As for the force of salt, it is well knowne by the effect, for the more the drinker tipleth, the more he may, and so dooth he carrie off a drie dronken noll to bed with him, except his lucke be the better.
And of the same nature, though of no great quantitie, is a pit or well at Langleie parke in Kent, whereof (by good hap) it was my lucke to read a notable historie in an ancient chronicle that I saw of late.
King Alured being with that good lucke the more comforted, builded a [Sidenote: Athelney.
For whatsoeuer battell dooth chance to be offered, to make full account of [Sidenote: The good lucke in a capteine.
Wherefore after that Bartholomew Columbus was departed for England, his lucke was to fall into the hands of pirats, which spoiled him with the rest of them which were in the ship which he went in.
Captaine Fenton, and those Gentlemen which should haue inhabited all the yeere in those Countries, whose valiant mindes were much to be commended: For doubtlesse they had done as they intended iflucke had not withstoode their willingnesse.
A very reuerent body: I such a one, as a man may not speake of, without he say sir reuerence, I haue but leane lucke in the match, and yet is she a wondrous fat marriage Anti.
Yes, other men haue ill lucke too, Anthonio as I heard in Genowa?
Good-lucke (and't be thy will) what haue we heere?
I heare him mock The luckeof Caesar, which the Gods giue men To excuse their after wrath.
Be opposite all Planets of good lucke To my proceeding, if with deere hearts loue, Immaculate deuotion, holy thoughts, I tender not thy beautious Princely daughter.
I nere had worse lucke in my life in my O Lord sir: I see things may serue long, but not serue euer La.
As good lucke would haue it, comes in one Mist[ris].
Howbeit it was not our good lucke to finde it, which fell out partly by the obstinacie of our master: for the day before we fell with part of the Ilands the wind came about to the Southwest, and then shifting our course we missed it.
Who finding me in bed (as the time requird) ranne at me full with his rapier, thinking I would resist him, but as good lucke was I escapt him & betooke me to my pistoll in the window vncharged.
Ah Caitife wretch, what lucke haue I, that neither storme nor whirle Wynde could sende him home to Italian shore, or set him packing to Sicile land?
Which lucke I wyshe to all other poore Girles (but not hangyng rype, or louynge in despayre) that bend their mindes on Mariage, and seeke to people by that estate, their countrey common wealth.
Wherefore hath it anciently been accounted good luck if a wolfe crosse our way, but ill lucke if a hare crosse it?
Fortunately, Herr von Lucke was away down in town, looking after duty as usual, so I was tidy before he returned to dinner.
He, I am told, is the chief or Sapa whom Herr von Lucke has called to talk some palaver with down in Victoria.
And if I had had as good lucke as my Masters, when I was on the Northwest side with my shippe, I would haue aduentured to haue sayled South-southeast, to haue discouered the Easterne shoare of the sayd Isle.
We found that which was tolde vs to be true: for the maiz was now ripe: but by this good lucke one shrewde turne happened vnto me.
How doth hard lucke insue, that is predestinated by the heauens vppon our familly?
The tyme of his hard lucke was not yet expired, and so the marche from Ancona, serued not for the Theatre of those two infortunate louers ouerthrow, who certaine moneths liued in peace in Thoscane.
The very euill that causeth mine anoy The matter is that breedes to me my ioy, Which doth my wofull heart full sore displease, And yet my hap and hard yll lucke doth ease.
The same be th'only instruments of my good lucke and hap, The foode and pray for hungry corps, of rest th'assured hire.
But if mishap will haue it so, and that some ill lucke doe discouer our dealinges, I haue shift of wayes to coloure it, and power to stop the mouthes of them that dare presume to clatter and haue to do with our priuate conference.
He is but course to runne a course, Whose shankes are bigger then his thye: Yet is his lucke a little worse, That often dyes before he dye.
The woorse lucke Iaques, but because I am thy friend 1630 I will aduise the somewhat towards the attainement of the gallowes.
Also he wrote that one Iohn Lucke a Ioyner was taken by the Liefelanders, and put in prison.
Here commeth to mind how pleasant and easefull the good lucke of those princes in gouerning the common wealth with praise was, which sitting still in Rome had triumphs and surnames appointed them of [Sidenote: Fronto counted Ciceros match.
For whatsoeuer battell dooth chance to be offered, to make full account [Sidenote: The good luckein a capteine.
Me thinke you may be glad that you[r] lucke was no worse.
But yonder commeth forth a wenche or a ladde, If he have not one Lumbardes touche,[456] my lucke is bad.
Might it not have ben your lucke with a spit to have ben slaine?
Such is the lucke that some men gets, while they begin to mel In setting at one such as were out, minding to make al wel.
Juno sende me this day good lucke and good chaunce.
Yet Barnses wife would chafe, if that she knew 55 That I had this goodlucke to get a light.
Good Lord, shall never be my lucke my neele agayne to spye?
Come on, Franke Goursey: you have good lucke to winne the game.
And so she doth; but praise your[1920] lucke at parting.
All the Prophets with one voice, prophecie good lucke vnto the king, I pray thée therefore, that thou speake nothing to the contrary.
But yonder commeth forth a wenche or a ladde, If he haue not one Lumbardes touche, my lucke is bad.
Iuno sende me this day good lucke and good chaunce.
Which first ill lucke will I recite, then iudge you plaine, If loue plagued me not now rightly this yeare to goe againe.
Well thus this good lucke past, we through salt Seas did scoure, To Ginney coast eke come at last, O that vnhappie houre.
All our ill lucke is past, we haue a merie winde, I hope England, if this winde last, yet once againe to finde.
O heere comes more; pray God I have better lucke with these two.
But the bishop of Chester had verie ill lucke with his collections; for hauing gathered a great summe of monie to the kings vse, he was spoiled thereof in one night, as he lodged neere vnto Canturburie, being vpon his iournie towards the king.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "lucke" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.