But I haue fortefied my harte, and so armed my inwarde minde, as if God continue that grace in me, which hitherto he hath done, I hope not to be surprised.
The Duchesse aunswered: that shee committed all her right into the mercie of God, who knew the inwarde thoughtes of her harte, and to the manhode of the knight, albeit she thought that she had neuer seen him.
Consyder his sadnes: His honestye deuyse His clothynge expresseth his inwarde prudence Ye se no Example of suche Inconuenyence In his hyghnes: but godly wyt and grauyte.
But then some began to daunce, other to play on their instrumëts, shewing outwardly their inwardeioyes of harte.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "inwarde" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.