In Magnetism and Meteorologythe most important thing was the great magnetic storm of Sept.
Footnote 1: Since this was written Professor McAdie has been appointed to the chair of Meteorology at Harvard University.
Fergusson, for many years a pioneer worker in mountainmeteorology at Blue Hill Observatory and an associate of Professor Church at the Mount Rose Observatory, which has now become a part of the University of Nevada.
If anyone shall say--By that definition you make not only geology and chemistry branches of natural history, but meteorology and astronomy likewise--I cannot deny it.
Electricity, Chemistry, Zoology and Botany, Geology and Mineralogy, Meteorology and Astronomy.
Mr. Symons was a man who probably did more for the science of meteorology than did any other man of his time: therefore he probably did more to hold back the science of meteorology than did any other man of his time.
The branch of meteorology dealing with the study of the upper air is called aerology.
As compared with its sister science, astronomy, meteorology appears to be still in a very undeveloped state.
The Colonel," Mrs. Fazakerly explained, "is studying the meteorology of Wickshire.
Meteorology apart, the Colonel, like more than one great philosopher, held that science was but another name for ignorance.
For our present purpose we shall look at certain macrotelluric events - events in which large areas of the earth are engaged - taking our examples from meteorology on the one hand and from seismic (volcanic) processes on the other.
For meteorology has come to know of a heat-mantle surrounding the earth's atmosphere for which various hypothetical explanations have been advanced.
Let us, therefore, turn to Howard's discovery, undisturbed by the extension to which modern meteorology has subjected it.
There is one point, it must now be observed, in which the science of meteorology differs from all others.
We do not bring meteorology forward as a pursuit adapted for the occupation of tedious leisure, or the amusement of a careless hour.
Illustration] Treatises on meteorology have not, up to the present day, classified with sufficient regularity the divers optical phenomena of the air.
Since the beginning of the present century, treatises on meteorology designate, under the name of the Ulloa circle, the pale external arch which surrounds the phenomenon, and this same circle has sometimes been called the "white rainbow.
This subject has been greatly advanced by Professor Loomis, whose paper has been pronounced, by the highest authority, to be the best specimen of inductive reasoning which meteorology has produced.
It places meteorology on a mathematical basis, and explains why it is that a storm may be raging at one place, while in another, not very remote, the weather may be fine, and yet be dependent on the position of the moon.
Our theory has thus extended itself beyond those limits which we at first had drawn, and our apology must consist in the necessity existing for reconciling the most remarkable phenomena of meteorology to its principles.
They are therefore combined in the following chapter which is devoted chiefly to a technical discussion of the meteorology as distinguished from the climatology of the Peruvian Andes.
Polarity of light is another of the wonders of which Meteorology takes cognizance.
While at the first view Meteorology may appear to occupy but a limited sphere, upon a closer examination it will be found to embrace almost all the sciences, and to be commensurate with Nature itself.
We have here discussed one of the most important phenomena of the meteorology of the tropics, considered in its most general view.
However, those who know anything of the gigantic strides meteorology has made within the past few years are aware that in the main its prognostications are accurate.
Meteorology is of invaluable assistance in other ways: in warning our coasts of coming storms; in deciding the climate and consequent healthfulness of the different parts of the country.
A work of intense and indeed painful interest, from the sufferings of those who performed this journey; of value to geography by no means proportional to those sufferings; but instructive in meteorology and natural history.
Chiefly relating to the natural history, and meteorologyof the mountain.
If any one shall say--By that definition you make not only geology and chemistry branches of natural history, but meteorology and astronomy likewise--I cannot deny it.
Meteorology is yet a new science, and many developments of principles remain to be made.
These revealed that, as early as twenty years before his death, he had made discoveries of vast importance to meteorology and astronomy.
The crippled lad had definitely settled down to the study of meteorology and spent all his time either at his instruments or at his books.
The study of these will undoubtedly benefit meteorology and perhaps go far to explain the unsolved problems of the Service.
Meteorology is an exact science, and forecasting is an art.
In no department of meteorology has fiction adhered so closely to the facts as in the sea-rover accounts of the hurricane.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "meteorology" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word. Other words: climatology; forecasting; hydrostatics; kinetics; meteorology; photometry; pneumatics