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Example sentences for "janizaries"

Lexicographically close words:
janissaries; janissary; janitor; janitors; janitress; janizary; jantleman; japanned; japanning; jape
  1. Russia was soon fully occupied in her offensive campaign against Napoleon and correspondingly disabled in the East, while the Sultan's janizaries by low intrigue rendered active operations on his part impossible.

  2. When the janizaries had gone away, she went to the door of the furnace and whispered to Mahmoud.

  3. At one time the janizaries were the best trained and most useful troops.

  4. The wicked janizaries were conquered, but Mahmoud had a sad and troubled reign.

  5. My janizaries are within call," returned Wild.

  6. One night, about this time, just as Austin was about to lock the great gate, Jonathan Wild and his two janizaries entered the Lodge with a prisoner bound hand and foot.

  7. It was late before Jonathan ventured to his own house, where he remained up all night, and kept his janizaries and other assistants well armed.

  8. It's precisely the same thing to me to bid my janizaries cut Thames Darrell's throat, as to order Jack Sheppard's execution.

  9. And the door was suddenly thrown open, and the two janizaries felled to the ground by the strong arm of the stalwart robber.

  10. He then threw open the door of the vehicle, in which he found his janizaries with their arms pinioned, and, leaping into it, ordered the man to drive off.

  11. One of the janizaries was drawing his scimitar, but Mohand bade him put it up, and making an obeisance to Moll, he told us we should suffer no hurt if we surrendered peaceably.

  12. Mohand ou Mohand was the first to spring upon our deck, and behind came his janizaries and half a score of seamen.

  13. I pray you will bear it in mind, thou great changeling,--that established a college of a hundred janizaries, and nominated these janizaries for the trifling sum of one hundred thousand ducats.

  14. The janizaries wavered for a moment under this new and unexpected attack, but, soon perceiving that they had to do with the King of Hungary, they closed round his band, which had penetrated far into their ranks.

  15. This infantry of the janizaries was the first standing army in Europe.

  16. The Emperor fell amid a heap of slain, and a column of janizaries rushed into Constantinople over his lifeless body.

  17. The gate of Charsias and the quarter of Blachern were also assailed by chosen regiments of janizaries in overwhelming numbers.

  18. Hasan and many of his followers were slain, but the janizaries had secured the vantage-ground, and, fresh troops pouring in to their aid, they surrounded the defenders of the breach.

  19. He even talked of ordering his admiral, Baltaoghlu, to be impaled on the spot; but the janizaries present compelled even Mahomet to restrain his vengeance.

  20. The least beautiful, but not the least interesting sight, is the gallery where the costumes of the Janizaries are exhibited.

  21. These janizaries were the most fierce, merciless, and indomitable of men; and their energies were directed by English officers and by French engineers.

  22. But a perfect swarm of janizaries suddenly poured in upon them, with the keen sabre in one hand, and the dagger in the other, and in a few moments they were all reduced to headless trunks.

  23. The two Janizaries exchanged glances of uneasiness; but Achmed Pacha's stern, handsome face was inscrutable in its composure.

  24. After a terrible conflict fought over the bodies of their slain comrades, they cut to pieces a detachment of Janizaries that had been sent to oppose their passage.

  25. This is where the Janizaries attacked the forces of His Sacred Majesty Bismillah II.

  26. This is where the Janizaries overthrew and assassinated Mahmoud I.

  27. Every little while our guide would say, "This is where the Janizaries conquered the forces of Abdullah VI.

  28. The Janizaries were a body of military police, organized about 1330, originally of young Christians compelled to become Moslems.

  29. The Mamelukes were the Janizaries of Egypt, though fewer in number.

  30. The Janizaries received an education in the Moslem faith and careful instruction in the use of arms.

  31. Compare the Janizaries with the Christian military-religious orders.

  32. L'Art) 1305 Orchan, successor to Othman, originates the institution of Janizaries p.

  33. That power is just what it was before the Janizaries were formed.

  34. The Pacha landed on the 29th, and gave pay to all the janizaries who were willing to fight, but nothing was given to the slaves and mariners.

  35. On the 5th of August, the Pacha ordered the janizaries to land with their arms, and all the gallies to man and arm their boats.

  36. The Pacha was much displeased at this, yet sent his Kiahya and some janizaries to Zabid, which is three days journey inland, to carry a standard to the sheikh.

  37. On the 2d of November, the Sanjak with the janizaries and all the rest of the Turks embarked, leaving all their artillery behind, which they had not time to carry off.

  38. The janizaries fled from their intrenchments: I had time to throw into them fascines and gabions, to make a passage for my cavalry who pursued them, I know not how: the fog dispersed and the Turks perceived a dreadful breach.

  39. Under the banner of their veteran leader, the Janizaries fought and conquered but he withdrew from the field of Varna, again to pray, to fast, and to turn round with his Magnesian brethren.

  40. In that fatal moment, the Janizaries arose, fresh, vigorous, and invincible.

  41. The Janizaries fought with the zeal of proselytes against their idolatrous countrymen; and in the battle of Cossova, the league and independence of the Sclavonian tribes was finally crushed.

