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Example sentences for "loste"

Lexicographically close words:
losing; loss; losse; losses; lost; lot; lota; lote; loth; lothe
  1. And alle at lent ware on loft loste ther the swete.

  2. This day as ye haue heard, were fortie Spaniards sacrificed, and Cortes wounded in one of hys legges, and thirtie moe of his men: they loste a piece of Ordinance, and foure horses.

  3. This present appoynted, was not sent, for that and al the rest was afterwarde loste at the troubles in Mexico, as hereafter shall more playnly appeare.

  4. But in processe of tyme, when all hope was paste of their recouerye, they loste not onely their credite, but the creditours desirous to be payde, were fayne to sende them to pryson.

  5. Tho redde he me how Sampson loste his heres, Slepinge, his lemman kitte hem with hir sheres; Thurgh whiche tresoun loste he bothe his yën.

  6. Til that the brighte sonne loste his hewe; For thorisonte hath reft the sonne his light; This is as muche to seye as it was night.

  7. And so hit laste into the yeer Of Albert and of Berenger; 780 Bot thanne upon dissencioun Thei felle, and in divisioun Among hemself that were grete, So that thei loste the beyete Of worschipe and of worldes pes.

  8. And sevene yeres besinesse He leyde, bot for the lachesse 240 Of half a Minut of an houre, Fro ferst that he began laboure He loste all that he hadde do.

  9. And with that word sche loste speche And fell doun swounende at his fot, As sche for sorwe nedes mot.

  10. What scholde I winne over the Se, If I mi ladi loste at hom?

  11. Thus al my good I loste and to yow wente, Wening in this you, lordes, for to plese.

  12. Bur he turned azen from thens, from whens he was come fro; and so he loste moche peynefulle labour, as him self seyde, a gret while aftre, that he was comen hom.

  13. Atte passynge of this ryvere, seynt Eustache loste hys two sones, whanne that he hadde lost hys wyffe.

  14. Here I was loste in wonder, love, and praise, seeing how I was presarved the day before from a manofwar, and I looked upon this as if the Lord had worked a merical to send the brig there as if it was on purpose for me.

  15. I had not loste only my liberty but the cuttar also, which was my God.

  16. I haue dyuers tymes bene attemted, but I neuer loste *[leaf 21]* much before.

  17. This yong man for company falleth againe to play also with the sayd Fyngerer, and winneth as the other did which when he had loste a noble or .

  18. And if thei chaunce to be met and asked by the owners of the grounde what they make there, they fayne strayghte that they haue loste their waye, and desyre to be enstructed the beste waye to such a place.

  19. Thei alledge the Romaines, who by meane of their owne powers, loste their libertie.

  20. Orpheus and his wyf weren almest at the termes of the night, that is to seyn, at the laste boundes of helle, 40 Orpheus lokede abakward on Eurydice his wyf, and loste hir, and was deed.

  21. Upon his brest she leyde, and loste speche; Hir woful spirit from his propre place, Right with the word, alwey up poynt to pace.

  22. The beste parte of oure lyfe is loste wyth idlenes, with vices, wherewith whan we be infected, we giue a litle parte of our tyme to studies, and a greate parte to feastes and plaies.

  23. And in other thyngs the lucre that is loste by slackenes, maye be recouered by diligence.

  24. Moreouer howe muche tyme was loste in Sophistrye, and in the superfluous mases of Logyke?

  25. It fortuned so that a frend of her of late hath loste better than CCC.

  26. And thus yor said suppliant hath loste alle his coste and labour, to his charge by his feyth this iiij.

  27. To sone we loste thy lavreat science, 332 O lusty lyqvovre of that fulsum fontayne!

  28. And this same yere the cardynall of Engelond was smyten with the palsye and loste his speche, and upon Marie Magdaleyne day he dyde.

  29. Herry Percy, manye a good man loste there hys lyf, wherfore they seyde S^{r}.

  30. But yet wil of blisse dwelleth, that by indigence of goodes, whiche that he loste through greet wrecchednesse, by right shulde he ben punisshed.

  31. So that theyr Soule is loste theyr body and goode is spent.

  32. He loste his life, but he inioyed glorye, whyche written to his greate prayse, shyneth euerye daye more and more.

  33. Wherfore he loste not hys lyfe, but let it go: for he redemed for a thynge of verye small pryce, a ryght dere thyng.

  34. And two or thre dayes after, the fyrste gentylmanne saw hys rynge on the others fynger, and chalenged it of hym and he refused it, and badde hym tell where he had loste it: and he sayd: in suche a gentylwomans bedde.

  35. Therfore, mayster persone, gyue me the money: for ye haue loste your xl.

  36. By this tale a man may lerne, that it is but loste tyme to teche a fole any thynge, whiche hathe no wytte to perceyue it.

  37. Thus the good man, desyrynge to please euerye bodye, contentynge none at all, loste his asse.

  38. Thus he got agayne his praise, that he hadde loste before.

  39. The byrder came out ryghte angrye and sore displeased, and sayde, that by his bablynge he had twyse loste his pray.

  40. You saye trouth, quod Fabius: for if you had nat loste the towne, I shulde neuer haue gotte hit.

  41. Of the marchaunt that loste his boudget betwene ware and London.

  42. And thẽ after all by goodes be loste I am compelled to be burdenus vnto others.

  43. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "loste" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.