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Example sentences for "little present"

  • I am most anxious to send him a little present, something all from myself.

  • I--I want to sell it in order to send a little present to dear Uncle Maurice, and you are such a judge of gems and precious stones of all sorts.

  • He is such a nice old man, and I did think I could send a little present by him as far as London, and then it could be posted to dear old Uncle Maurice.

  • He hastened to pay, and they were all three on the point of leaving when Madame Majeste entered, protested, and positively insisted on making Marie a little present, saying that it would bring her establishment good-fortune.

  • But first of all may I be allowed to offer your Eminence a little present?

  • Well," says Jack, "I admire your spirit, and before you go let me make you a little present.

  • And I was told all about that custom of making the stalker a little present on his setting out, for good-luck.

  • I want to make Miss Cunyngham a little present.

  • That was all right, for he had got for Miss Francie a little present that he was about to take down with him--a hand-bag in green lizard-skin that might be useful to her when she was going on her numerous errands.

  • I really like to make you a little present, Bubby.

  • And now, Bubby, I want to give you a little present to remember me by.

  • Vail, look at here, Kraikory; I like to make you a little present of dem books, so here's a two tollar pill to reimburse you.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "little present" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    little and; little anxiously; little astonished; little cabin; little chap; little confused; little country; little dance; little earlier; little glass; little grated; little hesitation; little house; little island; little less; little onion; little pleased; little pony; little snow; little south; little stock; little sweet; little thrill; little turn; little vanilla; where shall