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Example sentences for "leet"

Lexicographically close words:
leery; lees; leese; leest; leeste; leetel; leetil; leetla; leetle; leets
  1. Court Leet at Coventry, in the sixth year of King John.

  2. Even in Coventry, where there does not appear to have been interference from without, it was necessary for the leet to keep a tight hand on the craft gilds.

  3. In 1428 an Act of Leet ordered that no person should dye any wool or cloth with "a deceitful colour called Masters or Medleys brought into Coventry by a Frenchman.

  4. Then, raising himself, he said: 'Ax God O'meety to leet His candle.

  5. Whod I wur baan to say, if you'll nobbud let me, wur this: As Jesus Christ wur a deal more particular who He leet in than who He kept aat.

  6. Put that leet aat, lad; it's time we closed aar een.

  7. Haa mony, thinksto, did He leet in, doctor?

  8. The portreeve, constable, headborough, bailiff, or other the chief executive magistrate, was elected or presented by the leet jury.

  9. They attended at their own leet, which differed in no essential respect from the leet of the hundred.

  10. They were the aggregate of representatives from the courts-leet of each shire and each borough, and elected by the juries to present the grievances of the people and to suggest their remedies.

  11. Aside from his position as landlord, the most important of these rights was that of holding a court-baron and a court-leet and view of frank-pledge.

  12. Though for her love his herte dide blede, She leet him go, and took of him no hede.

  13. But afterward, whan Crist took his manhede, Pees was the firste thing he leet do crye Ayenst the worldes rancour and envye.

  14. I prohibit and forbid my constables to draw them into the castle to plead for any cause, but they may freely have their portimote [leet court] in which all pleas belonging to me and them may be justly treated of.

  15. A King's reeve presided over local criminal and peace and order issues [leet jurisdiction] at monthly meetings of the hundred court.

  16. On this account the appearance of the Court Leet was well timed, for the moment and indispensable for the future, to act as a link between ancient principles and modern practice.

  17. The rise of the Court Leet marks an important stage in the development of English police.

  18. Peace officers were practically non-existent: Justices were careless and apathetic, and Lords of the Manor had neglected to hold Courts-Leet for the annual election of Constables.

  19. An appointment was now made out of this leet of three, not by lot, but by popular suffrage.

  20. The plan now adopted seems to have been to choose the bishop by lot out of a leet of selected candidates.

  21. It is probable that the bishop was at first chosen by lot out of a leet of three selected by the presbytery from among its members.

  22. He sumhah kests a leet on things 'At fowk noan wants ta see, Thear's few likes tellin what they are Or what they owt ta be.

  23. The Coventry Leet opposed the crafts in this matter.

  24. How often the law was evaded we see from the presentments of the leet courts.

  25. The jurors of the Court Leet long acted as representatives of the general body of burgesses for purposes of criticism and remonstrance.

  26. Its master was a Justice of the Peace, and therefore took a leading part in all the most important business of the courts; he was first on the list of the Twenty-four who elected the mayor and who also sat at the Leet Court.

  27. The records of the Manchester Court Leet Jury have only been preserved from 1552.

  28. Michael’s, and the warden and priests at Bablake—but as early as 1384 it was ordered by the Leet to pay yearly the ferm to the Prior, in return for which a certain part of the common lands was made over into its possession.

  29. Among the cases brought before the leet jury was that of a wager as to whether the painter of the rood-loft had been paid or not.

  30. But in November the Leet jury were still praying that this agreement should be carried out, and there is no evidence that they ever succeeded.

  31. The object of this custom is intended for the Court Leet to examine the measures, as well as to judge of the quality of the articles of food.

  32. They are lords of the manor of Tweedmouth, where they hold a court-leet and court-baron twice a year.

  33. Chaucer in his description of the Parson: He sette nat his benefice to hyre, And leet his sheepe encombred in the myre, And ran to Londoun, unto Seint Poules, To seken hym a chaunterie for soules.

  34. So I hugged up his breakfast to his chamer and told him I'd leet a fire for him there, and I'd get Harry Spink to come and sit wi' him and keep him company.

  35. So they gav him th' keys, and leet him have his own road.

  36. Well, if iver ther war a miserable chap it wor Jim, wol he wor away; but he coom back as sooin as he could, an' what should he see but a leet up stairs.

  37. Leet was a pike boy of no little distinction in his day.

  38. In 1848, when Major Leet was postmaster, he was an ardent advocate of the election of General Cass to the presidency, and accustomed to allude with emphasis to the fact that his favorite was "a brave old volunteer.

  39. On such occasions Major Leet was "the observed of all observers," and elicited the admiration of his many friends.

  40. Major Leet being a lawyer was Judge Advocate at all courts martial during the time he was in commission.

  41. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "leet" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.