All night as the flame springs up Achilles stands beside it, calling upon the name of his friend and watering the ground with libations from a golden cup.
Skyward ascends his flame the merciful, With our libations watered well; And now the red smoke seeks the heavenly way, And men enkindle Agni here.
So afterwards, when the pile will not burn, Achilles prays to the North and the West Winds and pours libations to them that they may come and consummate the funeral rite.
The men rushed forward to pour libations in her honor, and to join hands and dance in a giddy maze round her car.
O son of Pritha, the sacred fires do not receive such gratification from libations of clarified butter, from offerings of flowers and sandal and other perfumed pastes as from the entertainment of guests.
And as libations of clarified butter poured into fire never go in vain, so gift to virtuous Brahmanas learned in the Vedas can never go in vain.
Libations of butter and edible offerings should all be presented to a Brahmana who is learned in the Vedas.
The ancestor of such a person can never dwell in heaven; indeed, the very gods decline to accept the libations of clarified butter poured by him into the fire.
In order that libations might be poured directly upon the cinerary urns, these were connected with the surface of the ground by means of tubes.
A vaulted niche in the rear wall was connected with the outside by means of a small opening at the top, through which libations could be poured or offerings dropped upon the urn below.
Shells of oysters and other shellfish were found in the main room, remains of a banquet in honor of the dead; the libations were poured upon the earth above the urns.
The urn in each was placed in the earth under the bottom of the niche, with a small pipe tile leading to the surface, through which libations could be poured down upon it.
On account of the arrangement for offering libations from the outside, it was not necessary to make the burial vault easy of access.
In the base of the tomb was a sepulchral chamber, entered by a door in the rear or at one side; it was now the custom for relatives to enter the burial vault when they wished to pour libations on the ashes.
Five times did Colgran's men assault the breach that night, each repulse leaving its husks on the bloody wreckage, its red libations to the swords of Gambrevault.
Jaspar moistened his palms, and toiled on, grunting as he hove his libations of soil over his shoulder.
It would lead me too far from my main purpose in this book to discuss the widespread geographical distribution and historical associations of the customs of baptism and pouring libations among different peoples.
Like the libations the grains of incense are the exudations of a divinity,[59] the fluid which issued from his flesh, the god's sweat descending to the ground.
Similarly the life-giving sculptor made the portrait which was to be the means of securing a perpetuation of existence, when it was animated by the "opening of the mouth," by libations and incense.
I have already explained how the study of Libations and Dragons brought me face to face with the problems of the Great Mother's attributes.
But it was not merely the use of incense and libations and the identities in the wholly arbitrary attributes of the American pantheon that reveal the sources of their derivation in the Old World.
Libations are poured out; incense is burnt; the bleeding right fore-leg of a buffalo constitutes the blood-offering.
It was the prosperity of the empire, its peace and immortality, for which sacrifices were made, and libations offered.
Then when the drinker of sacrificial libations perceived that his energy was gradually diminishing, he went to the sacred abode of Brahman that is worshipped by all.
And gratifying Agni by these libations and making the Brahmanas utter the auspicious formula of benediction, stopped the musical instruments that were playing all around.
And the son of Saktri, like the Sun just emerging from the clouds, illuminated the whole firmament by that stainless sacrifice of his into which large were the libations poured of clarified butter.
King Janamejaya thereupon became curious, for Takshaka, afflicted with fear, did not at once fall into the fire although libationswere poured in proper form into the blazing sacrificial Agni in his name.
Surfeited with libations at the sacrifice of king Swetaketu), Agni will derive great gratification from the fat of all creatures dwelling in the Khandava woods (to be burnt down) by the might of this one's arms.
And even as the libations were poured, Takshaka, with Purandara himself, anxious and afflicted, became visible in a moment in the skies.
And he poured libations of clarified butter upon the fire according to the rites prescribed for those leading the Vanaprastha mode of life.
Then Dhaumya, well- conversant with the Vedas, igniting the sacred fire, poured with due mantraslibations of clarified butter into that blazing element.
If we have ever given away in charity, if we have ever pouredlibations of clarified butter on the fire, if we have any ascetic merit, let the Pandavas, by virtue of all those acts stay in town for a hundred years.
Then the priest of the lunar race--a holy Brahmana conversant with all mantras--ignited the sacrificial fire and poured on it with due rites libations of clarified butter.
