Mildely Mede thanne Merciede hem alle Of hire grete goodnesse, And gaf hem echone Coupes of clene gold, And coppes of silver, 1400 Rynges with rubies, And richesses manye; The leeste man of hire meynee A moton of golde.
Thus he likneth in his logik The leeste fowel oute, {244} And wheither he be saaf or noght saaf The sothe woot no clergie, Ne of Sortes ne of Salomon No scripture kan telle.
I shal brynge yow a Bible, A book of the olde lawe, And lere yow, if yow like, The leeste point to knowe, That Pacience the pilgrym Parfitly knew nevere.
I dorste have leyd my lif, And no lasse wedde, He sholde have be lord of that lond In lengthe and in brede, And also kyng of that kith His kyn for to helpe, The leeste brol of his blood A barones piere.
By this manere thanne, al-thogh the prescience ne hadde never y-ben, yit algate or at the leeste weye it is certein thing, that the endes and bitydinges of thinges to comen sholden ben necessarie.
Why ne hadde I swich on with my soule y-bought, Ye, or the leeste Ioye that was there?
And certes, ones a yere atte leeste wey it is laweful for to been housled; for certes ones a yere alle thinges renovellen.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "leeste" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.