In a recorded case in which pregnancy occurred after each tube was ligatured in two places, and then divided with a knife, a patent stump was no doubt left.
The Fallopian tubes have been ligatured by Kossman, Ruhl and Neuman for the sterilization of women with pelvic deformities; but all testify to the danger of subsequent abnormal or ectopic pregnancy, and several instances are given.
Lastly I removed the ligatured remnant of the intestines as far as the anal margin.
Then I ligatured the meri [the Arabian term for oesophagus] and removed the stomach.
Then, so that they should not rupture the intestines, I myself sought the rectum and ligatured it in two places and then cut it between.
Similarly, I have split ligatured characters such as the ligatured "ae" and "oe" frequent in late Latin in particular.
If the navel-string has been ligatured and is in an inflamed state, the ligature should be removed without delay.
At the same time, as many as possible of its tributaries above the point of ligature should also be ligatured well beyond the point at which they may be thrombosed.
Any vessel which is bleeding should be ligatured with thin silk, and then the recesses of the pelvis may be firmly plugged with a dab wrung out of hot water: this is a valuable measure of hæmostasis.
After the pedicle has been safely ligatured and the blood removed, the abdominal incision is sutured as described on p.
One of these is of great value, because it proves that a ureter may be accidentally ligatured and give rise to no symptoms.
Bumm reported five cases in which he ligatured these veins.
There are several methods of avoiding this: for example, the arteries in these broad pedicles may be ligatured separately with thin silk, and the edges of the peritoneum drawn together by two or three mattress sutures (Fig.
The branches of the superior thyreoid artery, the crico-thyreoid artery, and the veins of this region are ligatured with catgut.
The infundibulo-pelvic, the broad, and the round ligaments are ligatured and divided.
The uterine arteries are ligatured with thin silk; these vessels as they run up the sides of the uterus are accompanied by veins, so that there is a vascular tract at the point where the cervix is divided.
If the thrombus be practically limited to the jugular fossa the vein may be ligatured above the common facial; if not, as low down the neck as possible.
Success has been attained even in desperate conditions; for example, Friedemann ligatured these veins in a woman whose general condition was not only bad, but who also had extensive bed-sores.
The vessels are then seized with forceps and ligatured with thin silk.
To his surprise he found, on re-examining the antler a week or two later, when the wound around the ligatured artery was healed, that it had regained its warmth, and was still increasing in size.
Acting upon this idea, he ligatured his patient's femoral artery in the lower part of its course in the thigh, in the fibrous sheath enclosing the space since known as "Hunter's canal.
No operation was done for him in South Africa, but the first portion of the carotid might have been ligatured in the episternal notch, or by aid of removal of a part of the sternum, and a second ligature placed above the sac.
The omo-hyoid muscle was therefore divided, and the artery ligatured beneath, in order to ensure against any interference with the sac.
A small traumatic aneurism was found on the brachial artery, and the vessel was ligatured above it.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "ligatured" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.