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Example sentences for "leade"

Lexicographically close words:
leabe; leached; leaches; leaching; lead; leaded; leaden; leader; leaderless; leaders
  1. I shall the lesse neede in this place, to vse many words otherwise then to conclude in this sort, That they came onely by the Northwest from England, hauing these many reasons to leade me thereunto.

  2. Kyng Estmere tooke that fayre ladye, And marryed her to his wiffe, And brought her home to merry England With her to leade his life.

  3. Didst thou not leade him through the glimmering night From Peregenia, whom he rauished?

  4. Vp and downe, vp and downe, I will leade them vp and downe: I am fear'd in field and towne.

  5. They suffered not that we trod on ground; they leade us into the midle of their cottages in our own boats, like a couple of cocks in a Basquett.

  6. These walking spirites sometimes stoppe the way before men as they trauell, and leade them out of their way, and put them in suche great feare, that sometimes they become grayheaded in one night.

  7. But when you come vpon any coast, or doe finde any sholde banke in the sea, you are then to vse your leade oftener, as you shal thinke it requisite, noting diligently the order of your depth, and the deeping and sholding.

  8. And thus leade they their lyves in fullfilling the holy hunger of golde.

  9. Another interesting Quaker document furnishes a glimpse of the "Behmenists" a dozen years later--at about the period when John Pordage and Jane Leade were beginning to "wait together in prayer and pure meditation.

  10. Ere I leade this life long, Ile sowe nether stockes, and mend them too.

  11. Come Neighbor: the boy shall leade our Horses downe the hill: Wee'l walke a-foot a while, and ease our Legges Theeues.

  12. I will do so: My Lord of Westmerland leade him to his Tent West.

  13. Come my Lord, Ile leade you to your Tent Prin.

  14. Pyrithous, Leade on the Bride; get you and pray the Gods For successe, and returne; omit not any thing In the pretended Celebration.

  15. Go, leade the way; you have won it: It shall be so; you shall receave all dues Fit for the honour you have won; Twer wrong else.

  16. Leade into the Citty, Where having bound things scatterd, we will post [Florish.

  17. Espetyallye where cyrcumstances leade Dyrectlye to the poynte he aymethe at.

  18. For, as the doctrine of their becoming one with the God of their religion is a fundamental characteristic of all Mystics, so is it with Jane Leade also.

  19. How happie was I when I saw her leade The Shepheards daughters dauncing in a rownd!

  20. Nay, if circumstances leade me on, 100 Ile finde it out, if it were hid As deepe as the centre of the earth.

  21. As princely a hoste that kyng dyd leade As ever march'd on playne: Alas!

  22. And albeit they all leade us with a common accord to despise povertie, and other accidental!

  23. Leade he his life in open aire, And in affaires full of despaire.

  24. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "leade" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.