But in the jungles their huts are of bamboo matting plastered with mud, with thatched roofs.
Both the Gonds and Gowaris frequent the jungles for long periods together, and it is natural that intimacies should spring up between the youth of either sex.
Nipa junglesbristled at the mouths of rivers, and the valleys were verdant with dense mango copses.
It led through jungles of dense underbrush, where monkeys scolded at us, and where wild pigs, with startled grunts, bolted precipitously for the thicket.
Hornaday maintained his health throughout five years of almost constant travel and exploration in the woods and jungles of Cuba, South America, India, the Malay Archipelago, and Borneo.
They say that the spirit of the dead man will want it to hack his way through the jungles of the lower world.
And like one bewitched he set off at a bound, Though jungles of grasses grew thickly around.
At the same time they serve to scare away wild beasts when the runner is passing through lonely forests or jungles where danger lurks in the quivering grasses.
But in South America there are so many jungles that it will be hard to find a level starting ground for a take-off, after we land.
In fancy he could see the forest and junglesof South America.
We have too many jungles to wade through and a horse would be stung to death in a day or two.
After we leave the steamer, Tom, we'll get out of the jungles into the highlands.
Benson, the Forest Officer of the district, tells me there are many of them in the jungles here.
Besides, you are only allowed to shoot rogues; and since he's been here there have been none in these jungles which formerly swarmed with them.
After winding through dense jungles of bamboos and interminable groves of destroyed plantains, we perceived the tops of a number of grass huts appearing among the trees.
Proud of his knowledge of wild plants, no sooner was the march ended than he commenced a search in the jungles for something esculent.
Now a mighty roar shook the jungles and Bose realised that the tiger had leapt upon the roof of the palki and was scratching furiously at it.
In those days, the jungles of Assam swarmed with tigers but a "man-eater" was very rarely known there.
Wild animals abounded in these jungles and the camp servants did not appreciate the site.
Once in the jungles of India he had used an exceedingly powerful red light to frighten a tiger.
Of course, in America there are not such wild jungles as in countries which are hot all the year round.
These berries grow quite wild, on bushes here and there in the fields, and even in the jungles near by.
Other Kinds of Deer I must now tell you about some other kinds of deer that live in jungles and forests in other countries.
There is sure to be a stream or two in the jungles there, like the one where we saw the buffaloes drinking at midnight.
So in this book I shall tell you about another kind of buffalo, that lives in thejungles of India.
As well train aviators and then put them in submarines as train the Indian Army for the frontier and the plains and then put them in these swamps and jungles where your enemy is invisible and your sole “formation” is single file.
Where was the sense in marching through these foul swamps andjungles as though it were along the Queen’s Road at Bombay?
From what I have hitherto said it seems plain that wild boar is not a safe article of food, unless, perhaps, when, it inhabits remote jungles where foul food can rarely be met with.
But he learned no secrets from them; they were as baffling, as crowded with mysteries, as the black jungles ahead of him.
The nearness of another white person reassured me, for--oh, before that it was terrible in those jungles and swamps!
In that instant he seemed to slip back through a millennium and endure the concentrated pains of a hundred bodies--a flame of cosmic anguish burning down through the dim jungles of time.
She could smell the beast, flanks aquiver, and wet, monsoon jungles in his sentences--sentences that abounded with the metaphors that he liked to use.
Dare he attempt the passage of those fearful jungles alone?
He had heard that such mischievous things as newspapers existed, but he had never seen one, neither had that ubiquitous animal the newspaper-correspondent ever been met with in the evergreen jungles of Cape St. Andrea.
The olive is indigenous to the island, and the low scrub jungles of Baffo, the Carpas district, and other portions abound with the wild species, which can be rendered fruitful by grafting.
The olives, which are also indigenous, might be treated in a similar manner to render the crown-lands productive, which are now merejungles of shrubs and trees in their natural state.
Indeed, in districts where snakes abound the worship is offered, not at the grave of the dough snake, but in the jungles where snakes are known to be.
They went to the zoo and saw dinosaurs, a tyrannosaurus, and many other monsters extinct on Earth millions of years ago, but still breeding in the jungles of Tara.
I don't want to be reminded what it's like to be so hungry that I'd go out into jungles and trap small animals and take a chance on meeting a tyrannosaurus.
He knows these jungles well and did a lot of shooting in them.
Of all the swarming herds of wild elephants in the Terai, the Mysore, or the Ceylon jungles no man, white or black, has ever seen one that had died a natural death.
His nights were passed beside his faithful friend high up in the Himalayan passes, where the snow was already falling, or down in the jungles still reeking of fever and sweltering in tropic heat.
One brute has held up the junglesaround Mendabari for months.
Elliot, Experiences of a Planter in theJungles of Mysore (London, 1871), i.
The fowl, a native of the hot jungles of India, becomes more fertile than its parent-stock in every quarter of the world, until we advance as far north as Greenland and Northern Siberia, where this bird will not breed.
The fowl has varied equally, or almost equally, with the pigeon, and is a native of the hot jungles of India.
But the distances of Brazil are infinite, and the jungles of Brazil are malevolent, and the route down the Rio Laurenço was designed by the architect of hell.
The steadier droning from the town grew lighter as the jungles echoed for many miles with the sounds of aircraft motors overhead.