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Example sentences for "leest"

Lexicographically close words:
leering; leers; leery; lees; leese; leeste; leet; leetel; leetil; leetla
  1. I didn't much like goin' fur from the Port, leest somethin' ugly mout turn up in my absince.

  2. Spite o' all that's sayed agin him, I hain't the leest surspishun o' his innersense.

  3. By god, out of his sete I wol him tryce; 3715 When he leest weneth, sonest shal he falle.

  4. Al were it the fouleste cherl, or the fouleste womman that liveth, and leest of value, yet is he thanne more foule and more in servitute.

  5. Permit me, az one acquainted at leest with the sentiments of my own sex, to assure you, that a man never respects a woman, who does not respect herself.

  6. Several authorities seem at leest to favor this opinion.

  7. The probability iz, in all such cases, that a man wil make a bad choice; at leest the chances are ten to one against him.

  8. From what haz been advanced on this subject, if we may rely on substantial authorities, and at leest probable etymologies, the following conclusions may be safely deduced.

  9. I am by no meens certain that this derivation of counts from comites, iz just; it iz at leest az probable az otherwise, that contees may be a Gothic word.

  10. This leeds me to say something on one of the most hanous crimes a man can commit, and which the laws of society cannot or at leest do not punish; that iz, seduction.

  11. Their nurses, their companions, their teechers, should be selected from peeple of at leest uncorrupted morals and amiable manners.

  12. This at leest waz the case with respect to matters of small magnitude.

  13. They are the sentiments of a yung frend; one who haz lived long enuf, if not to feel his own faults, at leest to discuver thoze of others; and to form a tolerable estimate of your worth in social life.

  14. Here we trace the word to a remote period of antiquity, and find it used by the emperor of Germany; or at leest an appellation given to one of the first councils in hiz dominions.

  15. But thus ye faren, wel neigh alle and some, That he that most desireth yow to serve, 1150 Of him ye recche leest wher he bicome, And whether that he live or elles sterve.

  16. Neuer the lesse / somtyme may chau[n]ce a thyng that must be either defended or els at the leest excused.

  17. Neuer the lesse / somtyme it happeneth (how beit it is seldome) that a doubte may come / which must be either defended / or at the leest excused.

  18. I dare not prayse, leest for fere I offende; My langage shuld rathere apayere than amend.

  19. Towch not with your mete salte in the saler, leest folke apoynte you of vnconnyngnesse; 212 Dresse yt aparte vpon a clene trenshere.

  20. Certes, non age ne other thing in erthe may the leest sillable of 15 this in no poynte deface, but clerely as the sonne in myne understandinge soule they shynen.

  21. No tonge may telle, ne herte may thinke the leest point of this blisse.

  22. Why make ye men beleve that your golden trentall songe 95 of you, to take therfore ten shillinges, or at the leest fyve shillinges, will bringe soules out of helle, or out of purgatorye?

  23. And if it be the leest perfeccion, why 165 lovest thou than other men more than thy-selfe?

  24. Is that a tame best that is ay feyn 315 To renne away, when he is leest agast?

  25. And he hadde with him atte leest 4210 Thritty servauntes, echon by name.

  26. Richard is told that bribery and wicked connivance at extortion have almost brought it about-- 'That no lond loveth the, and yut leest thyn owene.

  27. Thilke that God gyveth moost, Leest good thei deleth; And moost un-kynde to the commune That moost catel weldeth.

  28. Men of lawe leest pardon hadde, That pleteden for Mede; For the Sauter saveth hem noght, Swiche as take giftes, And nameliche of innocentz That noon yvel ne konneth.

  29. How 75 many men, trowest thou, wolden demen hem-self to ben almost in hevene, yif they mighten atayne to the leest party of the remnaunt of thy fortune?

  30. Pewt when he was doing me a good tirn but he needent have called me them names at leest he needent have called me them mad.

  31. Mary Isak and interduced me and she asted him if he thougt they was verry daingerous men and father laffed and sed no cussen Mary there isent the leest dainger in the wirld.

  32. But grandmothers always seem to want to have you; at leest they do in the case of Travers; but his parints are ded.

  33. Of corse we hoped one at leest of the six messages might be found pretty soon.

  34. Barneys hors, whoso have leest need to hym he shall cost hym xx.

  35. Wherfor the Pryour hathe sent to yow at the leest to send thedyr a newe clothe a yenst Estern.

  36. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "leest" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.