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Example sentences for "leery"

Lexicographically close words:
leer; leere; leered; leering; leers; lees; leese; leest; leeste; leet
  1. I'm leery that somebody's split, and I'm afraid the police know too much.

  2. The police have been leery of it for a long while.

  3. Luk at th' way he acted afther his gun play--leery as hell.

  4. The exposure, the irregular hours for the yardmaster's meals in even the best regulated yards make a good conductor leery about giving up a comfortable run to assume the increased responsibility of a yard.

  5. I never like to say very much about my desire to acquire information from everyone I meet, for experience has made me a little leery of the man who whistles too long for that station.

  6. If you are too ubiquitous with suggestions they will become leery of your good judgment and will unconsciously set the fish tail when you whistle into town.

  7. I knew she'd be glad to see me, but I was rather leery about Jabez.

  8. He was a thorough specimen of the leery London mongrel.

  9. For his leery cunning is so intensely stupid that, in fact, he is as "green" as grass; his leer and his foul mouth keep him in the gutter to his very last day.

  10. And, say what you will, they are kind o' leery when they buy from samples marked in characters--not plain figures.

  11. I am writing you care of your house as I'm a little leery of sending it care of your friend McPherson.

  12. Now, it is possible for a man to mark his samples in characters and to do a one-price business, but you can bet your life that the stranger will be leery of you if your goods are marked in characters.

  13. The villagers looked leery and eyed Cunningham sideways at each fresh sally.

  14. But be leery that we don't get stuck for non-performance: which we can't afford.

  15. Lungy was leery that I was soft on Lucy--I might have been, easy enough--and sat looking at me for a straight hour.

  16. I no longer see in the corner of the quartermaster's eye the leery droop that greeted me at the start.

  17. The mathematician gave me a leery look, picked up in barracks.

  18. He never was leery of anything on two feet, I'll say that much for'm.

  19. Just the same I was dead leery when we pulled out on the San Leandro pike.

  20. You see, Engle is just the least little bit leery of Pettigrew.

  21. Obadiah was the one they was leery of, so Weaver put Fieldmouse in the race and told Murphy to take care of you.

  22. The sucker horsemen would be leery of us.

  23. Fer 'er sweet sake I've gone and chucked it clean: The pubs an' schools an' all that leery game.

  24. There's nothing to be leery about here," the man was saying.

  25. The doorkeeper refused to admit me, but I caught his eye, which was glassy, and received a leery wink, while a bottle of bitters nestled cosily in the open bosom of his shirt.

  26. Goodnight was leery of the thicket, and suggested firing a few shots into it.

  27. Every pug is leery of us since Eddie flimflammed that Battling Smoke; and I told you he'd holler, too!

  28. You got to be leery of these men, little one.

  29. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "leery" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    agnostic; cautious; chary; distrustful; doubtful; doubting; dubious; guarded; incredulous; leery; mistrustful; questioning; reluctant; scrupulous; shy; skeptical; suspecting; suspicious; uncertain; wary