  42. While he led his Janizaries to new conquests in Europe and Asia, the Byzantine empire was indulged in a servile and precarious respite of thirty years.

  43. But the sword of his Janizaries could not defend him from the dagger of despair; a Servian soldier started from the crowd of dead bodies, and Amurath was pierced in the belly with a mortal wound.

  44. Footnote 902: The Janizaries obtained, for the first time, a gift on the accession of a new sovereign, p.

  45. In the end the janizaries were forced to retreat in their turn.

  46. Ten boats of the largest size, having a thousand janizaries on board, were seen advancing across the Great Harbor from the opposite shore.

  47. The janizaries rushed forward with their usual impetuosity, under a murderous discharge of artillery and small arms from the fortress as well as from the shipping, which was so situated as to support the fire of the besieged.

  48. He gave notice to his countrymen; and a party of janizaries succeeded, by means of their ladders, in scaling the walls of the ravelin.

  49. But though staggered by this double fire on front and flank, the janizaries were not stayed in their career, nor even thrown into disarray.

  50. At length, faint with heat and excessive toil, and many staggering under wounds, it was with difficulty that the janizaries could be brought back to the attack; and Mustapha saw with chagrin that St. Elmo was not to be won that day.

  51. The janizaries followed close on the fugitives.

  52. The Pacha led on his janizaries to meet them, but it seems with small hope of making a successful resistance, for at the same moment he threw into the sea a small box which was supposed to contain his most precious jewels.

  53. Dashing into the advancing squadron, he had the good-fortune to sink one galley by the force of his fire; and he immediately boarded another and put all the janizaries to the sword.

  54. The gallant Karacosh was compelled to surrender to Juan Bautista Cortez, a captain of the King of Spain, although his galley was defended by one hundred fifty picked janizaries and was one of the best built and equipped vessels in the fleet.

  55. The retreat of the ten thousand after the death of Cyrus did not equal the glorious suicide of these ten thousand Janizaries about the body of their Sultan.

  56. Satisfied that his sons were safe he continued to fight for glory or for death behind the rampart of his Janizaries who formed about him a circular wall with their dead bodies.

  57. The disciplined and veteran troops were carefully arranged in several lines of battle, Mohammed himself at the center and in their front with his twenty thousand Janizaries waiting for the decisive moment to arrive.

  58. But at the close of the day Mohammed entered at the head of his Janizaries to restore order.

  59. The presence of the Sultan brandishing his battle-mace, the shame of forsaking their sovereign, the reproaches of the Janizaries rallied the shaken columns and the battle was on as fierce as ever.

  60. In the mean time, we are lodged in one of the best houses, belonging to a very considerable man amongst them, and have a whole chamber of janizaries to guard us.

  61. Indeed the janizaries had no mercy on their poverty, killing all the poultry and sheep they could find, without asking to whom they belonged; while the wretched owners durst not put in their claim, for fear of being beaten.

  62. I happened to bespeak pigeons for supper, upon which one of my janizaries went immediately to the cadi (the chief civil officer of the town) and ordered him to send in some dozens.

  63. If any of them had taken the liberties of our mobs upon any strange sight, our janizaries had made no scruple of falling on them with their scimitars, without danger for so doing, being above law.

  64. The physical training of the young Janizaries consisted in such daily exercises as would develop strength and tirelessness of muscle, steadiness of nerve, keenness and accuracy of eye, as well as grace of mien.

  65. Kara Khalil Tschendereli, the founder of the Janizaries in the time of Sultan Orchan.

  66. The Asiatics were given the northern and the Janizaries the southern defence; either of them outnumbering any force Scanderbeg could send against them.

  67. Any special talent or adaptability was noted by the instructors, and the Janizaries encouraged to attain to rare expertness in single arts.

  68. The Janizaries retreated a few steps from the platform.

  69. The Janizaries have not roamed these Albanian hills for twelve years without finding out the secrets of the country.

  70. This would have been accomplished had not Constantine and a handful of his company made a living wall between the Janizaries and those who were leading away the miserable man.

  71. My fathers felt the independence of the Janizaries to be a menace to their thrones.

  72. Shall we, then, kiss the toe of the pope because he calls himself the grand vizier of Allah, when our Janizaries can cut the throats of his soldiers, as our brethren of Arabia destroyed the crusaders?

  73. Constantine, baffling a half dozen Janizaries who were pressing upon him.

  74. The Janizaries returned to their places near the walls.

  75. But that is a thing of the past, as the Sultan Mahmoud, in the interest of civilization and humanity, butchered the Janizaries and thus opened the way to progress and reform.

  76. Mohammed Ali found the Mamelukes troublesome, just as the Janizaries were in Constantinople, and he determined to get rid of them.

  77. The Janizaries used to consider it rather meritorious than otherwise to stab Christians, while peaceably walking the streets, and other Moslems followed their example.

  78. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "janizaries" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.