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Example sentences for "leaderless"

Lexicographically close words:
lead; leade; leaded; leaden; leader; leaders; leadership; leades; leadest; leadeth
  1. The men-at-arms were all on the ramparts now, watching the leaderless cavalry on the plain.

  2. Jaimihr's thousands will be in no mind to lie leaderless and let Howrah ride rough-shod over them!

  3. And you left your squadron leaderless without my permission!

  4. True the fellows were leaderless and defeated, yet they were desperate spirits, and fully aware that they must attain the open deck in order to recapture the vessel.

  5. When the two parties had become Leaderless Mobs, because even their fictions or absurd issues had reached a common point, then arose the people in the might of their Leaderless Mob, and turned the river into the Augean stables.

  6. The leaderless mobs met other leaderless mobs--that proved to be mere skeletons of organizations led and composed chiefly of wrangling, quarrelling, purposeless, and nearly idealess politicians.

  7. Just so it will be in any government when it is impossible longer for the Leaderless Mob to spring into existence and into power.

  8. Scattered and leaderless groups of captives in a far-off land, they were still that City of God.

  9. His death left Israel leaderless and in great confusion; Ishbaal was personally insignificant, and the people's homage continued to be rendered to him only out of grateful fidelity to his father's memory.

  10. He treacherously seized and imprisoned Jonathan in Ptolemais, and meditated an attack upon the leaderless country.

  11. All the troubled night over the bleakflats leaderless bands of soldiers and Red Guards wandered, clashing and confused, and the Commissars of the Military Revolutionary Committee hurried from one group to another, trying to organise a defence.

  12. Only two days ago the Petrograd campagna was full of leaderless bands, wandering aimlessly; without food, without artillery, without a plan.

  13. As a result of the disastrous failure of the rising, public opinion turned against them, and their leaderless hordes slunk back into the Viborg Quarter, which is Petrograd's St. Antoine.

  14. For Napoleonists there were the Cromwellians, who, though now an exhausted and leaderless party, still clung to the principle of a protectorate.

  15. This time it was the Midianites who overran the land, and held the leaderless people in most abject slavery.

  16. The insane plan of a leaderless House of Commons, left like sheep on a barren moor, owned by an absentee Duke secluded in the Treasury, was to be abandoned.

  17. From this we may gather that the Chancellor had never believed in the plan of a leaderless House of Commons.

  18. We should above all be concerned with the distinction between groups which have a leader and leaderless groups.

  19. Then, rallying his entire force with his old battle cry, he set upon the leaderless hosts.

  20. He could not go out and meet the man himself, because if he were killed or badly wounded, his men would be leaderless and the forces of the High King would gain the victory.

  21. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "leaderless" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.