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Example sentences for "manliness"

Lexicographically close words:
mankynde; manlie; manlier; manliest; manlike; manly; manmade; manna; mannage; mannan
  1. Kolben says he often witnessed such insolence, which was even applauded as a sign of manliness and courage.

  2. The sententious dulness of Mr Macey is as much within the range of her feelings as the manliness of Adam Bede or the scholastic pride of old Bardo.

  3. The Manliness of the Zen Monk and of the Samurai.

  4. The Manliness of the Zen Monk and the Samurai 8.

  5. Thirdly, both the Zen monk and the Samurai were distinguished by their manliness and dignity in manner, sometimes amounting to rudeness.

  6. With this book they destroyed intellectual veracity, the natural manliness of man.

  7. That form of manliness and strength In Senate hall, Is lying at a fearful length Beneath the pall!

  8. He presented a medley of contradictions, of seriousness and childishness, of feeling and indifference, of manliness and of very feeble weakness, such as she had never seen in any man.

  9. She smiled at her reflection that it was always the same sort of manliness that had attracted Ottilie; she smiled just as Lot sometimes smiled at his mother.

  10. At such moments as this, the man, if there is aught of manliness in him, has need of more than words.

  11. In all the world he has no peer, and ye may well rejoice in the beauty and manliness of your king.

  12. Unhappy Cicero, wishing to act honorably, but without manliness to face the consequences!

  13. My object was to say, that he had the passions to feel, and the manliness and generosity to overcome them.

  14. It was not that he was unmanly, as that this was the only manliness he had known.

  15. My appeal to his manliness had no effect.

  16. And any manliness which might be nurtured by sport is steadily being reduced to a minimum.

  17. The great crowds which assemble to see other men engage in the hazardous game of football, and to exercise themselves merely in betting on the players, are being trained neither in manliness nor morals.

  18. He adorned the bench by the dignified manliness of his appearance, and polished urbanity of his manners[46].

  19. There was a sort of infatuation in the supposed dignity and manliness attached to powers of deep potation, and the fatal effects of drinking were spoken of in a manner both reckless and unfeeling.

  20. We were at first a mere handful, but when We had recourse to marriage and begot children we came to surpass all mankind not only in manliness but in populousness.

  21. No one of you should think that whereas the ancient Romans pursued excellence and good repute, all manliness has now become extinct in the city.

  22. We mistake a perfection of the means of manliness for the end--manhood itself.

  23. With such talents, it demands not a little manliness to keep out of politics and in the truth.

  24. The honest manliness of Brutus is, however, sufficient to find out the unfitness of Cicero to be included in their enterprise, from his affected egotism and literary vanity.

  25. Macbeth has considerable energy and manliness of character; but then he is 'subject to all the skyey influences'.

  26. Give the world an example of manliness and discipline.

  27. The Emperor spoke, among other things, of the heroic deeds of the Japanese and explained that they had sprung from the Japanese love of country and children, which had begotten a splendid manliness in the army and navy.

  28. The powerfully developing German fleet of war, which is distinguished by its cult of manliness and discipline, has in the last decades been created by the German people as a protection to trade and navigation.

  29. The most formidable foe of Abd-el-Kader reached the scene of action in October, 1845, bringing fresh forces, and in a week he took the field at the head of a hundred twenty thousand men.

  30. In they plunged, Lieutenant Longstreet bearing the colors in advance; he scrambled out on the other side, dashed at the walls without ladders or scaling implements, and bayoneted the defenders as they took aim.

  31. All the manliness of individuals is sunk in that partnership in trade.

  32. You may qualify particulars of your character by refinements, by special studies, and practice; but, once a man, and there is no more manliness to be lived for!

  33. It is singular enough, but it is true, that the affections of that transition state from youth to manliness run toward the types of maturity.

  34. My friend," said he, "criminal though I am, I am man enough to appreciate your manliness and honor.

  35. WE have already given the reader a sufficient idea of Lorenzo Bezan, for him to understand that he was a person possessed of more than ordinary manliness and personal beauty.

  36. He who loved you was humble-humble in station, but noble in personal qualities, such as a woman may well worship in man, bravery, manliness and stern and noble beauty of person.

  37. Her father, with all his manliness of character, and sterling integrity, was not distressed on his daughter's account only.

  38. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "manliness" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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    bottle; bravery; chivalry; gallantry; heroism; manhood; manliness; prowess; spirit; valor; vigor; virtue