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Example sentences for "valor"

Lexicographically close words:
vallies; vallum; vally; valoir; valonia; valore; valorem; valorous; valorously; valors
  1. His son, the renowned Don Ferdinand de Valor shook the Christian kingdoms of Spain to their centre, when the dark policy of Philip II.

  2. De Valor resumed it, when he raised the rebel standard on the Alpuxara mountains.

  3. His warlike progenitor, Don Valor de Ripperda, two hundred years ago, had married the only daughter of the Moresco King of Granada.

  4. For their iron-hearted spirit glowing with valor was panting, as of lions that glare battle.

  5. Water got with such valor and risk was not for man, but for God.

  6. In the banqueting halls were the portraits of ancestors--lords, dukes, and earls reaching down to the first Earl Upperton created by William of Normandy, for valor on the field of Hastings.

  7. When the Colonies, by their valor and the righteousness of their cause, have become independent of the king, when the last cannon has been fired, in God's good time you will come back and find me here in the old home.

  8. Handsome and rich, with the valor of a Crillon.

  9. The last meeting with his father came back vividly; and yet, despite all the cutting, biting dialogue of that interview, Monsieur le Marquis had taken up his cause unasked and had gone about it with all the valor of his race.

  10. He knew that among all the soldiers of Jackson's army, no matter how full of valor and zeal they might be, there was not one who surpassed Billy in eagerness to serve.

  11. And their descendants in North America have shown their valor all the way from Quebec to New Orleans, although we are widely separated now, and scarcely know the speech of one another.

  12. All the valor and courage of the South so far had been in vain.

  13. It is our earnest wish that, by the loyalty and valor of our faithful subjects, peace may soon be restored and the glory of the empire enhanced.

  14. Their valor and their ability as fighting men were causes of great pride to the British.

  15. Many times had they told the glories of Hode-no-sau-nee, the Great League, and many times had they gladly acknowledged the valor and worth of Timmendiquas and the brave little Wyandot nation.

  16. Small though the Wyandot tribe might be, mighty was its valor and fame, and White Lightning met the great Iroquois only as an equal, in his heart a superior.

  17. The division of old men and very young boys stood next, and the Indians were upon them, tomahawk in hand, but in the face of terrible odds all bore themselves with a valor worthy of the best of soldiers.

  18. Timmendiquas, in the absence of Brant, who was not seen upon this field, became by valor and power of intellect the leader of all the Indians for this moment.

  19. When dying, he was told what you had done, And bless'd the valor that inspired your words!

  20. Miscalculating his own strength and that of his adversaries, the Elector flattered himself that he was able to repel force by force, and weary out the valor of the Swedes by the strength of his fortresses.

  21. But this I say; he'll find his own destruction With his whole force before these ramparts, sooner Than weary down the valor of our spirit.

  22. The attack was now renewed with redoubled fury upon the heavy battalions of the enemy's centre; their resistance became gradually less, and chance conspired with Swedish valor to complete the defeat.

  23. Rudenz it was who by a bold assault With manly valor mastered Sarnen's keep.

  24. Like the last star of dawn the only remaining shred of poor Scotty's valor faded away and was gone.

  25. Here was proof of the valor of the units of his army.

  26. English is a language |El inglés es una lengua of great commercial |de gran valor value.

  27. At this lone hour I go to tread The field where valor vainly bled; To raise the wounded warrior's crest, Or warm with tears his icy breast; To treasure up his last command, And bear it to his native land.

  28. Valor only grows a manhood; Only this upon our sod, Keeps us in the golden shadow Falling from the throne of God.

  29. The German had had his lesson and arrived at the conclusion that valor without discretion is not good business.

  30. Redfield, of the Thirty-Ninth Iowa, fell shot in four places, and the extraordinary valor of the men and officers of this regiment and the Seventh Illinois saved to us Allatoona.

  31. Redfield, of the Thirty-Ninth Iowa, fell, shot in four places, and the extraordinary valor of the men and officers of this regiment and the Seventh Illinois saved to us Allatoona.

  32. Their valor will be the common heritage of mankind.

  33. He fought several battles with unvarying success; but at last he allowed his valor to get the better of his discretion so far as to kill an Englishman who contended with him with desperate obstinacy for two hours.

  34. When she got home she said nothing of her excursion to Mr. Skene, in whose disposition valor so entirely took the place of discretion that he had never been known to keep a secret except as to the whereabouts of a projected fight.

  35. Receiving small encouragement from the government, they were indebted to their own valor for success; and the right of conquest, they conceived, extinguished every existing right in the unfortunate natives.

  36. His exploits as a warrior had placed his valor beyond dispute.

  37. The Spanish commander was filled with admiration at this display of valor; for he could admire valor even in an enemy.

  38. But it is his praise, that his valor was tempered by courtesy.

  39. The Spaniards gazed with much interest on the prince, of whose cruelty and cunning they had heard so much, and whose valor had secured to him the possession of the empire.

  40. It is a shame to own it, but there were persons otherwise respectable not unwilling to say that they believed the old valor of Revolutionary times had died out from among us.

  41. Then in the darkened parlor I saw a fairer sight-- The brave old King whose valor makes The shame of Crécy light.

  42. And in its tranquil autumns We halt to re-enforce Our tattered scarlet pennons With valor and resource.

  43. Now ruined nursery tower and gay boudoir, A sad custodian of sacred tombs, And scattered feathers from the purple wings Of doves who reign in undisputed calm Over this Eden of hope and fair essay, Recall the valor of this ancient quest.

  44. Who then so dead to valor As not to raise a cheer, When all the woods are marching In triumph of the year?

  45. Dear as the blood ye gave, No impious footstep here shall tread The herbage of your grave; Nor shall your story be forgot, While Fame her record keeps, Or Honor points the hallowed spot Where Valor proudly sleeps.

  46. Their breasts then with valor still glowing, Acknowledged the battle we'd won, On us then bright laurels bestowing, When to leeward they fired a gun.

  47. A hundred men with each a pen, Or more upon my word, sir, It is most true would be too few, Their valor to record, sir.

  48. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "valor" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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    bravery; chivalry; courage; daring; fortitude; gallantry; grit; heroism; manhood; manliness; nerve; prowess; spirit; valor; virtue