The priests clad in white walked in the van of the procession pouring libations of clarified butter on the sacred fire blazing in an ornamental vessel.
Helpless and miserable and afflicted with their mother's curse, they fell into the sacrificial fire like libations of butter.
On the other hand, with indulgence, they only flame up like fire with libations of sacrificial butter.
Bronze Cup used in China for Libations and Drinking.
Bronze Cup used in China for Libations and Drinking 327 PLATE XVII.
Thus Achilles used a choice goblet ([Greek: depas]) for drinking wine and pouring libations to the gods.
Not long after they mixed libations in honour of Zeus, with pious rites as is customary, and poured them upon the burning tongues, and bethought them of sleep in the darkness.
And if ever again we return in our voyaging to the Achaean land, then to you among the first of goddesses with willing hearts will we bring countless gifts, libations and banquets.
Here even now, when the Ionians that dwell in Cyzicus pour their yearly libations for the dead, they ever grind the meal for the sacrificial cakes at the common mill.
But the chief reason was that a son must necessarily be born to the father to offer libations for the dead to him.
The descendants duly sprinkled water for the spirits of their ancestors, and their families brought libations at the new moon, when the souls of the fathers came in troops and enjoyed food and drink.
We know from a later period that daily libations were offered "to the fathers," and special gifts were given at the new moon; that a banquet of the dead was kept.
According to the law every man ought to marry; he must have a son who may one day pour for him the libations for the dead.
A saucerlike vessel of earthenware or metal, used by the Greeks and Romans in libations and sacrificies.
Libations of the stream they paid To every deity and shade, With hymns of praise, the Sun on high And sinless Gods to glorify.
Our feet upon the banks have stood Of those seven lakes within the wood, Where we have duly dipped, and paid Libations to each royal shade.
He cleared the earth thrice seven times of the Kshatriya caste, and filled with their blood the five large lakes of Samanta, from which he offered libations to the race of Bhrigu.
Now for thy kin who died of yore The meet libations duly pour.
Thus with full rites the funeral train Performed the service for the slain, Then sought the flowing stream and made Libations to the parted shade.
And then the brothers of the chief With words of comfort soothed his grief: “Now to the king our sire who swayed The earth be due libations paid.
Indeed, there is very little need of being particular in describing the whole form, as it differed so little from those libations of which so much is recorded in antient authors and their modern transcribers.
The festival of Dionysus is celebrated by the sacrifice of a ram, a feast, libations poured by ivy-crowned worshippers.
There is a long description of the festival of Neoptolemus at Delphi with its pageantry, sacrifices, hymn, dance, libations and the lighting of the pyre.
What sacrifices and libations the rustics offered to Pan and the Nymphs!
Near to Ningirsu and under his orders Gudea also established the god Dunshaga, whose function it was to sanctify the temple and to look after its libations and offerings, and to see to the due performance of the ceremonies of ablution.
This god would offer water to Ningirsu with a pure hand, he would pour out libations of wine and strong drink, and would tend the oxen, sheep, kids, and other offerings which were brought to the temple night and day.
Doubtless it was the result of his recent libations and excesses.
His libations had roused him to the proper pitch for plain speaking.
Since we left off burning incense and offering libations to the Queen of Heaven, we have been in want of everything, and have been consumed by the sword and the famine.
No garlands deck thee; no libations poured Tell to the earth the triumphs of thy song; No princely halls echo thy strains along; But still the strings are there; and if at last they break, Even in death some melody will make.
We are anxious to pour due libations to the departed; we need not economize our wine; it will not be so often needed now.
The ancients poured out libations of the choicest juices of earth, to express their gratitude to the Power that had enabled them to be sustained from her bosom.
She frequently crowns or pours libations to Herakles, or attends him at his apotheosis[1031]; on the later vases she takes Athena’s place in conveying him in a chariot to Olympos.
In musical contests she performs the same functions, crowning or pouring libations to a successful performer.
The patella was also used for libations or for offering first-fruits to the household gods.
He frequently receiveslibations from Nike,[252] and in one case is crowned by her.
She is frequently associated with the gods, either in scenes from mythology or in groups apart from action[1023]; usually she pours libations to them, or crowns them in reference to some achievement.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "libations" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.