There was also a curious rawness in the atmosphere, and he glanced about him with a little gasp of consternation.
It was some little time later when Seaforth came very softly into the room, and stopped with a little gasp.
At last, when the stars were shining and the moon hung red in a broader strip of sky, the curious sustaining animus seemed to desert him, and he lurched forward with a little gasp, while the paddle almost slipped from his stiffened fingers.
The stranger moved forward another step, and then stopped abruptly with a little gasp as his glance took in the overturned tray, scattered crockery, and the rigid figure of the girl standing with a flushed face beside the stove.
His eyes wavered; he uttered a little gasp; his lips fell apart.
Daphne Wing uttered a little gasp; then her teeth came down rather viciously on her lower lip.
When she awoke at the first stoppage of the train, she started away from him with a little gasp.
Madame Boin, whom the past few months had provided with a few more rolls of fat round her neck, gave a little gasp as she caught sight of Paragot, and held out her hand over the counter.
Her pretty lips pouted in a little gasp of astonishment as she leaned on her long parasol and looked at me.
The sun was well up and as they stepped out into the clear still air both Hal and Walter paused with a little gasp of surprise and pleasure.
His companions heard him catch his breath with a little gasp.
She brought the last word forth with a little gasp.
She gave a little gasp, followed by a little laugh.
Now," said Harper with a little gasp, "when you can get the latine up we'll go on again.
Then," said the girl, with a little gasp, "why did you bring me here?
At last she sank back in her chair with a little gasp, and Appleby, who knew he had never spoken in that fashion before, felt suddenly nerveless and embarrassed.
She'll shoot me before she means to," he said, with a little gasp.
She opened her eyes with a little gasp; they were her own words.
That had been his letter then, after all--Micky had lied to her; she caught her breath on a little gasp.
It's Budda's voice," he said to himself at length, and he gave a little gasp.
She gave a little gasp, and tried to speak, but a lump rose in her throat which threatened to choke her.
Then perhaps they're dead," William said, with a little gasp.
But he must have done--unless," he said, and ended with a little gasp.
She stopped and caught her breath with a little gasp, while her voice grew strained and broken as she went on.
Winston checked a little gasp of wonder and delight, and Maud Barrington looked away across the prairie.
Marjorie gave a little gasp, and some of the color went out of her face.
The policeman looked uncertain, but at that moment a young man riding a bicycle appeared upon the scene, at sight of whom Marjorie's face brightened, and she uttered a little gasp of relief.
Marjorie gave a little gasp, and her cheeks grew pink.
There, with a few gentle words, she dismissed him, and when the sound of his measured footsteps had diminished, she closed the door with a little gasp of half relief, and turned to the window.
With a little gasp of joy and relief she flung herself upon him in the darkness, but at an involuntary groan from him she recoiled.
Anita motioned toward a chair and sank into another with a little gasp of sheer exhaustion.
The sun shone full on him, and Peter gave a little gasp of surprise.
But it was his breast that made Peter catch his breath with a little gasp of admiration, for that breast was a beautiful rose-red.
It increased in length, and, remembering Devine's papers, she rose with a little gasp.
In about ten minutes he was back again with such a look on his face as she had never seen there before, and she caught her breath in a little gasp of amazement.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "little gasp" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.