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Example sentences for "forthe"

Lexicographically close words:
fortemque; forteresse; fortes; forth; forthcoming; forther; forthi; forthinketh; forthright; forthwith
  1. They armyd hym in~ hys wed, Tho he be-strod a noble sted, And forthe than Rod hee.

  2. Forthe they Ran w{i}t{h} stavys of tre, f.

  3. The gyantt{es} hed gan he take, And the dragonnys wold he not forsake, And went forthe on hys wey.

  4. Forthe sche browght a whyt sted, As whyt as the flowyr in~ med, Ys fytte blac ase slo{n}.

  5. So the seyd man and I arryn a poynted that he schal comyn ageyn a purpose fro the Byschope, to be my gyde ovyr the see, and so I purpose me fully forthe a noon aftir this Estryn.

  6. Ser Henry Inglose is passyd to God this nygth, hoys sowle God asoyll, and was caryid forthe this day at ix.

  7. And I told hym it was no curtese to medyll hym in a mater butt if he wer callyd to councell; and prowdly goyn forthe with me in the cherche, he seyd the stoppyng of the wey xuld coste me xx.

  8. All my brethir wenyth that I schyd no forthir goo than to the Byschope, and undir that colour schal I weel go forthe to the Courte.

  9. And at the last he went forthe to penau{n}ce.

  10. Yet for the plaine vnderstanding of it, I haue sette forthe a figure here, where ij.

  11. If a point be set forthe in a circle, and from that pointe vnto the circumference many lines drawen, of which more then two are equal togither, then is that point the centre of that circle.

  12. Illustration] Nowe for the example of the Theoreme, I haue set forthe diuers varieties of cantles of circles, amongest which the first and seconde are made vpon equall lines, and ar also both equall and like.

  13. In the mean season [in] drawen forthe vnto D.

  14. Whan so euer in any triangle the line of one side is drawen forthe in lengthe, that vtter angle is greater than any of the two inner corners, that ioyne not with it.

  15. Where I haue set forthe one tunne forme, and one eye forme, and eche of them cutteth euery of their two circles into foure partes.

  16. And we were content with oone coote pesyd bothe within forthe and without forthe with oone corde and a femorall, and we wolde not haue ony more.

  17. But they be more pernycyouse, that set forthe vncertayn relyques, for certayne, and attrybute more to them than they oughte to haue, and prostytute or sett theym forthe for fylthye lukre.

  18. If you cast saynt Petre forthe of the churche, he may serue || you of the same sauce, and shite vp heuyngates ayenst you.

  19. A dialoge or communication of two persons, deuysyd and set forthe in the la- tê tonge, by the noble and famose clarke.

  20. In the meane seson comyth forthe he that is the cheffe of them all.

  21. There standythe forthe a certayne aultre whiche is dedycate to our lady, it is but a lytle one, and I suppose set there for no other purpose, but to be a olde monumêt or sygne, that in thos dayes there was no greate superfluyte.

  22. I was sory for the old mã, & gaue hym a pece of money to cõforthe hym with all.

  23. The Frenchemã gaue it the name of a tode, bycause it is so like, that no man (althoghe he be conynge) can set it forthe more lyuely.

  24. And fro thens forthe by the wille of God, good corage and comfort taken to theyme, they were made conquerours and had the victorie in alle theire batailes.

  25. And the said king Henry the seconde bare in armes frome that day forthe the saide libarde of golde withe the other two libardis of the same that is borne for Duke of Normandie.

  26. And who can be a reuler and put hym forthe in suche matieris, he is, as the worlde goithe now, among alle astatis more set of than he that hathe despendid .

  27. Also this same yere, the ix day of Jull, deyde quen Jane kyng Herry the forthe wyf, that before was duchesse of Bretayne.

  28. Writing y^e above, I was interrupted by shrill cries either of woman or boy, as of one in acute payn, and ran forthe of my chamber to learne y^e cause.

