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Example sentences for "invoices"

Lexicographically close words:
invocated; invocation; invocations; invoice; invoiced; invoke; invoked; invoker; invokes; invoking
  1. And he spent the remainder of a hot day checking invoices in the shipping entrance on Second Street.

  2. We've got a lot of invoices to put through to-day.

  3. The invoices were signed by the former ordnance-sergeant, Olodowski, as a captain of ordnance, and I think he continued such on General Bragg's staff through the whole of the subsequent civil war.

  4. A register, and bill of sale, were prepared in legal form, the crew shipped according to the laws relating to the merchant service, and regular invoices and bills of lading made out of her cargo of cotton.

  5. He profited by so good an opportunity for swindling, eventually forging invoices of articles, and drawing bills of exchange upon the Confederate Government, which were duly honored.

  6. He insisted that, although the shippers might be required to furnish invoices and bills of lading, they should not be sent to the prize court for their property.

  7. The owners would be requested, he said, to prove that they were the bona fide owners by submitting bills of lading and invoices to the court.

  8. As regards warranty, they thought that the precedent created by the Margarine Act should be followed generally, and that invoices and equivalent documents should have the force of warranties.

  9. The accountant-general's department has three principal divisions: the estimates division, the navy pay division, and the invoices and claims division.

  10. Footnote 13: Correspondence relative to the refusal of the United States consul at Cadiz, Spain, to certify invoices of wines shipped from that port, etc.

  11. Footnote 16: Stating that the correspondence relative to the refusal of the United States consul at Cadiz, Spain, to certify invoices of wines shipped from that port had been sent to the Senate.

  12. Mr. Barmesyde was not a mere feeder on good things, however; he had a cultivated taste for literature, and his invoices of wine were frequently accompanied by parcels of new books.

  13. Merchants despatching goods to Persia by the Nushki-route should be careful to have each of the original invoices of their goods attested by some qualified officer at the place from which the goods are despatched.

  14. The invoices should be clearly written in the English or French languages.

  15. Invoices are not required on shipments of foreign goods of less value than $5.

  16. Invoices under $5, covering products of the soil or industry of the United States must be certified in order to enjoy the provisions of the reciprocity treaty between the two countries.

  17. The Customs regulations of Cuba require five sets of invoices for Havana and four for all other points; which must be written in ink, in either English or Spanish.

  18. Invoices and declarations must be written on only one side of the paper, and no erasures, corrections, alterations or additions must be made, unless stated in a signed declaration.

  19. I decided to examine all the invoices from the first day of the year, and compare them with the entries in the book, which had been transferred to the ledger.

  20. The invoices were fictitious, and this explanation showed me why the junior partner did not wish me to mention them to any one.

  21. Mr. Faxon and the invoices will soon answer me one way or the other.

  22. I'll bring down those invoices to-morrow.

  23. When I found the invoices were missing, I spoke to him about them, and in about two weeks he brought them from his rooms.

  24. None of the invoices which were missing had been entered in this book.

  25. The cash amounts of these invoices had been paid, and I supposed the lumber had been received in the yard.

  26. I took the mysterious invoices from the file, enclosed them in an envelope, and delivered Mr. Collingsby's message to the head salesman.

  27. Certainly the lumber included in those invoices you brought down from your rooms was never entered in the lumber book.

  28. I discovered four other entries for which there were no invoices at all.

  29. Where are those invoices which you think are fictitious ones?

  30. Mr. Faxon would be able to inform the senior partner that the lumber mentioned in the fictitious invoices had never been received in the yard.

  31. When I obtained the invoices I could tell whether I had made a failure or not in the act of taking a trial balance.

  32. Send the invoices by him," continued the senior.

  33. Having enumerated various commodities which suffered a general depreciation, it may be sufficient to add that many invoices of fancy goods, and such as do not constitute a staple trade, were sold at from sixty to seventy per cent.

  34. Even the postman delivered peaceful invoices to the consul with his side-arms and the air of bringing dispatches from the field of battle; and the consul saluted, and felt for a few moments the whole weight of his consular responsibility.

  35. Hence it was that the consul's chief duty was to uphold the flag of his own country by the examination and certification of divers invoices sent to his office by the manufacturers.

