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Example sentences for "loude"

Lexicographically close words:
lottery; lotu; lotus; lotuses; loud; louder; loudest; loudly; loudness; loudspeaker
  1. And after all this spéech, euery one of them called vppon the name of his owne Towne with a loude voyce, setting fire vppon their houses.

  2. After these speaches they made a lamentable crie, callyng vpon their Goddes with loude voyces.

  3. The king set a bugle home to his mouthe, And blewe both loude and shrille: And soone came lords, and soone came knights, Fast ryding over the hille.

  4. The noyse of foules for to ben delivered So loude rong, 'have doon and let us wende!

  5. And as I lay thus, wonder loude Me thoughte I herde an hunte blowe 345 Tassaye his horn, and for to knowe Whether hit were clere or hors of soune.

  6. Read loude; for loude and stille is an old phrase; see Barbour's Bruce, iii.

  7. Robyn toke a full grete horne, And loude he gan blowe; Seven score of wyght yonge men Came redy on a rowe.

  8. The proude sheryfe loude gan crye, And sayd, "Thou traytour knyght, 10 Thou kepeste here the kynges enemye, Agayne the lawes and ryght.

  9. Not long after I espied many Indians to come crying with a loude voice, and running after me.

  10. The Indians with their fiue Canoas approached within one or two stones cast of vs, and then began to speake very loude vnto vs in a very strange language, alwayes standing vpon their guard to retire themselues with speede.

  11. A vois loude in that light To Lucifer crieth, "Prynces of this place, Unpynneth and unlouketh!

  12. Some who were of the Loude school did it openly: those after the Weighty pattern peeped clandestinely over their prayer-books, through their fans, or between their fingers when praying.

  13. Like skillful leaders, Miss Loude and Miss Weighty set the example to their imitators--an example which none were slow to follow.

  14. But wilie Emilia more priuie of her counsell than the rest, taking her tenderly by the arme, cried upon her with a loude voice: “Madame call vpon S.

  15. The king set a bugle horne to his mouthe, And blewe both loude and shrille: 150 And soone came lords, and soone came knights, Fast ryding over the hille.

  16. Then cryed out her souldiers, and loude they did say, 25 Soe well thou becomest this gallant array, Thy harte and thy weapons soe well do agree, There was none ever like Mary Ambree.

  17. Wherefore with loude voice she called a gentleman that was in the chamber.

  18. Right forwarde, the Bridge did extende it selfe, and leade towardes a large plaine, resounding all ouer with the sweete chirpings, melodious recordings, and loude singing of them.

  19. Me were levere be fortrode With wilde hors and be todrawe, Er I ayein love and his lawe Dede eny thing or loude or stille, Which were noght mi ladi wille.

  20. And thus stalkende forth a pas This noble Duk, whan time was, 3760 His pot tobrak and loude ascride, And tho thei breke on every side.

  21. For I so loude it schal reherce, That my vois schal the hevene perce, That it schal soune in goddes Ere.

  22. The Schip was blowe fro the londe, Wherin that thei seilende were; This Adriagne hath mochel fere Of that the wynd so loude bleu, As sche which of the See ne kneu, 5410 And preide forto reste a whyle.

  23. And thei unto the goddes crie Begunne with so loude a stevene, That thei were herd unto the hevene; And in a twinclinge of an yhe The goddes, that the meschief syhe, Here formes changen alle thre.

  24. Till the sunne sheneth hie above our heade, And the loude tempeste of the aire is oer; Helpless and ould am I, alas!

  25. Till the sunne sheneth hie above our heade, And the loude tempeste of the aire is oer; 60 Helpless and ould am I alas!

  26. Sounde the loude flughorne for a quicke forloyne[95]; Lette alle the Dacyannes swythe untoe oure banner joyne.

  27. Robyn toke a full grete home, And loude he gan blowe; Seven score of wyght yonge men Came redy on a rowe.

  28. Ful lusty was the weder and benigne, For which the foules, agayn the sonne shene, What for the seson and the yonge grene, Ful loude songen hir affecciouns; 55 Him semed han geten hem protecciouns Agayn the swerd of winter kene and cold.

  29. But of hir song, it was as loude and yerne As any swalwe sittinge on a berne.

  30. The trompes, with the loude minstralcye, The heraudes, that ful loude yolle and crye, Been in hir wele for Ioye of daun Arcite.

  31. The briddes singe, it is no nay, The sparhauk and the papeiay, That Ioye it was to here; The thrustelcok made eek his lay, The wodedowve upon the spray 1960 She sang ful loude and clere.

  32. The heraudes lefte hir priking up and doun; Now ringen trompes loude and clarioun; 2600 Ther is namore to seyn, but west and est In goon the speres ful sadly in arest; In goth the sharpe spore in-to the syde.

  33. The voys of peple touchede the hevene, So loude cryden they with mery stevene: 'God save swich a lord, that is so good, He wilneth no destruccioun of blood!

  34. Anon ther is a noyse of peple bigonne 2660 For Ioye of this, so loude and heigh with-alle, It semed that the listes sholde falle.

  35. Robin Hood sett Guye's horne to his mouth, And a loude blast in it did blow: That beheard the sheriffe of Nottingham, As he lean'd under a lowe.

  36. The myst wes went to the montanys agayne; Till him he raid; quhar at he maid his mayne On loude he sperde; “Quhat art thow walkis that gait?

  37. And again:-- "Then were the gates shut, and cried was loude Now do your devoir younge knightes proud.

  38. The troumpors with the loud minstralcie, The herauldes that so loude yell and crie, Been in their joy for wele of Don Arcite.

  39. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "loude" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.