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Example sentences for "marzipan"

Lexicographically close words:
marvelous; marvelously; marvels; maryage; maryed; mas; masa; mascot; mascots; masculine
  1. The moon hoards pistachios, marzipan commands the shadows is mustachioed sleeps in a sloop (at least when I look) like the boat owl and pussycat took to sea.

  2. His present errand to the bakery was to get some of her favorite Marzipan for their Christmas dinner, it having slipped his mind the night before in the distraction of the pudding calamity.

  3. Roll out the marzipan an inch thick and cut into rounds or squares.

  4. When each guest had cut as much marzipan as he wanted he replaced the knife and fork, and the little pig at once ran merrily on to the next guest without turning so much as one of its marzipan hairs.

  5. So be it, and long live the marzipan fleet," cried all the citizens, who had never seen the sea.

  6. All the crews of the marzipan fleet, and the Rats, came in their turn to offer each a little souvenir.

  7. After supper yesterday I asked: But what's become of the second marzipan sandwich, I'm sure there were two on the tree.

  8. As for her tummy--well, there was no marzipan on board, and she soon began to lose all her love for it.

  9. Gwendolen's aunt sometimes went there when she had a headache and wanted to throw it off; and Gwendolen went there to eat marzipan and read about Princes and Princesses.

  10. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "marzipan" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.