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Example sentences for "libbed"

Lexicographically close words:
liars; lib; libation; libations; libbaty; libed; libel; libeled; libelled; libeller
  1. It was a gal name' Cindy, w'at libbed wid 'er mammy in a cabin by deyse'ves.

  2. I use' ter go ober dere ter see a 'oman w'at libbed on de plantation; dat 's how I come ter know all erbout it.

  3. Dey wuz a cunjuh man w'at libbed ober t' other side er de Lumbe'ton Road.

  4. I t'ank de good Marster I 's libbed ter see dis day.

  5. I libbed wid you sebben year an' nebber had no chillun by you.

  6. Dis war jus' what I wanted, fur I knowed dat de Skylarks who used to own Vina libbed at Platte City, an' I t'ought likely some ob dem mought be at de races.

  7. My pa and ma 'longed to de Scotts what libbed in Jonesville Township.

  8. De big house dat he libbed in is done torn down, and de small one made outen it.

  9. He is done ded now, and when he libbed dar is mor'n a hundred years ago.

  10. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "libbed" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.