My bedfelawe Cornwaleys is maryed in the Northe, and he came as yesternyght to my lorde streyt owt of the contre, and he scheythe [showeth] non othyr wyse but as I have wretyn here afore in thys lettyr.
Wormegey, and of mariage of hise dowghtyr, whiche now schal solempnely be maryed to Conerys,[210.
And because hys fadre was so maryed ayenst my maister wille, he nevere wold hafe affeccion to hym all hys lyfe dayes.
Sir John Thynne of Longleate, and after his death maryed his lady; by whom he had children as in the pedigre.
And as I understonde, the Emperorys sone[297-2] ys maryed at Gaunte as this day; and ther cam with hym but iiij.
Jane of Navarre was maryed to Henrye the forthe in the fourthe yere of his reygne, wherein you followe a late englishe cronicler whome I forbeare to name.
When he had said these wordis, thei were all doume,[422] thinking better to have ten concubynes, then one maryed wyfe.
And thareat was smylling of the best, and lowd laughtter of some; for the Bisehop had a dowghter maryed with Andro Balfour[91] in that same toune.
He which hath businesse, and makes love, doth doe Such wrong, as when a maryed man doth wooe.
Oh stay, three lives in one flea spare, 10 Where wee almost, yea more then maryed are.
On the morowe, a great company of the moste notable wyues of Rome came to the parlemente house weping, and humbly prayeng, that rather one woman shuld be maryed vnto ii men than ii wemen to one man.
There was a man that maryed a woman whiche had great ryches and beautie; howe be it she had suche an impedyment of nature, that she was domme and coulde nat speke.
Deare, hate me, too: I am not to be maryed but to death.
Theyr faders and moders have grete solace, That to late maryed by no waye hase.
Happy arte thou that hathe suche an husband, but I wolde to god for his passyon, that I had maryed an husband of clowts, when I had maried col my good man.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "maryed" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.