And lastly, an ordained disciple must not knowingly and malignantly deprive any harmless creature of life, not even an earth-worm or an ant.
The disciple who knowingly and malignantly deprives any harmless creature of its life is no longer a disciple of the Sakyamuni.
There was a still more unfortunate distich, which at the time attracted little notice, but which, a few months later, was remembered and malignantly interpreted.
Just as every breath she ever drew had been malignantly poisoning the air with carbonic acid, so her every thought and feeling had been tainting the universe with sin.
It was remarked that Somers and Halifax, so malignantly persecuted a few months ago by the House of Commons, were received with such marks of esteem and kindness as William was little in the habit of vouchsafing to his English courtiers.
He had therefore little right to expect indulgence from the party which he had unfairly and malignantly assailed.
Poterin knew no languages; but he was also present here, and hissed malignantly at those who answered awkwardly or did not answer at all: "Blockhead!
They give me so little, and for that they thirstily and malignantly drink my whole soul.
The wizard stood scowling savagely; Lady Meg glared malignantly at her ill-chosen medium and disappointing protegee.
She said to him malignantly and yet with fear: "You see all sorts of things when you're drunk.
The wild nedotikomka squealed and the people and the beasts lookedmalignantly and craftily at Peredonov.
Peredonov looked at him malignantly and grumbled: "You mean you won't live to see it, but I shall.
Peredonov looked at him malignantly and thought: "He's defending her.
Potter, Canaletti, and the various Van Somethings and Back Somethings, more especially and malignantly those who have libelled the sea.
And the cook confirmed the report, adding, moreover, his mite to their discomfiture by malignantly animadverting upon the menages to which they were about to return.
The man glared malignantly at Lawler; but when the first question came it was answered instantly: "How much did Warden pay you?
And Warden's shoulders sagged a little, the smile faded and he glared malignantly at the bleak, gray clouds that sailed over town on the chill, bitter wind.
A pair of the great bird-lizards flapped over him, hooting malignantly and staring down upon him with their immense, cold eyes, but he hardly took the trouble to look up at them.
Beecher had not told on them; Beecher malignantlypersisted in not telling on them.
During these eight months death has taken two members of my home circle and malignantly threatened two others.
Now the public prosecutor fully understood the terrible fuss that would be made in the world and at court if a crime should be proved against a man whose name had been so often and so malignantly linked with that of the Countess.
What was the secret hold to which he owed the submission and servitude that were written on these two faces--one mischievously recalcitrant, the other so malignantly cruel?
Pelageya vividly arose in his memory, and he whispered malignantly and bitterly: "Though a fallen woman, she is better.
The private life of this great statesman and magistrate was malignantly scrutinised; and tales were told about his libertinism which went on growing till they became too absurd for the credulity even of party spirit.
He wrote in extreme distress to William, acknowledged with warm expressions of gratitude the King's rare generosity, and protested that Fenwick had malignantly exaggerated and distorted mere trifles into enormous crimes.
In letters, fables, songs, dialogues without number, her powers of seduction and intimidation were malignantly extolled.
In the East, this was founded on physical power, - on the external resources of the government.
Footnote 26: At least, we may presume they did so, since they openly condemn him in their accounts of the transaction.
The flocks, once so numerous over the broad table-lands, were now thinned to a scanty number, that sought shelter in the fastnesses of the Andes.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "malignantly" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word. Other words: harmfully; malevolently; maliciously; malignantly; meanly