk, give them medicine by force with a teaspoon.

  17. Apply to the irritations that present themselves on the body of the birds: Sulphur Ointment twice a week and feed good nourishing food as wheat bran mashes and vegetables.

  18. Feed easily digested food as hot wheat bran mashes or steamed rolled oats, vegetables and green grass if possible.

  19. Warm mashes made of bran or oatmeal are very nourishing and soothing to the intestinal canal.

  20. Feed green food or hot bran mashes and supply them with a liberal quantity of pure water to drink.

  21. Feed foods that are easily digested, as wheat bran mashes and steamed rolled oats and vegetables.

  22. Feed sparingly on laxative food, as bran mashes and vegetables, for a few days following each treatment.

  23. Coax the animal to eat grass or vegetables, hot bran mashes or steam rolled oats.

  24. In some cases the worts of the first and second mashes only are used for strong beer; that of the third mashing being kept for table beer, or as liquor to mash a fresh quantity of malt.

  25. He should be well littered down in a warm stable or box, and have bran mashes and lukewarm water for the two or three next days.

  26. Two or three bran mashes given on that or the preceding day, are far from sufficient when a horse is about to be physicked, whether to promote his condition, or in obedience to custom.

  27. Mashes should be given until the dung becomes softened.

  28. Usually all that is needed is Pratts Cow Remedy with bran mashes and good digestible feed.

  29. Repeat the bran mashes if necessary, as the bowels must be moved freely.

  30. Do not fail in this case, as in all other cases of worms, to feed bran mashes until the bowels are freely moved, and should the horse refuse the bran mash or should it fail to move the bowels, give the horse a dose of Glauber's salts.

  31. Give good nutritious feed with bran mashes and clean fresh, water.

  32. Blanket the cow in a warm stable, and three times a day give hot drinks and hot mashes of wheat bran to which two tablespoonfuls of Pratts Cow Remedy have been added.

  33. Concentrated or thick mashes require that the stirrers be of massive construction, capable of being rapidly rotated in the liquid.

  34. The form of cooler best to be used depends upon the circumstances of each case and whether thick or thin mashes are to be distilled.

  35. The mashes described above are thick, more or less troublesome to distil, and only simple stills can be used.

  36. The preparation of the various varieties of yeast mashes is too lengthy to be set forth except in special treatises on the subject, but the ordinary method of yeasting is as follows, reference being made to Fig.

  37. We will now consider in more detail the preparation of mashes from starch-containing substances.

  38. Mashes may be even cooled by mere stirring by paddles, but this takes a long time and much labor.

  39. From this bed of mother yeast, or start yeast, the yeast for the successive yeast mashes is taken.

  40. As previously stated, mashes to-day are mostly prepared by steaming and disintegrating in a mash cooker of the type shown in Figs.

  41. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "mashes" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.