It is composed chiefly of blood vessels and a delicate form of connective tissue that holds them in place.
Each kidney is a compound tubular gland and is composed chieflyof the parts concerned in secretion.
The nest is a neat cup, some 4 or 5 inches in diameter and perhaps 3 inches in height, composed chiefly of moss and lined with black moss-roots and fibres.
Here and there we detect the remains of birch under the peat, but the peat itself is composed chiefly of bog-moss and heather.
Another, composed chiefly of Germans, he placed under Count Mansfeldt, with orders to assail the centre.
To Ferdinand was given the command of the cavalry, composed chiefly of Italians.
Brant and the Butlers attended him, and there a large council was held, composed chieflyof Cayugas and Senecas.
Stanolind Liquid Paraffin (said to be composed chiefly of marsh gas hydrocarbons) were each treated with 5Â gm.
Another specimen of liquid petrolatum, said to be composed chiefly of saturated hydrocarbons, after saturation at room temperature was found to contain 1.
A specimen of liquid petrolatum, said to be composed chiefly of hydrocarbons of the naphthene series, after saturation with iodin at room temperature was found to contain 1.
Miascite is one of the varieties of syenite most frequently spoken of; it is composed chiefly of orthoclase and nepheline, with hornblende and quartz as occasional accessory minerals.
Note: The test of crustaceans and insects is composed largely of chitin; in mollusks it is composed chiefly of calcium carbonate, and is called the shell.
It is composed chiefly of vegetable fibres and fine grass; these being coated outwardly by a thick layer of cobweb and small white cocoons.
Immediately on entering into possession they proceeded to cover the floor of the cavity with a collection of rubbish, composed chiefly of rags, grass, twigs, and bits of paper.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "composed chiefly" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.