Years ago, in the days of Kansas, I stood here when one small community was surrendered to the machinations of slave-masters.
Little credit is due to the sagacity of those by whom these machinations were contrived.
Of the three causes which, as I have said, tend to complicate the Herzegovinian-Montenegrin question, private machinations have recently been the most successful, and consequently the most injurious to order and the general weal.
The chaotic condition of internal affairs, according to them, was due to the machinations of their federalist and Orangeist opponents.
This document treated the entire revolution as so much personal wickedness, as the machinations of vicious and ambitious people who desired to change the country's government merely for the benefit of their own pockets.
On occasion, when their activities appeared too pernicious or threatened to obstruct the subtle machinations of German diplomacy, the Government would convincingly "disavow" the leagues.
In spite of his occasional fits of pessimism he still strove with all his might, by letters and published pamphlets, to rescue his beloved country from what he believed were the machinations of foreign enemies.
It was clear that many of the offences imputed to him were to be ascribed rather to the machinations of his secret enemies than to his own enmity and bad faith.
You have to fear the machinations of unscrupulous enemies," she said anxiously.
What could she, a girl living in a quiet country village in England, know about "the machinations of unscrupulous enemies?
You have a clever and trustworthy chief in Lord Barmouth, a man fully fitted to occupy the place I hold in the British Government; therefore, strain every nerve to thwart the machinations of our enemies.
Let me not be misunderstood: I do not say, that for the sake of hearing a bright display of eloquence, it is fit that the public peace should be disturbed by the machinations of turbulent and lawless men.
He roused his countrymen from their lethargy: he kindled the holy flame of liberty; he counteracted the machinations of Philip, detected his clandestine frauds, and fired the men of Athens with indignation.
To a long train of secret machinations the British now added open insult.
The author shows some familiarity with the Battle of Tippecanoe, and the machinations of the British.
The only effective machinations were those of the people who covertly encouraged his own arrogance and misconduct.
The Queen-Mother tried to win him over by declaring that Coligny had warned Anjou against the machinations of England; he answered that the Admiral had acted therein as a loyal Frenchman.
Essex, when in Ireland, acquired a fixed idea that Sir Walter was the principal person whose machinations were compassing his downfall; but there is little enough reason to suppose that he had any one but himself to thank.
He, the friend of the little Gwennola, who had loved her from a child with an affection almost paternal, had long watched with concern and suspicion the machinations of this woman against his darling.
These machinations to diminish the well-earned reputation of the Commander-in-chief, could not escape his notice.
General Conway, I know, was a very active and malignant partisan; but I have good reason to believe that their machinations have recoiled most sensibly upon themselves.
Cipriani became Governor of Romagna, and at Florence Ricasoli continued at the head of affairs, undismayed and unshaken in his resolve to defeat the combined machinations of France and Austria.
There was a party representing the darkest-dyed clericalism and reaction whose machinations had not been absent in the disaster of Novara.
He was reflecting on the means to be employed in foiling the machinations of his enemies, and carrying out his expedition successfully.
Their machinations and their hopes, long suspected, and in a general sense known, were divulged by the seizure and publication of Coleman's letters.
So, like poor Edgar Poe, who had to suffer from the machinations of a profligate brother, who gave Edgar's name whenever he got into a scrape, I may have sometimes been credited with the sins of strangers.
There she gave birth to the young Horus, nursed and reared him in secret among the reeds, far from the machinations of the wicked one.
These machinations were wont to be met by others of the same kind, and magic, if invoked at the right moment, was often able to annul the ills which magic had begun.
This unfortunate difference opened a way for the machinations of the Jesuits to sow distrust between both parties, and to destroy the unity of their measures.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "machinations" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.