Theyr hartes then at rest with perfect securytie, With a pot of good nale they stroake up theyr plauditie.
O holde the peas, wyfe, and swere no more, But I beshrewe both your hartes therfore.
But ther hartes serue hem not to take a manys gode, while he is present, and woll defende it; wich maner off takynge is callid robbery.
It is not pouerte that kepith Ffrenchmen ffro rysinge, but it is cowardisse and lakke off hartes and corage, wich no Ffrenchman hath like vnto a Englysh man.
The fattiste hartes in all Chyviat We have kyld, and cast[128] to carry them a-way.
We thinke / (saye they) as you thinke / and in our hartes we do reteyne the truithe / and so our mynde is pure.
The Yngglyshe men hade ther bowys yebent, Ther hartes were good yenoughe; The first off arros that the shote off, Seven skore spear-men the sloughe.
The begane in Chyviat the hyls above, Yerly on a monnynday; Be that it drewe to the oware off none, A hondrith fat hartes ded ther lay.
And thus, after that sche be craft had obteaned hir purpoise, we departed in good esperance of hir favouris, praysing God in our hartes that sche was so weall enclyned towardes godlynes.
The woman after was taken to a place to be drowned, and albeit shee had a chyld sucking on her breast, yet this moued nothyng the vnmerciful hartes of the enemies.
God move yourhartes deeplie to considder your awin dewiteis and our present trubles.
And this our weak begynnyng God did so bless, that within few monethis thehartes of many war so strenthned, that we sought to have the face of a Church amanges us, and open crymes to be punished without respect of persone.
Sidenote 57: God graunt all womens hartes to understand and folow this sentence.
For with the prynces of pryde The Prechours dwellen; They ben so digne as the devel That droppeth fro heven, With hartes of heynesse, Whough halwen the cherches, 710 And deleth in devynyte As dogges doth bones.
The begane in Chyviat the hyls above, Yerly on a Monnyn day; Be that it drewe to the oware off none, A hondrith fat hartes ded ther lay.
Syr James Harebotell ther was slayne, For hym ther hartes were sore; The gentyll Lovelle ther was slayne,[L143] That the Percyes standerd bore.
But all that day long walked ye Chrystchilde upon ye earth, unseen to ye people but toching their hartes with his swete love and turning their hands to charity; and all felt that ye Chrystchilde was with them.
These and other matters (which is reported he did) did much estrang the peoples hartes from hym, and, as it was thought by som whome saw how matters went, was the cheefe occation which caused his death.
Truly to my hartes greefe I am eavery day more then other out of hope of any good to be donne in Japon, except trade may be procured into China, which I am not yet out of hope of.
And yet I thincke womens’ hartes coulde skarce aforde to go before: therefore I thincke they came behinde like mourners, bearinge braunches without leaues, their beades in their handes, praying for all christen soules.
Loue holding in full possession the hartes of these twoo louers, blynded theim so muche, as leauing the brydle to large for their honour, they vsed theimselues priuely and apertlye at all tymes one with an other, without anye respect.
The Yngglyshe men had their bowys ybent, ther hartes were good yenoughe; The first of arrows that they shote off, seven skore spear-men they sloughe.
But ther hartes serve them not to take a manys gode, while he is present, and woll defende it.
And so in a king- dome where one chiefly gouerneth, and to a common wealth there the hartes of the subiectes, be moste knitte to obaie.
Thrasibulus, Hismenias and Lisias bi their aduenture, and noble atchiue reduced Athenes to his felicitie so moche loue, soo faithefull hartes they hadde towardes theire countreie.
But God woulde not suffer us so closelie to worke, But that all our doyngs laye open in his sight: Revealinge those myscheifs, that in our hartes did lurke, When wee suspected not, he brought the same to light.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "hartes" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.