I am most anxious to send him a little present, something all from myself.
I--I want to sell it in order to send a little present to dear Uncle Maurice, and you are such a judge of gems and precious stones of all sorts.
He is such a nice old man, and I did think I could send a little present by him as far as London, and then it could be posted to dear old Uncle Maurice.
He hastened to pay, and they were all three on the point of leaving when Madame Majeste entered, protested, and positively insisted on making Marie a little present, saying that it would bring her establishment good-fortune.
But first of all may I be allowed to offer your Eminence a little present?
Well," says Jack, "I admire your spirit, and before you go let me make you a little present.
And I was told all about that custom of making the stalker a little present on his setting out, for good-luck.
That was all right, for he had got for Miss Francie a little present that he was about to take down with him--a hand-bag in green lizard-skin that might be useful to her when she was going on her numerous errands.
I really like to make you a little present, Bubby.
And now, Bubby, I want to give you a little present to remember me by.
Vail, look at here, Kraikory; I like to make you a little present of dem books, so here's a two tollar pill to reimburse you.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "little present" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.