  29. Twexte shappe & us there ys botte lyttelle space; The tyme ys nowe to proove yourselves bee menne; Drawe forthe the bornyshed bylle wythe fetyve grace, Rouze, lyche a wolfynne rouzing from hys denne.

  30. Well, syr, quod she, lette me here with alone and gette ye forthe a-towne; and I shall handell this matter well ynoughe.

  31. And forthe with he went and complayned to the warden of that couent, and thretned to slee hym that had done the dede.

  32. This man folowynge his wyfes counsell wente forthe of the 5 lines wanting.

  33. Aftre he commanded to the princypales of the 7 lynages, that thei scholde leven and forsaken alle that thei hadden in godes and heritage; and fro thens forthe to holden hem payd, of that that be wolde zeve hem of his grace.

  34. And also the Sarazines bryngen forthe no pigges, nor thei eten no swynes flessche: for thei seye, it is brother to man, and it was forboden be the olde lawe: and thei holden hem alle accursed that eten there of.

  35. And more forthe toward the parties septemtrioneles, it is 62 degrees of heghte, and certeyn mynutes.

  36. Righte wel oughte us for to love and worschipe, to drede and serven suche a Lord; and to worschipe and preyse suche an holy lond, that broughte forthe suche fruyt, thorghe the whiche every man is saved, but it be his owne defaute.

  37. And thei engendren comounly, and bryngen forthe smale children, that multiplyen and growen alle the zeer.

  38. And thoughe that men bryngen of the plauntes, for to planten in other contrees, thei growen wel and fayre, but thei bryngen forthe no fructuous thing: and the leves of bawme ne fallen noughte.

  39. And so forthe of alle other thtnges, that is don be the philosophres, thei tolde me the causes of many dyverse thinges.

  40. Than he stept forthe on the erthe, and drewe oute his swerde, and toke corage to defend himselfe.

  41. I thank you;' and so rode forthe to his owne company.

  42. And says she knewe not howe many of hir susters went forthe whyle she come intoo the dorter; saynge that she cannot fynde in hir hert nor wyll not accepte and take my lady Snawe as priores" (an amusing comment on her vote in 1529).

  43. Alnwick ordains "that fro hense forthe ye suffre no seculere persone, woman ne childe, lyg be night in the dormytorye.

  44. Meek little Dame Katherine Cornwallis was then interrogated and said, "that she was going forthe of the chapiter house wt.

  45. By none other but by the selfe same lawes that the Admiralles of the ||sees chalenge a proprietie in all suche thynges as are cast vpon the shoore by wracke, althoughe the ryghte owner come forthe and chalenge his owne goodes.

  46. The actor stepped forward and gravely repeated, "Goe forthe man, and shew thyselfe.

  47. Than thenglysshe archers stept forthe one pase and lette fly their arowes so hotly and so thycke that it semed snowe.

  48. Forthe thei went these zemen too, Litul Johne and Moche onfere, And lokid on Moche emys hows The hyeway lay fulle nere.

  49. Forthe then stood Sir Aldingar, But when he saw the chylde, He laughed, and scoffed, and turned his backe, And weened he had been beguylde.

  50. They had not ridden scant a myle, A myle forthe of the towne, But in did come the kyng of Spayne, With kempès many one.

  51. I seyd I undyrstood non swyche, nor thynges lyke it; and yt ys thoughte ye intende nat to go forthe thys jorneye, nor no jentylman in that quarter but Robert Brandon that hath promysyd to go with them, as they seye.

  52. So I wolde not ye schulde be to ferre undyr them; wherfor I thynke best that ye purvey yow so as and ye schulde goo forthe yor selfe, for I can perseve non othyr wyse.

  53. The mayre mette the quenes grace at her comyng forthe of y{e} towre and all his bretherne and aldermen standyng in chepe.

  54. After that the honny hathe thus runne forthe into a cleane earthen panne or boll standing vnder it, then the same after poure into an earthen potte, or pottes, being as yet rawe honny, but clearer and better than the other licour of the hony.

  55. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "forthe" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.