  36. And the securer business of certifying invoices recommenced.

  37. By enclosing invoices and other communications in goods.

  38. Merchants' accounts not exceeding one sheet of paper, bills of exchange, invoices and bills of lading, were to pay nothing over the charge of the letter in which they might be enclosed.

  39. Invoices can be filed in the same file with the correspondence, or in a special file.

  40. There would then be two folders for a firm, one for invoices and one for correspondence.

  41. Without an invoice your goods cannot leave the ship, and I know of cases where cargoes have been held awaiting invoices for eight weeks.

  42. Secure shipping list forms beforehand and find out if consular invoices are needed.

  43. A folder should be used for each firm or person from whom goods are purchased, so that all of their invoices can be kept together.

  44. All invoices are made in duplicate, the original going to the customer.

  45. The return of two or three invoices to a printer who neglects this will have the desired effect.

  46. With the numbers on the invoices it is a very simple matter to find the copy of the order, which will show just what was ordered and for what department.

  47. Invoices should be filed in the folder in the order of their dates, the last one in front.

  48. The method of filing invoices depends on whether or not a complete voucher system is used.

  49. When no voucher system is used, all invoices should be filed alphabetically in a vertical file.

  50. Invoices are made in duplicate, one copy being filed as a sales sheet.

  51. For one thing, he reduced the time consumed in passing upon invoices of goods intended for exportation to the United States from twenty-four hours to three hours, greatly to the convenience of the Crefeld manufacturers.

  52. Of course you do right in watching the invoices to see that the revenues of Uncle Sam are not defrauded, but if you expect to attract the notice of the State Department or the country, I fear you will be disappointed.

  53. These are all invoiced and samples examined at the consulates, while to avoid frauds, copies of the sworn invoices are sent to the shipper, to the Custom House, and to the Treasury.

  54. Were you able to identify those invoices and state to whom they had been assigned to fill?

  55. Yes, sir; there were some invoices on it.

  56. I request that rigid orders be given requiring the shipping officers to forward in advance complete invoices and bills of lading, with descriptive marks of every package, and the number and description of car in which shipped.

  57. Letters for foreign countries were sent with steamer postage invoices (chalans) to the different Presidency towns.

  58. He is to make a copy of all Walker's invoices since the beginning of this year.

  59. I spent several hours a day working up my arithmetic, making out imaginary invoices against every imaginable person, and generally preparing myself for office work.

  60. At that time a tax was collected on all goods shipped south by private parties, and it was necessary that duplicate invoices of shipments should be furnished to the collector before the permits could be issued.

  61. The ignorance of this fact by many shippers frequently caused them much annoyance, and invoices were ofttimes made out with great haste, in order to ensure shipment by boats on the eve of departure.

  62. Some firms therefore have the invoices and sales sheets of equal size.

  63. This permits one to hold the large sales sheet in the machine until enough invoices have been manifolded thereon to cover the page, at which time the sales sheet is reversed.

  64. There are many reasons, in various lines, why duplicate invoices are desirable and even necessary.

  65. Some firms having invoices of one or two items only, which permits of from seven to nine invoices being manifolded on each page, have the invoices made up in blanket form; that is, seven or eight invoices to a strip.

  66. If one should ask them how they know that all invoices are charged (or copied into the tissue books) the invariable answer would be, "Oh!

  67. A distinction should be made between those firms who make their invoices before the goods are shipped, and those who make the invoices after the goods have been shipped.

  68. The invoices can be placed in the machine and removed therefrom after being written, without interfering with the sales sheet.

  69. If two invoices were accidently picked up by the person copying, the top invoice would not be copied on the tissue sheet.

  70. All of the rules which govern the making of invoices and loose-leaf sales sheets apply to the execution of credit memoranda.

  71. In some lines of business it is possible to use invoices of equal size.

  72. When the invoice was finished it was ready to mail—no delay in copying invoices, no blurred invoices through careless copying.

  73. The top sheet is perforated horizontally at equal distances, which permits the invoices to be torn apart so that one blanket of form invoices may be separated into three or four separate invoices.

  74. The invoices were wider than the regular-size invoice and were perforated about 1 inch or 1½ inches from the left side, as shown in Fig.

  75. Already invoices were being distributed and orders entered up.

  76. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "invoices" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.